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What a total twat, driving whilst holding her phone. And all to fabricate a totally fake and completely unfunny scenario to make out she's cool. Fuming seeing her holding her phone and driving. Twat.
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Urgh. Well done Boj for changing your child's nappy. A normal task that most parents don't need congratulated on but aren't you just flipping marvellous and oh so humorous 👏
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Awww quite a sweet post about Noa tonight , she’s turning into a proper little cutie . I think she’s falling into place a bit more with her now , now she growing & smiling rather than this lump that just caused her mayhem . She’s round about admitted in her post she’s struggled mentally . Hopefully she’s turned a corner a bit & starting to enjoy her daughter
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Sick of the bs

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Morning all, to clarify, I'm not a Kate Lawler fan, and I'm not chastising you guys (I love a good bitch like the best of us tattlers!)

I posted last week saying I'm really conflicted by Kate because I had dreadful pnd to the point where it put me off having more children - I was that terrified of feeling that way again. Quite a lot of Kate's behaviour reminds me of how I was but she just doesn't seem to feel the guilt that swallowed me whole. I could barely function for feeling so guilty.
I'm trying to not judge Kate too much - if she's feeling how I did but masking it well (maybe!? 🤷‍♀️) I genuinely feel sorry for her. I didn't recognise my life and I wanted the world to stop spinning so I could get off.
I saw her post this morning - of the message about Noa -and I can only imagine how devastated I'd feel if I read that at the time I was so poorly. HOWEVER, as I posted yesterday about Jake Quickenden.. she could quickly and simply TURN THE BLOODY COMMENTS OFF!! Problem solved!!
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I know when you are a new parent you become obsessed with feeding and sleeping patterns but I don't like how Kate states. Boob is not enough for Noa because she is getting big. No Kate, you're not producing enough milk because you preferred to pump rather than feed her direct. The machine doesn't get as much out of Phil and Grant than a baby would. Noa finds it easier to take milk from a bottle. There is no shame in deciding to use formula or express into a bottle but don't go making excuses that it is because it is Noa getting bigger.
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Ok so, Siobhan is leaving them soon.. Just as Kate prepares to go back to work!? So all the hard work of sleepless nights could possibly have been behind them. Now, Noa is going to be like wtf, who are these useless morons and they will be back to square one.

Brilllllliant idea guys!! If I was like them and didn't want to care for my own child, I would nave waited to be useless when I was back at work and actually needed the sleep. Not during the precious bonding time of the first weeks. They are in for a rude awakening 🤯🤣

Says 5-6 months after C-section on the Post Partum Reformer Pilates website.
Yeah those ab movements are 100% not suitable for someone 11 weeks post surgery. Shame on the trainer allowing her, they are just after the 💸💷 afrer being locked down.

She said herself she hasn't exercised for a year but yet is doing a new type of exercise!? She wants to be superwoman, but actually looking quite the opposite as a mother especially.
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She doesn't want to be around noa, she's made that quite clear from day 1. Happy to use her for content, freebies and magazine covers though. What twat.
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Noa is so sweet, I’m not sure what the hell they were expecting with a newborn, but with two adults at home then surely they could cope! I’m all for buying in/asking for help, but I do find it odd that Boj hasn’t stood up to take the mantle for a bit while Kate adjusts to everything. if you are that shattered go to fucking bed as soon as the night nannie is there, not piss about like five year olds. I think Kate did it to please him, but in reality she loved her life and resents it being turned upside Down.
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Noa obviously wasn’t with her today while she was doing her magazine shoot. There’s no way she wouldn’t have done the classic instamum breastfeed with the hair rollers in to show what a multitasking marvel they are by sitting and feeding their child whilst someone else does their hair.
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It’s like she’s stuck in some 2004 timewarp where she has to be a laddette type thing. Her presenting style & the way she shouts, it’s so mid-naughties. I’m amazed she still has a job on the radio - why would you listen to her?! It’s so painful on the ears!
Also her face looks so weird with all the work - she used to be really pretty but whatever she’s had done now looks really odd!
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I assumed the poster meant their life personally? I lived before I had kids and I live now. I just live a very different life right now. I loved my old life, I love my new life. I don’t think they meant a life isn’t truly lived if you don’t have kids.
I did, I truly didn't mean the way it may have sounded. It just rilled me up seeing Kate portraying her life as all sparkly and carefree before and now being milk stains and stained. Yes, that's parenting Kate and parenting can suck. But being a parent can be amazing, if that is the life you have chosen (which she has)

Her perspective sucks!!
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Why does she have to post about Big Brother every year? When do you stop? On this day 53 years ago...
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Who was it to call the magazine deal was incoming? Let's guess what it is primarily about!? We got a titbit about the therapist and mental health.. So that is my guess!

I am just shocked any magazine finds her relevant enough to do a story 🤷‍

Omg my toe are CURLING with the awkward laughs out of her styling team 🥴
Surely they wouldn’t DARE publish an article about post-natal depression with her looking glammed up to the nines after a team of stylists have worked on her? I certainly wouldn’t take an article about depression seriously if the ‘sufferer’ was in full make up and 60’s blow dry? 🤨
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She’s a 41 year old grown woman, it’s not rocket science to figure out how to have a shower when you have a baby ffs 🤦🏻‍♀️. As for not being able to leave Noa in another room whilst she is asleep, pull the other one Kate! We have all seen you happily messing about on Instagram while she’s asleep downstairs. It’s just getting all a bit tedious now tbh.
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I’m reading the thread and sat here thinking

“That would be me as a mother”

😬 I can relate so much - honestly I feel I’d be exactly the same. I love babies and think they’re cute but ugh I’m so ready to hand them back when they won’t stop crying or they puke. I much prefer animals. It’s been drummed into women than “it’s different when they’re yours” and that you’ll immediately feel a rush of love when you give birth. This IS NOT TRUE! I really do feel sorry for her and everyone judging her, she needs support.
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Noa needs a bottle top up because Kate isn't producing enough milk or milk that is not satisfying or rich enough. I n now this because the same happened to my supply due to stress and I was advised to move to bottle entirely. The baby will dictate how and when they feed, they're very intuitive and clever little things.

Her supply went down because she didn't want to be around noa at the start and left her with the nanny, and because Kate wanted to prioritise getting skinny again with her disordered eating. Then she wonders why her supply isn't very good. Expressing just isn't the same as feeding on demand for the first 6 weeks.
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Chatty Member
Just unfollowed, so fed up of her constant complaining and making out Noa is being a massive inconvenience! It shouldn’t be a shock to you that your baby needs feeding in the night, and the way she’s saying she can’t go home and relax cos she’s got’s down right weird. You shouldn’t resent your baby for being a baby and needing looking after!
Like it’s been mentioned, god knows how she’ll cope when Noa starts moving around and can’t be left to just lay still, or when she’s teething. There’s a difference between showing motherhood in its true light and just moaning about it all the time and blaming your baby for basically being a baby and interfering in your life.
Totally agree! The fact she is tired from a few hours of work which consisted of having hair and make up done for a photo shoot just proves what a pampered princess she has become.
I don’t find the fake tan story funny. Poor Noa having to breathe in those fumes isn’t great!
I wonder when she goes back to work if she will get a full time nanny. I kind of hope for Noas sake she does so Noa can be looked after properly and feel loved for once
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Hardly a bad night for a three month old, that, in my book anyway. 10.30,2.30,5.30 and 8.
Fucksake, just get on with it.
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