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I’m all for confidence and loving yourself, but she really does think her shit doesn’t stink now. Her whole personality has changed, and she’s a big head, not just a igglepiggle head.
And those shoes should ask for danger money, it’s like looking at meat being passed through a mincer 🤢
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OMG, I may be guilty of repeating myself here but I originally followed because she was relatable. As were most ‘influencers’ at one point. Karma is a bitch (IYKYK ash). But for someone who could physically not work a few years ago and needed her boyfriend (who she couldn’t live with because of arguments btw) to take time off work to look after her whilst she claimed sick benefits, she seems to have bounced back just nicely with an extremely disgusting smugness and cockiness about her 🤢🤢 funny how her ‘illness’ that stopped her working before has disappeared and her anxiety is non existent. Funny how someone who was crippled with anxiety is suddenly skipping off to the train station so she can meet fellow strangers, sorry influencers, in London without a panic attack in sight!
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Anxious about flying with the 2 kids on her own - how’s about you don’t then! Stay at home and drive them to school everyday 🙄
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So she’s done a insta q&a and Ryan has quit work cos she’s earning enough. What happens when TikTok ends? Back to being benefits cos they’re too obese and lazy to work a normal job?
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Iggly piggly Jo, all but to food she says no. You can’t guess her size because of her lies but she’ll get all commission from the lovelies buys 😂
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Squidward's Missus

Chatty Member
Well that’s karma! I don’t know why she couldn’t wait till October half term to go..
hunter will be so confused and her saying having time off doesn’t affect their progress in school, it does! Might not education wise but socially & adapting to school it will.
I don’t know how she couldn’t wait either….October is literally next month! Hunter has only been at school 2 weeks, friendships have just started to be formed and will be cemented while she swans around her motherland and Hunter will be left behind socially. I get parents taking kids out of school for holidays cos it’s cheaper during term time, but not 2 weeks after they’ve just started. All about her as usual though.
I honestly used to quite like her, but she has become so up her own arse since the money started flowing in she is now unbearable. Still, nice to know the 10 grand a month (as if 😂) she is earning for stomping around, showing her fat rolls and bingo wings on the internet has cured her anxiety and depression that was so debilitating that she couldn’t go to an actual real job….
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I’ve had to stop even hate watching her, she is repulsive. I can hear her arteries clogging with every video.
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She got at Instagram story of Logan having a chocolate croissant, sunbathing with the famous phrase " living his best life"

No Jo u got ur priorities wrong. This kid should be in school, making new friends, adapting to the new school life and getting used to his new glasses, ( that u made an issue up last week). That's living his best life. As u got plenty of time while he grows up to make living his best life. But with the way u r gaining the blubber, u r turning into to a walking time bomb, 4 health issues, which will lead in to a early death. So when the kid in this 20's he will become ur career, or no parents around 20 something.
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Chatty Member
And logan is starting year 7. Imagine missing the first few weeks of school at that age. Especially as she said he's quite shy. Worse time to go away. Selfish
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I wouldn't worry too much about it, what these tiktokers don't realise is they all have a shelf life, they might be having good money now but it wont last, If Jo's lucky she may be able to buy a house, but when her tiktok career is over she will have to sustain said house, the bills will be much bigger than her pokey little flat and she will struggle to pay them when she inevitably goes back on the sick due to her anxiety! Hopefully they will investigate her at some point for the benefit fraud ( claiming as a single parent while still in a relationship) anyone noticed that her and Ryan have a wonderful relationship now she's not claiming benefits!
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Chatty Member
If you can afford to pay 💰 privately for a Dr’s appt you really shouldn’t be in social housing. I said what I said.
These comments are mad to me. When she got social housing she wasn’t in the position she is right now. Would you prefer everyone put no effort into getting into a better position in social housing? When I first got my council I couldn’t afford to eat, yet now I can afford holidays, I am getting a private diagnosis for my child and have a car. Why should people who are given a leg up not better themselves ? You don’t have to agree with how she earns her money but 1000s of people work and live in council housing and 1000s of people have the opportunity to live a better life thanks to council housing.
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Could she be any more fucking annoying - getting anxious cos shes going to a gig tomorrow & has never not been in a private box!

No it doesn't make you bougee it makes you a complete & utter twat
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There’s nothing more fashionable on social media, than a kid with autism

Rather than using their Platform for raising awareness of ASD, they’d rather just become fat begging bastards.

I am an autism mum so it infuriates me no end. Using them like performing monkeys!

Maybe I should start off all my sentences I’m a SEN mum 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Gigantor would love nothing more than to have hunter diagnosed. Means she can claim more money whilst sitting on her giant ass
same here
My kid is a big nearly 5 year old, non verbal doesn’t understand what you’re saying to him apart from odd words
Im currently sat with all the lights on in my house because he insists on turning them on (just his thing atm) and taking him to the toilet every hour in attempt to toilet train him even tho it’s literally fluke if he wees on the toilet because he doesn’t get it. Although I get loads of cuddles whilst he’s sat on the toilet 😂😂😂
I’d much rather see a parent with a similar, more significantly disabled child and all the quirks they come with than fat Lardy arse Jo calling her child a cunt and bragging she’s able to take her kids abroad
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The thing she does with her mouth when she’s pretending to be upset winds me the fuck up. She like makes it quivers and she just looks a twat


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Dunno if anyone saw her story
Someone asked her about arm surgery
She said the surgeon recommended she lose 2-3 stone
“I’ve lost a stone so far”

still the same size tho.
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She doesn’t live in the real world, holding off to getting an mortgage in place until April, because she earn more last year, which means they can go for a property of their dreams. Hope the accountant and mortgage advisor burst ego bubble about that.

I am amazed that Ryan fully quit working and living of her income now. God help the benefit system, when this influencer bubble burst. Because these two lazy stubs will milk the system dry. 😡😡😡
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So he could be working his way up salary or even in a job to management, or even getting in training for something he really wants to do (if that’s the case) but he’s just quit. Quit because his mrs, who isn’t popular on any other platform and solely relies on TikTok for an income. They might get the house of their dreams, but have they accounted for the costs of the house on a monthly basis and what happens if Jo doesn’t earn as much as she is now, or completely starts failing, do either of them have the qualifications to walk into jobs which will fund their lifestyles?! She’s so deluded to think what she does now will last forever.
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Most of this heffers posts since her holiday are 'commission paid', so she's not even posting about her 'unfiltered life' anymore, just ads. Can't trust her.
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