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But is it from her own accord or is she playing tactically via management. I honestly don't know what to believe with Kate anymore. I used to really like her but how she's treated that poor baby up to now has been nothing short of heartbreaking. And also that tit of a partner she has. He's been just as useless. I hope they realise how shameful their behaviour has been but I don't think they'll ever see just how terrible they've acted and how they've broadcast it to so many people. They should have stayed owners of dogs and that's it.
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Oh I absolutely do judge her, yes. And that’s because I judge people who show shitty selfish behaviour. When you choose to bring a child into the world it’s your role to look after them. These two clearly feel too pained to tend to Noa. I mean how dare the baby disrupt their sleep and demand on off hourly attention throughout the day and night. Nah, they book a nanny three nights a week and dick about in that time. Like many others on here, she’s gone from being lovely to follow to sheer foul. Its uncomfortable to say but her behaviour just screams “ahhh I regret this but I’m stuck with her now.”
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It’s just crass to be posting and bragging about all your freebies in the current climate. Read the room Kate?!
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Pains me to type it but i think Kate is having to force herself to love her child.
I don't think she ever wanted them, relapsed in a moment of madness and now it's a life sentence.
She only wants to waft about with her dogs, being a ladette and doing her radio show and having zero responsibility really.
And for the love of God, who gets someone with questionable hygiene to promote soap?!!
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That deodorant / soap company should find someone else to advertise.
I'd be less inclined to buy something with Kate bigging it up in such a SHOUTY UNFUNNY WAY.
It's like that awful Safe Style guy who used to shout YA BUY ONE, YA GET ONE FREE when advertising double glazing. I used to switch off when it came on the TV.
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Chatty Member
Why is she so obsessed with what her mil is eating? Its clearly not healthy whats shes eating, the woman clearly has some form of an ED so stop using it for likes and content!
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Chatty Member
So now she’s (again) blaming Noa with “she’s a different baby now” etc etc, it couldn’t possibly be her responsibility to ADAPT and change her mindset to become happier. No, it’s definitely Noa that has changed and made her life easier to handle. Well done Noa for changing your personality to suit your Mummy 👏🏻👏🏻

Now, when it’s time to wean you onto food in a few month’s time, could you just be a poppet and take to it like a duck to water please? No mess, no refusal. There’s a good girl.

Oh, and teething ....could you just keep that to yourself and not make it your Mummy’s problem, ta 👋🏻

This way, you’ll manage to keep your Mummy happy and she can’t blame you anymore for how difficult she finds Motherhood.
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I'd be really pissed if she got the Elvie. Every influencer and their mother seems to have one but I can't justify paying almost £500 for two pumps. I've been pumping/bf for 7 months and will be doing it at work so would really love one! I'll just stick to my £30 pump 😂
And you’ll be doing it all with a smile across your Chevy Chase because you are obviously a positive soul who has embraced Motherhood and surely must get annoyed by these moany InstaMums?? Or is that just me??

Just so everyone knows, I started this 3rd thread about her because I was just so fuming about how she was blaming EVERYONE else about her sheer reluctance to devote herself to Motherhood.

I am not knocking PND (I believe I had it myself, but think I may have just been suffering from a lack of family support because I’ve had a 2nd baby and still have no help, but I don’t seem to care this time!)

I am not an expert on Tattle rules, but I will be starting a 4th thread when this one runs out if she continues to run the narrative about babies being the problem. As long as she continues to coin phrases like “she has got herself into a routine” and “she seems happier” as if the baby is a mini dictator who dictates rules to whom they must succumb, then I will continue to speak the truth about her baby being a human being who needs her Mum. Not an inconvenience who has come to wreck their lives.
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I've unfollowed her for my own sanity as she makes me want to.punch my phone. What a bitch.
The way she speaks to amd mocks her future MIL
Has the audacity to moan at Boj about an empty packet here and there. Er hello? HE COOKS EVERY SINGLE MEAL YOU EAT.
Blatantly loves those dogs more than her daughter who she is happy to palm off onto anyone at the earliest opportunity.
The constant shouting, the yes or no thing, the escapades in pumping.
Do us all a favour Kate, shut the fuck up and hdy on with it.
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I love dogs. I love border terriers. But her feeding her dog from her mouth made me yelp out loud 🤢

Why does she always take blurry eyed photos with the flash on during night feeds? So much attention seeking.

Her breast implants are pretty bad.

