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Is it just me, or does Joel look utterly sad and depressed in the latest Poofs episode whenever he isn't intentionally reacting or smiling? Like the kind of sadness even us caddy bitches can't make fun of? 😕


Active member
And it's downstairs at that, I can see it all going downhill, especially when Lucy meets someone, notice how he just had to have the main Bedroom as well :rolleyes:


Hey J&LFan, nice to have you back! How did you hear the rumour about the podcast? On a visit to london to see a friend? :ROFLMAO:
I am not the same person as that account. I thought some of their posts were entertaining and agreed with some of them but I would not act that way on a public forum and found it to be rather disturbing towards the end. I just enjoy the gossip. Let's just wait and see if that podcast ever sees the light of day. I don't want to reveal anything that could indicate who I am or told me that though as I'm sure you can understand.


You know I dont actually think they are racist but obviously see why slagging off areas mostly populated by minorities comes off that way. Its probably more accurate to say that they are just vain, attention-seeking classist snobs with very little perspective on the actual struggles people less fortunate than them face. Especially joel! All of his issues seems self inflicted and self perpetuated. Every time I hear him voiceing his insecurities and self doubt I immediately wish i could say to him "maybe if you weren't such a shitty person, you wouldn't feel like such a shitty person!" No depth of character that one. No perspective. No empathy and so very fake. If im hinest, I admit that part of me does see potential and I partially hatewatch in hopes of growth and sympathy. I don't think hes all bad but the bad does seem to mostly overpower any mild pleasantries he does display. Sorry rant over lol
I noticed Yas quickly deteted the IG story mentioning joel. Seriously mate move on and also its clear that joel probably asked him to take it down and then he did! Like come on Yas! You're [slightly] better tgan this!


Care to share the story behind Yas' nudes?
I have no idea about the nudes or how/when/why they ended up getting around. I randomly happened upon them while going through a "Random Lads" forum 😅. I wondered how prevalent they were and did an image search to find matching photos on the web, and it revealed a few more in different places.

I wonder if Joel stumbling upon these contributed to their breakup! Yas supposedly replied to one forum that his nudes were posted in, attempting to rebuke claims on that thread there that he is a racist, narcissistic fat-shamer and "total bottom". This was just a couple days ago. I'm shocked that people are posting these on forums and identifying him. That's indecent and rather shocking, to be honest. At least he's handling it well! Part of me is kind of rooting for the guy after getting chewed up and spit out by Joel. The other part of me is more okay with it because he's allowed himself to become involved again, if even just as friends- but I suspect more..


What makes you think you'd not be able to stand him in person? Presumably you like his videos or did at some point?
Well I liked Joel and Lia stuff for a while and then it got to be mostly boring and repetitive. Then I saw that he started his own channel and it was boring. Not trying to sound too much like my supposed doppelgänger but I checked up on his stuff here and there for a while to see when he would finally come out. Thought I would be happy for him and that he would become more interesting but how he handles that issue is atrocious with his very see through fakeness and rudeness and vanity. Occasionally Joel and Lia videos are still nice. His I started watching more often because I became entertained with what a mess he is and seeing how things go for him. I can't stand how he treated and dealt with his ex and that whole shitshow makes me keep watching him for the drama and to see whenever he slips up. I want to see how someone like him really ends up, especially with how he treated his ex. Honestly thats what probably turned my passive interest into a more active one. Like people can just do that to someone that loves them to death and have everyone take their side just because they have a minor youtube presence? Wtf! He could be using his platform to do so much good but instead he poorly entertains obsessive fans and pretends to be a nice man. So gross


VIP Member
Anyone else feel like Lucy just loves him more than he even appreciates her? Their whole friendship seems to have a kind of one-sided energy about it. I wonder what he does for all his "wonderful friends". I hope Lucy lands some gorgeous straight/bi guy that Joel wants but can't have! Then he can vlog about all that drama for views.

Anyway, does anyone have bets on how long until we get a "I'm so stressed out 😭" video regarding this whole move-in/renovation process?
If Lucy meets a bloke, he'll probably have a breakdown and cut her off and then we'll all be left to wonder where Lucy has gone and he'll eventually go "Oh, Lucy moved out! We don't speak as much anymore!" and it'll be like the Yas thing where it will come out in bits and Joel will be trying to ignore it because he doesn't want that kind of attention.


I didn't catch what the exact issues he just mentioned it near the end and by the looks of things no, can't work out why you wouldn't get a survey done. Must of been excited for all the new "content" he would be able to make for his drab channel
Oh Christ! They didn't get a survey done?! Are they insane???!!!


More Joel being adorable in his latest video. One of his gorgeous eyes had a stye in it. He got an unflattering haircut in a style he seems to prefer probably because it makes him look more masculine.

I'm hoping he can be done with the house stuff in his videos soon. It's just not that interesting, but I suppose the amount of work he and Lucy have to put into this whole moving/renovation stuff is all-consuming.

Joel said Lucy could sleep in her bed while the plaster in her room dried. She jokingly said that "she won't live in sin!" and opted not to. I'm here like "Hun, I'm pretty sure there is zero chance he's going to end up inside you- no sin possible! 😅"


VIP Member
Just watched the Joel and Lia video from a few days ago. Have a few thoughts:

1) Joel, it isn't fun or relatable to admit that you haven't cleaned out your car since you got it. That's a bit grim especially as you have a dog.
2) With the above in mine, I was questioning his overall cleanliness and hygiene and then spotted an unidentified crusty patch on his watch strap...
3) Why do they interact as if they just aren't listening to each other? They do this thing where they try to finish each others sentences but just get the wrong idea and prove they don't really know each other that well?
4) They absolutely should not be sat in his car together. It is clearly against lockdown rules. They'd claim it was okay because it was work but really they might aswell have booked a hotel room and filmed in there like usual. At least then they could be more distanced...

