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She really is a horrible boss, if anyone remembers Celeste from when she first opened at Huapai, well she had an absolutely horrible experience working for Jess. Looooong hours on her own, the boss babe swanning in when she felt like it. Terrible pay and Jess was just so unprofessional. It didn't end at all how Jess portrayed it online.
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Don't try to make yourself sound like a hero jess.. you took the first buisness day your open off to go to the snow after you were just there 2 weeks ago! Most people would prioritize that for there weekend...your still not a hard worker
Front row at fashion week, suuuuuuure.
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Looks like Butter Baby have had their stainless fit out, and what's that in the background🤔

It's a trolley with racks😊
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No one who is in hospo would want to work for her if they see her page all the incorrect procedures they follow
Wow she has now done a tiktok reading the reviews and giving snarky comments back this Chick really has shit for brains

And she has deleted the comments of people calling her out on the cookie tiktok
That tik tok was so nasty and unprofessional.

She was passive aggressive and very condescending calling the writer."babe" Have some respect for your customers BJ.

Saying, because they have the time and the means to drive from the other side of Auckland and pay for a $10 donut means life isn't too bad for them. How dare she make assumptions about people like this. I've gone into people's home where they save up for a couple of weeks to take their children on a drive to get an icecream. Jess moans she hasn't got trays, but gets regular manicures, and grooming for the dogs. She has no idea what that family sacrificed to make that trip, but she judged.

Jess cannot take criticism. That was an embarrassing rant by an immature and out of her depth pretend boss.

Rather than trying to tell the customer it was their fault, she should have said, yes, we shouldn't have sold our entire batch (just shows she's greedy) They could have held back five. Never once did she apologise and try to sort the issue for the customer. She made it their problem. That's the lowest of business practice BJ. You need to acknowledge, and put right. Instead she came across as entitled, angry, and a bad BB who is really floundering and her only way to deal with criticism is to retaliate. Not a good trait.
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Is this inside the shop or food prep area because that skirting board is fucking disgusting and there’s zero excuse for it to be this dirty.

Her cinnamon sugar topping isn’t fresh. She’s just reusing the same giant tub that’s been cross contaminated who knows how many million times. Same with her icing sugar tub. Just drops all the donuts into it rather than taking out a fresh, clean amount of sugar for each batch 🤢


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I think I'll just leave this here, what is it with this need to lip-sync to music🤷


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I've listened to bits and pieces, she is so fake I just cannot bear to listen to the whole thing. I'm absolutely fuming at her implying she can't understand how people can write such hurtful things (like her nose, LOL), blah blah fucking blah BITCH YOU LITERALLY MAKE VIDEOS TO BITCH ABOUT SPECIFIC CUSTOMERS AND YOUVE BEEN DOING IT FOR YEARS AND ARE STILL DOING IT! You are no better than us at all! Stop trying to act like you're this sweet, innocent person.
She also tried to make out people were commenting mean things about HQ2.0 being empty on her posts and how she must have run out of money etc, I never once saw anything mean written there it was all people genuinely curious. She just continues to lie to make herself seem holier than thou.
Shes also just proven what a shi business woman she is, trying to open another shop with zero plan. Who the f goes out and drops all this money on new equipment before sussing out the finer details to ensure the space is going to work for you? What a dumb dumb
LOL at Edna talking about how so many people in the US stopped her in the street to say how beautiful she is. What a wank

She says in the podcast how people tear each other down commented this nasty stuff.... no one wrote anything rude asking about the shop on her Instagram, they genuinley can ask whats happening wjen is it ppening how is that rude?? She then goes on to say how she will never understand how people be rude to others.... hey jess remember that review you got that you didn't agree with and you name and shamed the person??? Was that nice???

Edna: hurt people hurt people... we've been hurt we don't go find someone and tear them down

Jess: I just couldn't imagine it...

Ummm jess you were clearly hurt last month when you did that tiktok about the customer review ... so how can you not imagine it?
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Lol her birthday photo shoot.. using 1 cake the whole time advertising that one cake but she changes hair and makeup multiple times, wouldn't it be better to show range of things you make?

Mindue I was impressed it was more tasteful than usual.. having briahna means it's more professional where as if it was jess organising it she would of had it looking like a porno again with the outfits , butt kisses and licking
She forgot the essence of her business. It's a bakery.

