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Active member
Doesn't it make you sick these free loading, lazy arses have enough money to buy a house! I hope you get refused a mortgage you big lazy oathe! How your income could be seen as reliable and a proper job is beyond me. Absolutely sickening. She's after a mortgage advisor isn't she. She doesn't want to lift a fat lazy finger to do anything herself.
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Active member
Dum dum Jo, open Ur eyes and see the real world for once. Get your brain and ego out of this horrible nasty money bag bag agenda, were you have got to show of your entitlement to a large property (nice 3 to 4 bedroom house with land ) and out in the wilderness in a rural village.

It's a shame before you committed to go and view properties that you haven't taken any financial advise. As u would have been advised to wait and just see how both the property and general economy markets are going to behave over the coming months. As the so call job of social media entitlement, can't guarantee you a regular sustainable income, that will allow you to afford and maintain a large property. As you have only been used to a cushy affordable social rented property, where you had no worries about big utilities bills, and no worries at maintain bills bar decorating and keeping the property in good condition aka clean. Clean for you last bones means a paid cleaner.

Go and buy a big property, and be ready for the shock of your lives, you want be able to bag freebies or a reduction for the cost just for a social media pug. It doesn't work like that in the real world dum dum. Also some rural villages don't like people like you, has they have work and graphed hard to achieve their property status. And if you move to a area like that, be ready for the nasty fun and games you will have to enjoy.

And the Huns on Instagram and tiktok, please stop boosting her ego of entitlement, does she actually do anything for you, does she provide you with any enjoyment entertainment engagement with her social media posts. Because that is what an social media influencer should do in principle.

Sorry for the long rant
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VIP Member
Don't worry, some of those small business, who are using these cheap forms of influencers to advertise there stuff. Are starting to get the hump with them. As many of them cannot be bothered to do it. As they are only doing the ones that generate the most money for the service now, just like Jo.
As a few businesses have been appearing on my fyp name and shaming them. As they been selling the promoted item on or donating the item to charity, glorifying themselves but not the small business.
I fell into the “influencer trap” . I sent another “Influencer” with a thread on here approx £60-70 pounds of stock earlier this year in a hope for some traffic on my business instagram. Items signed for at the address by the person themselves, not even so much of a Thankyou. Never ever again.
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Well-known member
I’m so confused why you would decide to quit a job when you’re apparently right about to buy a house
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VIP Member
Dunno why she makes out she’s such a good mum, full of these emotions. We all know it’s a bunch of crap
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Could never imagine having my sons first week of big boy school ruined because I wanted to go on holiday. Hunter has never even been to school before and he’s missing out on a vital friend making period. So fucking selfish
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VIP Member
The black cargo’s don’t fit you Jo, they look painted on which I’m sure they aren’t supposed to. Size 22 my arse, just because they are stretchy and you’ve stretched them to their limit doesn’t mean they fit you. Repeat after me cargo pants are not leggings.
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Slowly toe dipping into a different type of content so her lovelies don’t all abandon her once they realise she hates being the size she is and has been faking body positivity shit all this time. Or she just wanted to flog the fabletics gym wear. Which incidentally looks like shit. The only accurate thing about that video was her wearing a longer vest top cos she felt self conscious, and she should, she wears the most ridiculous unflattering shit. I don’t care if this is an unpopular opinion but no way she walks around dressed like she does without folks sniggering as soon as she passes them.
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VIP Member
I've said it before and I'll say it again, I begrudge everything this overgrown workshy freeloader gets, just watching her chubby face sucking on the straw as she went to get her nails done give me absolute rage!! She's a lazy fat fraudster who deserves nothing, I'd much rather see companies gifting hard working mums and dads than the likes of Jo, in fact it influences me not to buy from them!
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Watching this lazy lump of lard looking at houses during a cost of living crisis and impending double recession is sickening.

No one else to blame but the great thick British public that keep fraudsters like Jo relevant and paid and then blame everyone but themselves for the shit they are in.

If you are spending your benefit money or salary buying shit that directly profits people like Jo, following her, commenting on her posts, engaging with her content then YOU are the problem. Chancers and grifters have been around since day dot but don’t be the proverbial fool.
Atleast the people living in the flat downstairs will finally have some peace without the big beast and her bigger beast fella causing damage every time they take a few steps
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Chatty Member
Urgh, I’m done. I actually liked her in the beginning which is why I followed her to start with. I’m done now, well and truly done. She’s so horribly smug now. She’s awful. I have a lot more to say but I’m tired (single mum with 2 kids). I may add more tomorrow when I’m less tired
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Dont swipe up!

VIP Member
That quiver she does with her lips when she pretends to hold back tears 😩 hope everything falls through for you Jo
It’s always the dregs of society like Jo that get stuff handed on a plate
Whilst us hard working citizens have to scrimp and save for all we have
Such fat ugly revolting chavs

At least we can all lift our heads up high and be proud of what we all have and still working for

Jo you can rot in hell for all the benefits fiddling you did
Hope you get caught out
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VIP Member
Is there nothing this troglodyte won’t try and flog.
It’s not giving ‘snatched’ it’s giving ‘my arse ate it’.
As Jim Royle once said, these pants cost £1 and 50ps worth is up my arse.. Jo love you aren’t a 2xl.. more like a 2xxl.
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The safety net is there to help those most in need. I fully agree with it and support it. Once you have benefited from that help and are no longer in need, you shouldn’t be taking up housing, benefits or any other help, so that others can continue to be helped and benefit from that same help you’ve received.

It’s madness that social housing is afforded to people like Jo. Especially now, she can afford all the trappings that go along with a high income, which includes being able to pay for a private GP appt, numerous foreign holidays and a working age partner who no longer needs to work because she earns so much. Madness.
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VIP Member
This is what I hate about tiktok and social media! Lazy workshy cunts like Jo being rewarded with huge amounts of money, we all know she committed benefit fraud by saying her and Ryan didn't live together so she could get all the single parent benefits, and we all know that Jo made out her anxiety was so bad that she could hardly pull herself out of bed to go to work!!!! and hey presto just like that the anxiety is gone, there's not even a mention of it now! Jo is not a good person, she's a scammer who doesn't deserve any of what she's getting! I do not begrudge hard working people doing alright for themselves but Jo is everything I hate about society!
There is no amount of money in the world that immediately cures mental health issues so her sudden recovery proves she was on the take.

To use anxiety and mental health as a way of getting out of work is an insult to all those people who have genuine mental health issues and can’t work because they’re suffering daily. It is people like her that abuse the system and ruin it for genuine claimants.

Why is her head so long? I bet her skull looks fucking weird on an X-ray. 🫤
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