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Does anyone want to hear it?! Well, in my experience no they don't. Which drove me to attempt to take my own life. If I had more support from the people I reached out to initially and they had wanted to hear my struggles, I may have felt validated enough to seek professional help. Sorry but your comment is just completely unhelpful and lacking insight into the realities of PND

(I'm not the poster you responded to but this comment really got to me!)
I tried telling people but no one heard me.
It took me 3 months to get help and still some of my family members don't even acknowledge I had PND & anxiety.
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Why is being so precious about getting an oyster when it's obvious she barely eats anyway?
Stop insulting our intelligence and pretending you are some big foodie.
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I see Boj has done some parenting today. Changed a nappy and won’t stop banging on about it!! Prick.
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Asking how people cope when their partner goes back to work on her latest stories. How people manage to brush their teeth and have a shower. I honestly don't understand. I never struggled to be able to brush my teeth or shower when mine was back at work after 2 weeks. She's had hers there for 12 weeks. I'm not dismissing the utter exhaustion of the early days, been there and done it, but if she really can't figure this out after 12 weeks wtf. At this age the baby can't escape from where you put them. I used to clean the house while the baby was on the playmat. I had the monitor on so I could always see and hear her and also would keep popping back to check on her. You can still do stuff with a baby especially basic hygiene. Rant over. Just find it lame.
She had time to film an ad though! I think she’s just trying to be ‘relatable’ but looking like a knob head!
I can’t wait for Noa to get to the the toddler stage 🤣 toddlers are carnage, no fucks given when they are chucking food around, messing up the place and climbing on everything while finding hazards you didn’t even know existed!
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These two pathetic spoiled brats cant get through this very simple list

Remove dead plant leaf ..are they taking the piss?
Is she having a laugh? I have a newborn and a 2 year old, today I have managed all my housework, made a roast and even taken my 2 year old to the park and she can’t even do simple tasks? Fucksake get it together Kate!
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Posts about the MIL's unconventional eating habits but she (Kate) pushes food around her plate storying away to delay eating. Goes on for days about an oyster when we all know she'll have one mouthful and give it to the dogs like she did with the last ice cream 🙄
Her disordered eating is glaringly obvious isn’t it. The woman has issues.?
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Seriously how is she whinging about her own baby making noises at night? Was she expecting to give birth to a doll that only makes sounds when you press a button or something??
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Yep. Nail on the head there. Most partners are back at work after days or a few weeks not 3 MONTHS so really you should have figured out how to have a shit, shave and shampoo by now.
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Well-known member
I cant stand watching & listening to Kate's over-animated, shouty mouth -
And don't get me started on 'GET IN MY SON' and 'BRILLIEENT.'

Shes desperate to be funny - but shes's more irritating than thrush.
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Kebab girl

Chatty Member
Why would you brag about someone else looking after your baby??
If anything, he is worse as he wanted the baby in the first place!!! You see your partner is struggling so you step up.
I just don’t get it/ and if she was my friend I’d be really concerned
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Chatty Member
Jeez where is the shame in an epidural? I hate this supposed badge of honour for a woman who refuses all pain relief. Woo hoo. Well done. Why do we have to be martyrs? If it's your choice then fine but to hide in shame because you chose pain relief is lunacy. It doesn't make you less of a person for deciding not to just tolerate the pain. Women have enough thrown at them without having an unhelpful narrative that child birth should be done without pain relief. To reiterate, if it is your choice then fine, but to feel ashamed because of this narrative is really damaging. It isn't a competition.

I'd had quite the journey with loss before finally reaching a full term pregnancy and planned CS (baby was breech).
Exactly this! Nobody hands out medals at the end of you only manage labour with gas and air. Woohoo to you!
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I really hope it wasn’t because that’s not the vibe on here. It’s one thing posting in here, but public trolling actually being SENT to someone is a different matter.
It's also pointless. I come here because I am with likeminded people who often share the same opinions as I have. Don't bother messaging anybody and telling them what my opinion is (I also don't follow them). These insta-huns love the ass kissing from their deluded followers and are terribly thin skinned. Any criticism, regardless of how valid it may be, will wound their fragile egos deeply.
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Ive been an auntie since I was 12, and have godchildren etc. I thought I knew what to expect. I didnt expect a traumatic labour though and the repurcussions of that. Wording does matter though, I agree. It was after I struggled that my friends opened up about them struggling, but they never said anything at the time - thats sad.

Just to clarify - the first few weeks of having a baby isnt a dirty little secret. The truth of the lows and the highs though- it doesnt get shared openly enough (despite what insta tells us). The true reality of how lonely it may be, the extent of recovery periods, the issues of feeding and colic and how exhausting that can feel etc. It was very much a shut up and get on with it vibe for me, and thats so unhealthy.

You cant be prepared without knowing the good and bad. I had forceps and in our antenatal class, it was mentioned in passing. 4 of the women from that class ended up with forceps, and werent told anything of substance about it.

Thank you so much for this. I'm so sorry you had such a rough time of it but I absolutely 100% relate to everything you've said (except the traumatic labour, my so called emergency C section was actually pretty chilled but the colic and feeding issues etc I had and my first few weeks with my daughter in all honesty were pretty hellish.

I think something a few posters on here don't seem to be willing to acknowledge is that some babies are just harder than others and as adorable as Noa is, she's ticked a lot of boxes for making life more difficult. Feeling issues, reflux, possible colic, even a hospital stay at one point. Not all new babies are like that. My best mate had a rough time with her first one, she developed mastitis, the baby had an upset tummy which for ages they thought might result from lactose intolerance and would only graze rather than feeding properly, she didn't nap properly....etc. Her second was, in her words, a nice happy go lucky chilled baby who made her realise she didn't do anything wrong first time around, her first was just a difficult baby. I was extremely lucky to have been told by her about what life was like because that did at least make me a bit more prepared for the shit storm that awaited me at first but it still was a huge shock to the system (and yes, I'd done antenatal classes and not just buried my head in the sand!)

I know of people whose babies slept through from 8 weeks. Some babies are easier than others! All power to those parents and good luck to them but weve got to stop this culture of shaming parents who admit that they are finding it unexpectedly rough and feeling like theyve ruined their lives, it just makes it harder for other new parents to admit they're struggling and need help.
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Just to say - everyones experience of PND is different. I found myself desperate to switch off from being Mum, wanting to escape the responsibility and resentment. It shows in so many ways.
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Do you think she speaks to people normally in that weird shouty voice? It's so rude and unnecessary. I'm not sure I could be friends with someone like that.
The carry on in the shop was a disgrace.
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