That entire photo shoot was about her. That's not celebrating JJBB. That was a Jess Owen self promotion. If you looked at those images without the visual inputs from the titles what would you think it's advertising. Not a bakery.

She could have had great pictures of her working with her team, she's forgotten again, she has workers who keep the business afloat.

Sadly this weekend is a celebration of Jess. She's had plenty of opportunities to mention her staff, and the failure of HQ2.0. Now it seems like she's reinventing herself as just Jess cookie company🤷
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Just documenting here as we know they'll be deleted soon enough.

Not a good look.
Can't take the heat.🤷, maybe she really is in dire financial circumstances, though she did buy that dough-maker-thingy. Shades of Simone, don't like the comments, delete them to fit her narrative. Scummy influencing
I love how people are starting to question her. Which goes to show its not just us, and she will soon realise she actually HAS to address the situation.

Shall we take bets on what the excuse is???
Hi Guys, Jess the boujee boss here. Thought I had better do an IG live update (sniff sniff) for you regarding Headquarters 2.(sniff) 0.

A couple of weeks back I had (sniff sniff) to make the hardest decision of my (sniff sniff) life. I'll have to stop for a minute......

With the economic situation like it is, and finding it so hard to get really good bakers like me, I decided to regroup, go back to my roots (sniff), which as you know is Huapai.

So, (sniff sniff) we were able to kick out the person coming into Huapai (oops I mean renegotiate with them), and JJBB is back at Huapai, yay (sniff sniff).
So onwards and upwards, I have great plans to spend Jays inheritance and make JJBB HQ the best ever. The dogs will be back, we're binning the gloves and we'll be making the best penis cakes in Nz, YAY ME


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All I can see in my head when I think of hot dog mom is a middle aged lady caring for a packet of frankfurters..... I don't think Hot Dog Mom is the flex she thinks it is 🙃
I think she’s calling herself a 🌭 mom 😂😂
Oops snap I didn't read the rest of the thread before posting 🤣
Punctuation is important. Is her dog hot? Or is she in fact trying to say she's a hot, dog mum? These types are all as daft as each other.
For real though!!!! No one gives me as much secondhand embarrassment as her, God I wish she knew how much of a laughing stock she actually is
A friend of mine went to the germ infested cess pit JJBB and ordered a coffee and the 'barista' (I say that term so loosely in regards to JJBB, they were probably trained by the sloth herself therefore can't really be called a batista at all) got the order wrong, then got shitty AT MY FRIEND because of it 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 like seriously the place is crumbling
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Don't try to make yourself sound like a hero jess.. you took the first buisness day your open off to go to the snow after you were just there 2 weeks ago! Most people would prioritize that for there weekend...your still not a hard worker
The fact she chose to put up a post like that shows her lack of maturity. She's behaving like a child who's been told they can't go out and play because they have to tidy their room.

BJ your business is your job, it always has to come first.

She's jaunted off for a day of skiing. Think of what she would have paid in petrol to fuel her gas guzzler. That could have paid for racks for the new trolley, gone towards the concrete work that needs to be done. It's all about priorities. Never cry poverty in public when you are showing you are spending money on what others will perceive as luxuries. Those $400+ sunglasses at Wellington airport would have paid for all your racks.
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Title credit @shh77
Had to adjust it slightly so it would fit, hope that's ok!

Previous thread here:

- only seems to own two pieces of pink clothing that she wears to work, a cardi and a hoody, never washes either
- doesn't wash the bakery either, its got two years' worth of flour on the floor
- doesn't understand that dairy products need chilling, and that you shouldn't make donuts five days in advance
- copied Whipped's cookie box idea and charges double that of Moustache, it ain't selling well and we are SHOCKED
- can't pay staff well, would rather spend the money on rent for new premises that STILL aren't ready
- gives bad reviews to other bakeries, flips her shit online when it happens to her
- has multiple staff leaving at the same time, probably because she pays so poorly and brags about going to pilates while they're slaving away
- still sniffing for a free deck and wardrobe, no luck, but she did score a couple of free mascaras. Next she needs gifted lipliner application lessons
- missed out on being the Official Barbie Baker, claims its because she missed an email, but that didn't make sense because she's always claiming to be doing admin
- poor husband is hiding from her, probably sick of the bad photoshoots in the empty premises that he's likely paying for
- cancelled her Queenstown ski trip because she had so much work, but then went to Ruapehu? Make it make sense! We suspect a lack of freebies meant she couldn't go.

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