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Past her shop this morning doing some “walkies” as a “hot dog mom” 😂😂

Hahahhaha oh my! Guess borrowing her nieces dress up to do that ugly dress was a waste of time... hope the huapai landlord dosnt let her stay! Hopefully the new person signed the contract so they have legal grounds..she took it on when she couldn't afford it and thought someway she could what a laugh 😆
Maybe if you stopped mocking customers reviews jess you woudl have more customers that you could afford a new store! Think about that 🤔
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No gloves on and how many times does she touch her face while icing the cakes 🤢
The icing is not smooth and has holes in, such sloppy work
Three times at least, nose scratching, face touching, hair itching, then drinking. And NEVER washed her hands🤢. Those cakes are rushed and yes, sloppy.
Isn't she using that eight eight hour moisturiser because she washes her hands so often?🤣🤣🤣


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I think she's too embarrassed to do a follow up. That would mean publicly she would have to admit her plans failed.

She could so use this to her advantage though, good publicity - honest baker shows she has a soul and is humble, and can admit she made mistakes and learn from them. She could be open and tell people what not to do. She could even dance in her pink chiffon - maybe not
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Here we go. This is interesting. $20 an hour for a contractor after tax, acc, holidays, sick leave, student loan etc, living, doesnt leave a lot. You'd almost want to factor in stress working with a boujee boss, and they are expected to lift 30kg
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See if this works for those who missed it


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I just watched her TikTok and came running to find this page!
The video made me so wild.
$10 is too much for a donut anyway.
dick. 😂
I can't bloody believe it! She is delulu!
I have two theories on why she made this tiktok:

1. She's just a cunt, thinks she's God's gift to everyone, thinks everyone will agree with her that she's right and the poor customer is wrong. Mean girl since the womb.

2. Her business is failing, she isn't making the sales she used to hence making smaller amounts of stock and floundering to come up with plagiarised ideas to make money quickly with no forward planning. She's not making the sales she used to due to 'influencer power' drastically going down as people realise what a scam they all are and people realizing she's actually horse shit at what she does and her food is overpriced and full of salmonella. So she is grasping for a way to increase publicity, and hopefully, sales.
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Rate yourself much jess? Hot dog mum walks 🤢🤢🤢🤢 jay not giving you enough attention?
The second hand embarrassment I feel with this woman is off the charts!!!
“hot dog mom” do people actually say this?! 😮 …she makes herself look so stupid everyday 😬😬
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She’s an absolute moron.. she’s had loads of days off, she’s feeling sorry for herself cos for once she is feeling the pain of responsibility.
Pretty funny when you think back to her doing her stupid pink fru-fru polyester dance thing at her new HQ (the one where her banana clip was banging against the wall)
She also said she couldn’t wait to yell “down to the girls” from her new office
I wonder if all that ridiculous monkey business is what pushed her staff to finally quit
If I was Jess I would be so embarrassed, and I certainly wouldn’t be whining about working SOOOO HARD and pushing herself to her limit (no exercise boohoo- I’m guessing she means no Pilates during work hours while “the girls” do all the work)

she’s honestly such a stupid bitch haha
I’m looking forward to watching the HQ money pit fail miserably.
Who in their right mind would go to that silly semi-industrial spot (with only 1 carpark) for a $10 “longboi” when you could get Costco baking for 1/4 of the price
I’m not sure her business is going to be still running by Xmas as it’s certainly not viable at present, how long has she been paying rent on HQ with nothing even happening!!
I’m not normally one to wish failure on anybody but Jess is such a fking clueless and entitled idiot
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I heard from a friend of a friend that she was struggling to find someone who 'wasn't just applying to work for her cuz of who she is'. She really thinks the sun shines out of her arse. BJ, people DONT want to work for you simply cuz of who you are. The baking industry isn't a very big one and word has obviously gotten round about how much of a shitty boss she is 🤷🏻‍♀️
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Chairs are looking a bit rough there Jess!
Best get J to repaint them on his only day off this weekend!
…..and babes I told you last week how to spell “raspberry”! You’ve forgotten already!
Less time taking selfies, and more time proofreading aye 🙄


…also love the Golden Syrup bucket “door stop” reeeal ✨⭐BoUjEe⭐✨ 😂😂
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Look jess individually wrapped!! Your buisness should be your first priority not content, nails, shutters etc that cookie order you sent out last week was piss poor you got people's money then didn't give any pride into the work! You obviously don't actually care about your business you just care about the "fame" it's given you


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No wonder there’s been all this “anxiety” and “needing to chill” talk from her lately she’s stressed about all of this! 🫠🫠🫠
HOW is she going to address this?! What could she possible say they isn’t going to sound like a MASSIVE lie?? 🤥🤥🤥
She'll come up with some grandiose BS about how she has a better ✨️vIsIoN✨️ for JJBB and that she's going in a different direction now or some other load of fucking dribble.
For once I'd like to see her be honest and say she bit off more than she could chew. But she won't.
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Also… gross!🤢
This isn’t self sufficient
✨⭐WoMeN eMpOwErMeNt⭐✨
and ✨⭐BoSs BiTcH eNeRgY⭐✨ Jess!
It’s hideous gold digger, pampered princess behaviour! 😡

View attachment 2532276
I think she just showed her true colours. That's so tacky - (Watch your inheritance, Jay) - Like Donuts at a Diamond Shop opening. Who wants a hulking big, drippy donut, which is hard to hold, and eat politely. Can't believe with all the effort Sera went to for a high class opening, there's coffee and donuts on offer🤦 maybe BJ offered and she couldn't refuse seeing as they are "besties"

Petite cupcakes or macarons with a housemade decoration of cachous and piping, can be eaten easily, arent greasy, and fit the aesthetic of a Diamond Shop opening.

The idea of coffee and donuts is giving off food truck vibes. Not something high class and quality.

Will be interesting to see what they look like. Maybe tonight BJ will get back on the tools and go for mini donuts, after reading here 🤣, that's still a no🤷
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Yip! And look how f*cking boring the thread was here last week when she had the whole week off!
- she had no bakery content to share and had to rely on her influenza “content”!!!
She’s so lazy, so that content was very minimal and unengaging!
Theres no way she can make THAT her full time “career”!
How does she actually keep the business running? She's the boss, but she's hardly there, but must draw a wage.

She has a dead asset building, I presume she's paying rent on, a second hand fridge she's bought, a trolley with out racks. Staff to pay wages, outgoings. She's open half a week, yet spends $ like she's got an open cheque book.

I think she's caught in a lifestyle she wishes she could have, but reality says, it's unsustainable with her current business model. Unless she's using the Bank of Jay. I do hope they have a prenup, or a formalised business arrangement. She will bleed him dry, and all for her need to be seen as a boujee boss🤢
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Checked my emails just now, and what do you think, email from the boujee baker to say my cookies were picked up early this afternoon, not yesterday.🤔 So....were they made Monday and not packed until today
Were they made yesterday and sat in the box overnight
Were they made fresh today?
I think by the time they arrive they will be three days old, minimum. Actually really disappointed if that is the case. If I wanted three+ day old biscuits I can look in the tin at work and they will cost me nothing
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