I just can’t get over the aggressive tone of voice and shouting. The way she spoke to the shopkeeper boiled my piss. It’s not funny, he’s not one of your “fans” who thinks being aggressive all the time is a laugh. And maybe he doesn’t want to be filmed either.

My son is almost 5 and still doesn’t sleep through the night. Neither do I as a grown up. Drives me crazy when people hold their infants to impossible standards.
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They are just a joke. They aren’t endearing, they arent entertaining, they don’t create any feeling in me now other than irritation.
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I’m calling Bingo and pledging that tonight’s show will see her incredibly smug with herself and boastful about the fact that she used her hypnobirthing techniques and remained calm and positive throughout the entire ordeal of lying down in no pain whatsoever whilst she had full advance knowledge of exactly what was happening to her. Well done for staying calm throughout that, Kate! 👏🏻

(And that is not me slating planned c-sections, I am fully aware they are incredibly difficult to recover from and they come with their own difficulties afterwards, but the birth itself is no match for the sheer terror, panic, shock and helplessness of a vaginal birth or an emergency c-section)
How do you know what baggage, trauma or risk people are bringing to a planned c-section? Sorry but I don't think these comparisons are helpful. You could apply all those words you used to a planned c-section in some cases not to mention the aftermath of a CS (which you have rightfully highlighted yourself).
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Whoops i said it

VIP Member
Or maybe she is finally getting into the swing of things. She mentioned the other day about a therapist, so has seek professional help.

When I had PND, it was horrific and not able to talk to anyone because it’s supposed to be natural to love your child and want to put them first. When it doesn’t feel natural, it makes you feel such a failure and very alone.

Some of you are so lucky how you bonded with your baby and should be grateful it feels so alien to you. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Additionally, I know it’s not confirmed PND.
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Lol nah, carrot tomatoes and a pepper for dinner? Thats odd.
It's odd to you. I assume you are British. I live in Spain and was raised by my mother who was Dutch and vegan. Both Spain and the Netherlands eat differently to the British. It isnt odd at all, it is just different to how you would eat it.
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Well-known member
With all due respect I think this comment is quite insensitive to those that cannot or chose not to have kids? Maybe even triggering for those struggling with infertility. A life can be truly lived either way, both paths are valid ❤
I assumed the poster meant their life personally? I lived before I had kids and I live now. I just live a very different life right now. I loved my old life, I love my new life. I don’t think they meant a life isn’t truly lived if you don’t have kids.
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When I balance my posts against others I feel like I’m pretty pro kate. But crikey the new pics, Noa is in a romper... they’re in coats and hat. Pub and cafe gardens are bloody FREEZING right now... get her hoody back on, get a blanket out 🤦🏻‍♀️
I've fucking told them both separately about clothing yet adequately. It's neglect, pure and simple. Pair of absolute gormless, selfish tramps.

I feel cold just looking at Noa. I bet her skin was icy to the touch.
And why is she being so rude to those ice cream men and filming them? Did they consent to being put on insta? I'd have told her to fuck off.
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Chatty Member
Wow I didn’t know he did all the cooking. As soon as my ex went back to work when my kids were 4 weeks I did all the cooking, cleaning, tidying up
My husband does a lot of the cookimg because he’s much better at it. I do the bulk of the rest!
Boj cooks ... what does that mean? That ,as the women she should be doing it?
We’re not in the 1950s!

He did the cooking before they had a baby. We are the same- my partner does the cooking and I do the cleaning. I'm always up for the sharing out of jobs as we both live in the house and both work full time
💯 this
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Chatty Member
Sorry but I can't help but feel this opinion His particularly old fashioned. Her not working full time doesn't mean she should automatically start doing everything, especially the jobs Boj has always done. My partner does the cooking and I'm also about to have a baby and I'm not suddenly going to make all the dinners or treat him like a second child just because I won't be going out to work for a while. I'll be doing plenty of other things! Everyone lives their lives differently but I personally don't think that both partners contributing to running the household in 2021 despite one being on maternity leave is that shocking or worthy of criticism.
I’ve agreed totally with this point further up.
It seems some on here still think they need to be the‘little women’ cooking and cleaning for a man.I’m shocked tbh.
I believe I’m a lot older than many tattlers on here and I certainly don’t adhere to this a195Os mindset.
My husband is a grown adult, I’m not his mother. He does his share.We both live in the house together!!!
He does the bulk of the cooking too! (I’m a rubbish cook)
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If one of the dogs was ill or had a medical procedure and needed looked after in the night do you reckon she would pay a vet nurse to do it so they could sleep? I think not.
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