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Watching this lazy lump of lard looking at houses during a cost of living crisis and impending double recession is sickening.

No one else to blame but the great thick British public that keep fraudsters like Jo relevant and paid and then blame everyone but themselves for the shit they are in.

If you are spending your benefit money or salary buying shit that directly profits people like Jo, following her, commenting on her posts, engaging with her content then YOU are the problem. Chancers and grifters have been around since day dot but don’t be the proverbial fool.
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This is what I hate about tiktok and social media! Lazy workshy cunts like Jo being rewarded with huge amounts of money, we all know she committed benefit fraud by saying her and Ryan didn't live together so she could get all the single parent benefits, and we all know that Jo made out her anxiety was so bad that she could hardly pull herself out of bed to go to work!!!! and hey presto just like that the anxiety is gone, there's not even a mention of it now! Jo is not a good person, she's a scammer who doesn't deserve any of what she's getting! I do not begrudge hard working people doing alright for themselves but Jo is everything I hate about society!
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At the end of the day, we can sleep well in our beds, knowing we don’t resemble the offspring of igglepiggle and a Sasquatch. And I bet we can all breath when laying down.
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Can totally see Jo fitting into a nice little village with her mooselover unitard, making friends with the other mums on the school run as she huffs and puffs and tries not to pass out from sheer physical activity whilst pretending she doesn’t vape or would much rather be sat on her arse in the car while the kids walked themselves.

Also latest video, you didn’t manifest shit, you lied about your mental health, your ability to work, even your living arrangements with Ryan to sit at home making videos shilling cheap tat. The reason you were in a council flat at 18 was because your entitled arse got up the duff and then expected the local authority to house you. Ungrateful twat.
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Her insta story just enraged me
Fancy bragging that your tax return is huge
But also being the person who relied on other peoples taxes to feed your kids
And also being the person who scammed the system anyway so contributing to the problem anyway
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If you can afford to pay 💰 privately for a Dr’s appt you really shouldn’t be in social housing. I said what I said.
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Also confused that up untill a few months ago Ryan ‘didn’t live with her’ because they just couldn’t be that couple. Next minute they’re engaged, he’s quit his job and around her constantly. She may no be getting benefits any more but she played the system 100 percent back then.
She needs to put on that list before getting married sort her fucking teefs out.
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Chatty Member
So how come now she’s probably a good 5st heavier (probably more!) she’s so body positive?! Make it make sense, cos she’s clearly only throwing the plus size body positivity about to coin it in
Sorry if I offend anyone (I'm a fatty myself) but I can't help but think this whole 'plus size body positivity' is just lazy fatties who can't be arsed to put in the effort to lose weight trying to justify being fat and making themselves feel better
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I’ve just been looking at online study courses. I’m sick of working 4x 12 hour nights a week, it’s really taking its toll. Plus my eldest is getting to that age I will lose benefits I get for her so need to start planning the future. I have always worked in health and social care, moved over to HR in the same sector but with young kids I needed to be at home more so went back to front line work and nights so I can be at home more. I’m conscious of the future and earning a decent enough wage that when kids are grown up I can support myself without killing myself doing the front line work. I am looking at counselling courses which will just add to the stress of working so much and being a full time mum but determined to find a career that will support me comfortably and not drain me so much. That fucking thing doesn’t do anything inspirational whatsoever. If she was such a great Mum and so inspiring she would be doing something similar, working or studying to make a better future. I’m not jealous of her I’m just sick to death of people getting stuff for nothing. Sits on her arse eating her gifted food, wearing her gifted clothes counting down the days until she swans off on her next holiday. Yet the comments praise her non stop. Anyway, just needed that little rant as got annual leave this week and can’t stop sleeping as I’m that exhausted, my poor kids just watching me sleep all the time and if anyone has any advice for a very lost soul right now who’s worried about the future and sick of working all these nights I’d be very grateful 🥲
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Pictures of Gigantor in the wild.
Isn’t she stunnninng??!

I should put this on my front door to scare the neighbours away
Look at her, no sign of anxiety or depression there! Remember when she couldn't get out of bed and make a Dr's appointment because her anxiety was so bad, hmm I wonder what changed?? Oh yea the fact that she no longer has to get out of the house and graft for a living, I hate the fat, lazy, fraudulent cow!
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Its mad isn't it, not long ago Jo was unable to haul her arse out of bed to go to work because her anxiety was so crippling, fast forward a few months and she can go to all these parties and events and not one whiff of anxiety! Fancy that! #bigfatfraud
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I know kids can be annoying at times, but this is just too much. I may just be being a bore and that we all parent differently but there’s just no need


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Dunno why she makes out she’s such a good mum, full of these emotions. We all know it’s a bunch of crap
Well any parent that gave a shit wouldn’t be filming their child distressed being forced to have eye drops in. They’d be holding their child trying to comfort them instead of recording their distress. And who the fuck films an eye test, what’s she trying to do get free glasses off Specsavers?
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There’s nothing more fashionable on social media, than a kid with autism

Rather than using their Platform for raising awareness of ASD, they’d rather just become fat begging bastards.

I am an autism mum so it infuriates me no end. Using them like performing monkeys!

Maybe I should start off all my sentences I’m a SEN mum 🙄🙄🙄🙄

Gigantor would love nothing more than to have hunter diagnosed. Means she can claim more money whilst sitting on her giant ass
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Chatty Member
Brags about tax return being big i.e. bragging that her income is even bigger, bragging that she is seeing a mortgage broker/advisor today, bragging that she has ‘loads’ of holidays to look forward to this year. Brag brag bragging while trying to look relatable! Wait til she’s complaining that her taxes are paying for the unemployed in a total 360! Absolutely tone deaf!
Also complaining she put 6 pound on and wanting to lose it after saying she doesn’t care, which one is it?!

And no Jo, those ‘suck me ins’ do not give you a smaller stomach and a ‘snatched’ waist. They look awful and show every lump and bump including those weird second ‘hips’ I never knew were a thing. And yes, I am overweight too so it ain’t jealousy!
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Aw look at jo reminding parents that it doesn’t matter if you don’t tick all those boxes, this is Jo who sits on her fat arse all day, she doesn’t have to get up and sort her kids and rush to work!!! When jo had to do that, it was too much for her so she signed off with anxiety and depression! But the fat cunt thinks it’s ok to give all us hard working parents a pep talk!! Sorry for the language but this vile fraud really boils my piss! I wish people would see her for what she actually is!!!!!!!!!!
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