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“Get in my son” 🙄 the constant shouting and the roaring making an absolute fool of herself I’ve got second hand embarrassment for her. Imagine going out for a nice walk in the park and hearing her shouting like that, why does she do it is it to draw attention to herself.
I agree. It's so cringe and comes across try hard. She's clearly addicted to attention.

Not heard the word lairy in ages!
😂 Fits the bill here. She's like a ladette throwback who can't let it go. The 'get in my son' makes me cringe so much.
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Chatty Member
I’ll say it again...
Noa is the most adorable,beautiful,gorgeous bubba ever🥰
(Other peoples baby’s really don’t do anything for me.. I scroll past)
But ,she’s such a cutie,bless her!
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I think she’s got a proper social media team on board now too, which is why when she does post it’s asking questions etc to boost her engagement.

I used to enjoy her insta pre baby, but there’s been a definite change (aside from the weird behaviour and un-loving posts about Noa... which she’s seemingly making a forced effort to change.)

I’m also sick to the back teeth of hearing about her tits and milk flow, but this fits the ‘insta mum’ persona so she’ll undoubtedly keep this up 🥱
I recently unfollowed her, having been a follower for a long time. Her content seems so engineered now, it's really put me off. All the little 'quirks' she has that I originally found funny - like the 'BRILLIENNNT' 'Disgustanggg' and the 'yes or no, yes or no yes or no' whilst zooming in on her face, I now find SO overdone. Time for some new lines Kate! It was actually another 'yes or no yes or no' zoom story that prompted me to unfollow 😂

That and how it seems like the only time she talks about Noa is to complain, like the poor baby can't do anything 'right'. I'm looking to start a family in the next year or so I found her constant negativity of being a new mother hard to listen - I'm incredibly worried about PND, not being able to bond with my baby and how hard I'll find it having a new born with a partner who works 12 hour shifts and a family that lives on the other side the world and just found her stories exacerbate my worries. I do appreciate mothers being honest and upfront about their experiences with PND, etc, but with Kate there's just TOO much negativity - she only seems to show any happiness/joy/excitement when she's without Noa.
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How do you know what baggage, trauma or risk people are bringing to a planned c-section? Sorry but I don't think these comparisons are helpful. You could apply all those words you used to a planned c-section in some cases not to mention the aftermath of a CS (which you have rightfully highlighted yourself).
I agree. I had a planned c section after the traumatic birth of my first baby, and although I was eternally grateful to not have to go through labour again, I was still shit scared.
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She just slid the fact she has been talking to a therapist into her story. Hopefully it helps, for hers and Noa's sake.
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Let’s be real, she has only posted about Azaylia so she has been seen to have posted something. She has not mentioned anything about her before and I highly doubt she wouldn’t have heard about her before now. If she has only just heard about her I hope it makes her realise how lucky she is to have a happy healthy baby.
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Chatty Member
Posts about the MIL's unconventional eating habits but she (Kate) pushes food around her plate storying away to delay eating. Goes on for days about an oyster when we all know she'll have one mouthful and give it to the dogs like she did with the last ice cream 🙄
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Another big tick on the influencer checklist, the iconic London #ad! Not trying to be one though is she, she’s just telling all of her followers friends about this new makeup that she loves 😂
Iconic London really is in the influencer Hun starter pack isn't it? I'd never buy it for this reason and I love make up!
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If Kate didn't have eating issues/ disordered eating herself she wouldn't give a shiny shit what her mil eats.

Truth is it was very uncomfortable viewing and far too intrusive. Her mil looked uncomfortable and anyone normal would not be obsessed with this content. Kate seemed to be in complete awe of her mil's way of eating, commenting that she looked young. Again, all down to her own issues around food.

Kate will continue to wake up at 4am to express even though she doesn't need to do it. Again, she'll wake up and do it because she is addicted to losing the calories.
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When I came through the haze of it all, I asked my mum wtf was she thinking and how did she cope 😂 maternal mental health shouldnt be shushed or hidden. It IS ok to feel shit and to say it. I do get on a soap box about this, sorry 😂🤦🏻‍♀️ i dont like parenting via instagram like all these influencers do, but its a valid message imo
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Sick of the bs

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I'm really conflicted by Kate and Boj. I had absolutely hideous pnd - panic attacks, severe anxiety, couldn't sleep even my son was sleeping, completely overwhelmed by the change in my life and also by the guilt that I couldn't manage. Guilt that I wasn't coping. Guilt that I hadn't taken to motherhood like I 'should'.
I would have snapped a night doula's hand off if I could have afforded it! But then I'd have immediately tried to sleep but not been able to because of guilt.
Part of me thinks Kate is suffering pnd which is truly awful. But then I'm confused because she seems happy enough and doesn't seem to feel guilty when she's out without noa or in bed when the doula is there.
If she has pnd it would explain some of the things I'm seeing but on the other hand, some of the things I'm seeing don't really fit my experience of pnd (I couldn't switch off my anxiety etc when he wasn't there - I felt even more anxious and guilty because I should have been with him being a better mum).
I'm trying not to judge too much because pnd was the most awful time for me and I still feel guilty 17 years later! Maybe she's just better at hiding her feelings..... (trying to give the benefit of the doubt here 😬)
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Cringing for her that she’s got a beautiful daughter, lovely sunny day, friend round and she’s spending her time yelling into Instagram 😬🙄
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TBH, I find a lot of the hypnobirthing language to be both pretentious and infantilising. "Surges"?? Just call them by the actual medical term. This fudged language is idiotic.
Agree totally. While I'm not against hypnobirthing as a concept (which is basically, educate and prepare yourself and practice mindfulness/calmness during birth via breathing exercises rather than let the fear and adrenaline totally take over) I hate the infantilising language these companies use. A contraction is called a contraction because that's what the muscles are doing ffs! It's not a term designed to scare people and therefore you need to create a new word instead. I also hate how these companies tend to imply you're a failure if you accept anything more than gas and air as a form of pain relief.
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Chatty Member
I used to put bubs in a bouncer besides me whilst I showered. In a way it’s trickier now she’s mobile. She threw her (empty) potty in the bath today whilst I was showering
This is what makes me smile 😃 She’s complaining about milky vomit and an unsettled newborn who doesn’t move ....wait until it’s the mess and vomit of solid foods and a baby who won’t stay still and hates being strapped into anything 🤣 Can’t wait for the fallout from that one!
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When I balance my posts against others I feel like I’m pretty pro kate. But crikey the new pics, Noa is in a romper... they’re in coats and hat. Pub and cafe gardens are bloody FREEZING right now... get her hoody back on, get a blanket out 🤦🏻‍♀️
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I’ve also had to unfollow after becoming fed up of her constant moaning. A real shame as I actually quite liked her! I had really enjoyed listening to their Maybe Baby podcast and was so pleased for her when she announced her pregnancy. But the constant oversharing is unnecessary...she needs to put down the phone and appreciate this precious time with her Daughter. Not everything needs to be shared online as let’s be honest, nobody but yourself actually cares.
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Am I being a really naive expectant FTM or something? Is there really no time to make a bed, drink some juice or even shower, especially when the other parent is at home? I know cluster feeding is a thing during the first few weeks but surely you still get 5 mins to jump in the shower? Or am I looking at things with rose-tinted glasses?
you do get time. you may be too tired, but i always made an effort for basics. took babies with me in the bathroom and they just lay there. its all for the gram.
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