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Its mad isn't it, not long ago Jo was unable to haul her arse out of bed to go to work because her anxiety was so crippling, fast forward a few months and she can go to all these parties and events and not one whiff of anxiety! Fancy that! #bigfatfraud
it’s like the fact her and Ryan suddenly been able to live together and act the happily engaged couple now she isn’t entitled to claiming as a single parent since her TikTok blew up (and she can’t hide that)
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Just putting this screenshot from her instagram stories. In case it get deleted

View attachment 2452271
She can’t be making 10k a month. A couple of grand at best I would estimate. She doesn’t do lives and gifts and yes she does adverts but not for any well known companies. The clothes she flogs are for bigger women and there are only so many women on Tik Tok that caters to plus I bet 95% of them wouldn’t be seen dead in her tat anyway so that narrows it right down. A couple of grand to a benefit scrounger probably does feel like 10 grand tbh and would Ryan still be working if she was taking in 10 grand a month? Let’s say she was earning that sort of money she would save it and live off Ryan’s wage until they could buy a house outright so wouldn’t need to get a mortgage. Full of shit ain’t she
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Makes you sick to your stomach doesn't it when you see these freeloaders being able to manage this when people who work their arses off struggle to get by.

Long gone are the days of her faking her mental health to avoid working and making false benefit claims.

Wants to be rural, she's giving me Hinch vibes 😂
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You've gotta laugh at Jo's catch phrase, "we did it, we made it we're here" I mean anyone would think that she's just got through an exhausting week holding down a fulltime job and then housework on top! Imagine spending you're days waddling around costco and going to concerts and then trying to sympathize with your followers about the hard week you've just made it through! I literally prey for the day when the arse falls out of tiktok and all these lazy bastards have to get a proper job!
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Chatty Member
I’m sorry, I just can’t relate to her anymore. Anxiety doesn’t just stop existing when you have more money. If anything it gets worse. I have social anxiety, I work in a small office with the same people day in day out. Got our xmas party next week.. the same people i work with on a weekly basis and we are going out straight after work, yet I am still having anxiety attacks at the thought of going out. It’s crippling because there is obviously no need to feel this way as previously mentioned, it’s just how I feel 😫 so for Jo to suddenly feel fine and dandy after a few months on tiktok is BS. She never had mental health issues!
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To think I liked her at first, her abortion made me sad, and her anxiety, what a fucking piece of shit she is now.
she can have everything, but she probably won’t see her kids grow up, she’s a walking diabetic factory or cardiac arrest waiting to happen.

Oi!! Jo green peace just rang, they said get back in the water.
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Housing along with many benefits are not means tested everyone is entitled to it 🤷🏼‍♀️ if you get the house you were the top priority it at that time and I think stability is something everyone should be able to access. Private rent has no stability and isn’t affordable and often isn’t fit for purpose. I privately rented for 2 years before becoming homeless because my landlords decided they wanted my house. Now I have the stability that will never happen again and everyone deserves that I don’t think how much you earn should take away from your access to appropriate housing ?
If everyone was entitled to it then everybody would be getting it. Everybody doesn’t. It’s rightly there for people who need the most help. People like Jo fiddle the system with non existent health conditions, ghost partners who they claim don’t live with them, and general poor life choices, then continue to benefit from it.

The minute your (general you) earnings go above a certain threshold you should either pay market rent or look for alternative accommodation.

Why should I and people like me fund people like Jo? Council and social housing should be given to those who need it and should be reviewed regularly so that more people can continue to benefit from that same safety net.

Arguably if you are no longer on a low income or your finances have changed to such a degree you are able to afford to pay for private healthcare and foreign holidays (like Jo)
you can also afford to pay market rent/mortgage like the rest of the country.
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I’ve seen people on here talk about her teeth but I’m usually distracted by the size of her head when she’s speaking 😫
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Her fake Greek accent gives me rage. Acting like she’s a descendant of Zeus… no Jo you’re just a fucking fatty who will eat anything and everything
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Her latest video is giving me putting on a sick voice when you're calling in sick. Only difference is Jo babes, tik tok isn't a job!

She's that ill she's going to London this evening and spreading all her germs.
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Just got exclusive coverage of jo response to not being nominated

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Yes Jo you won’t say how much the Costco stuff has cost because you don’t want people who have followed you for years to realise that shopping in bulk from places like Costco requires you to have a decent amount of money upfront to be able to buy more for less (in the long run) plus a membership fee. You’re still making out you’re relatable to your lovelies on benefits.
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