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Her MIL in latest stories saying Kate puts everything on Instagram, it's terrible. Anyone else catch it?
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Hallelujah!!! 🙌🏻🙌🏻

She got what she was after let this be the end of the relentless pumping stories! 🙏🏻
Sounds like her pumping journey was almost over so not sure the purpose of her being gifted this very expensive pump, it'll end up in the back of a cupboard soon. Hey ho.
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She really is deluded if she thinks she deserves a pat on the back for a photoshoot and interview for which I am sure she is being paid some people's equivalent of a month's salary. She needs to be a little bit more humble.
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Definitely management advice. There was not one positive comment on any of the Daily Mail articles. I’m sure she loves Noa but it definitely feels forced. She shows more love and excitement for a bloody Oyster ice cream.
Oh the Oyster posts are getting tiresome. I like Kate but she has this habit of finding a “thing” and doing it to death. Smashyerfacein, notanadnotaspon (I just bloody love it), desgustang, hotandbothered, brillieeeent, etc. Seeing an oyster ice cream just once is enough, don’t think we need to keep seeing them.
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But is it from her own accord or is she playing tactically via management. I honestly don't know what to believe with Kate anymore. I used to really like her but how she's treated that poor baby up to now has been nothing short of heartbreaking. And also that tit of a partner she has. He's been just as useless. I hope they realise how shameful their behaviour has been but I don't think they'll ever see just how terrible they've acted and how they've broadcast it to so many people. They should have stayed owners of dogs and that's it.
I’m not sure how you can say she’s hasn’t been treated well though. She’s fed, watered and cared for (even if that is with help). We all have a moan about our kids. I mean there’s a whole genre on social media now of “unmumsy mums”. I do think that Kate is a reluctant mum and she’s obviously struggled adjusting but she seems to be turning a corner (for now at least). We moan when she moans about Noa and we moan when she’s positive?!
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It shouldn’t be hidden but I think you can tell a million people how hard having a baby is and a million people still won’t know the true test of it until they have a baby. Nothing prepared me for my first, my second I was in soft play the next day. I knew what was coming! I know I have never had worse than baby blues, and I’m all for asking for help but help does not come from insta
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She's got massive food control issues. Watches what she eats and what others eat meticulously. Any obsessed with expressing milk. Red flags.
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Chatty Member
I do feel for little Noa. Yesterday Boj spent some quality time with her and all he did was complain and take the piss out of her and belittle her. Today Kate is filming her being sick and plastering it over the gram. No privacy at all.
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Or maybe she is finally getting into the swing of things. She mentioned the other day about a therapist, so has seek professional help.

When I had PND, it was horrific and not able to talk to anyone because it’s supposed to be natural to love your child and want to put them first. When it doesn’t feel natural, it makes you feel such a failure and very alone.

Some of you are so lucky how you bonded with your baby and should be grateful it feels so alien to you. I wouldn’t wish it on anyone.

Additionally, I know it’s not confirmed PND.
I strongly suspect the “I’ll talk more about that later” is a magazine deal/book incoming about how the therapist helped her to see she was suffering from PND etc....
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You're life doesn't have to stop when you become a mum but honestly that weekend away looks like my idea of hell if I had a 3 month old.
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Depends what’s on offer. If someone said do you fancy a pub lunch with good friends, no kids, a wander round somewhere nice, id say yes. If they said do you fancy a busy bar at night where I can’t even hear myself think let alone my friends talking and my shoes stick to the floor and it’s late id say no these days. Can’t be arsed. Would rather be back early to kiss my kids and doze on the sofa to a film. It’s just the what I personally prefer. In my child free 20s I did indeed live that way and that was fun.
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I don’t know how people can ascertain that Boj’s mum has an eating disorder just from seeing a few seconds of her eating a raw pepper 😆 but I think we’re mostly all in agreement that it’s entirely irrelevant what Boj’s mum eats (I just thought she was being a really healthy eater tbh) and we don’t need a debate on this thread about disorderly eating/ eating disorders etc.
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I really don't like the birth of a baby being used for financial gain for her parents. Her parents may have chosen to be in the spotlight of Z list fame but little Noa hasn't.
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Genuine question: can you really be that tired if you’ve got all that time to film and chat to Instagram every single day?? I just remember when baby was asleep I collapsed in a ball and slept or caught up with jobs, yes chatted texted people here and there but I was far too knackered for all that recording and chatting shit. How can she do one and not the other? Sorry if that’s me being judgemental I just a) didn’t have the time and b) was sleeping to catch up etc !
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Am I being a really naive expectant first time mum or something? Is there really no time to make a bed, drink some juice or even shower, especially when the other parent is at home? I know cluster feeding is a thing during the first few weeks but surely you still get 5 mins to jump in the shower? Or am I looking at things with rose-tinted glasses? Obv I have no experience yet but none of my friends who have recently had babies seem to have this issue.
If you are exclusively breast feeding and you're home alone then (I'm not going to lie) it can be difficult to manage some days. It was often easier just to wait until my husband was home but then I had 2 under 2. Some days if I really wanted a shower I'd stick the newborn in a bouncer and take them into the bathroom - it's not difficult with a new born. With a 1 year old who doesn't sit still and can be a danger to themselves however - different story but I'd just wait until he was down for his nap. She's simply exaggerating all this for the gram and to be funny but it's getting monotonous now. If she can get out for a pedicure, she can shower
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