I think they think it's funny to joke about being low effort in their videos but in order to be engaging with little effort, you need intelligence and wit, which this pair are majorly lacking...

They have such weird energy with each other; the pauses after laughter and the sighs and saying things like 'thats so us thats so funny' makes me think they really dont have any banter at all...

Joel's hair is terribly shaped at the sides in this video.

At 10:11 Lia jokes 'my boyfriend just doesn't enable me' which is weird because they weren't talking about him? They were talking about her and Joel being eachother's 'yes' people - which makes me think her bf isn't supportive of her ✨ creative✨ outlets - i might be reading too much into that haha


Active member
Yes that’s what I meant ^ it wasn’t why he got the hair transplant but it must have crossed his mind when he was considering it. What are these comments you say on IG if I were Yas I’d just ghost him


VIP Member
So I see the video that supposed to be deleted after 24 hours is still up 3 days later and now has an AD, so fake and desperate for views, mouldy ! What’s more there’s actually a few LeGeNdS in the comments saying the same too, hopefully some of the sheeple are wising up 🤞🏻


VIP Member
Yes to all of your points ! That thing where they try and finish each others sentences is really annoying ! And Joel clean up that car you minger ! I'm not really surprised they've literally flouted the covid rules in everyones faces. That's why they haven't made a big song and dance about being able to meet up again because they've been doing so anyway ! I think Ach deffo doesn't like being on camera and I don't know but I just get sly vibes from him. On another note what do we think about Joel and Niki from Niki and Sammy. I actually think there's chemistry there but Joel doesn't want to know if it isn't a gymhead.


Chatty Member
Boring, NEGATIVE, and thinks he's the authority (along with his equally annoying mate, Lia Hatzakis) on all things American. Loves to make videos addressing his haters for 'fun.' When you dedicate entire vlogs to "internet trolls" you know you have some issues and should probably not be on YT.


I love watching this train wreck as well but I would not go out of my way to install a fake GPS app to find Joel on Tinder. You would of had to sleuth hard to find his location and that just doesn't seem like normal behaviour.
I did not install a fake GPS app to find him. I installed it to set my location back to my hometown while I was in London.


What exactly is your own work that you're working towards?
There's a high chance that it will never see the light of day, but I am working on a fictional romantic tragedy (not erotic) novel about an influencer desperate for both love and fame. I hope the obvious appeal ends up being the catharsis of a tragic romance, but I'm trying to focus on dissecting the toxic nature of idealizing fame and celebrity and delve into why the character ends up warped and unwittingly acting in such a toxic way, how society and fandom pander to that in general, and how things really feel behind the scenes.

Joel and similar people make excellent real-life examples of this phenomenon. I originally majored in psychology but ended up working as a ghost writer for a public relations firm, doing everything from anonymously submitting gossip articles to working with publicity mills designed to generate the illusion of fandom (fake followers and profiles, trolling to generate gossip, etc) before a real one actually exists.

Most of this is harmless and most people buy into it. However, in that field, I quickly learned that one can end up contributing to questionable things. As someone with a keen interest in personality theory and a love of writing, I hope to be able to portray how Cluster B personality traits/disorders (particularly in the US) pave the way for such phenomena. I'm hoping to do it in a fictional way that isn't clinical and helps people develop the empathy required to both be immune to it, understand why people do it and stop contributing to it.

This was already in the works prior to learning about Joel, but when I was asked to write the smut about him and his ex and looked into him, it was hard to stop. I was amazed at how easy it was to want to learn more! I wouldn't say the character is based on him, but he's definitely an inspiration for many facets of a someone I want to portray as pretty equally protagonist and antagonist, unable to get out of their own way, has constant ups and downs in self-esteem. This is someone widely misunderstood, that has amassed some form of perceived "success", but has chronic feelings of inadequacy, emptiness, abandonment issues, an unstable sense of self, attention-seeking behavior, frantic attempts to save face, reactive attachment, etc. This person appears supremely narcissistic, but in reality is mostly overcompensating for borderline (emotionally unstable) and histrionic (attention craving) traits. Tell me he isn't one of the perfect people to look into to observe at least some of that! 😬


VIP Member
Has he cut some of the broccoli down through the stalk so it is a long stick? There is also some tenderstem on his plate but clearly his finances arent as healthy as he would like us to believe if he is making mock-tenderstem to bulk it out and to save a few pence :ROFLMAO:

The meal looks bland af - I can tell by looking at him that he is the type of person who makes a personality out of loving ketchup on everything...


what say you J&LFan/Lovingit?
I normally would not care that people are assuming I am the same person as J&lfan except that they seem to have something very wrong with them like maybe to an alarming degree. Even if I agree with a lot of the opinions I see I cannot get behind their behaviour. It's alarming and creepy. Like I actually wonder if certain people should be worried. That person used the same exact terms to describe him that they posted here. "Unstable sense of self" "love to hate/hate to love him" Also, I have read that "fanfiction" and it is so fucking weird that someone could feel comfortable writing about real people in such a way. Not trying to be mean but no. I am definitely not able to get behind that sort of behaviour.