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Maybe she's crying because she caught sight of her new under-stair dungeon.
Omg I'm howling 😂 😂 it actually isn't even a laughing matter it's just the way you wrote it ! IKR Lucy's room, might aswell have just left the plaster up ! is he really painting his room grey ? ok joel Llewellyn bowen. Actually I'm even more annoyed at myself for watching the drivel in the first place 😩


Yes I forgot my login for JoeyYanks 😂 I’m sorry but they wouldn’t know hard work if it hit them, their idea of a job is pouting into a camera talking sh*t


Active member
They went on a trip to Paris years ago and Lia had her bag stolen, it was upsetting to watch and I did feel sorry for them. A couple of years later they went back to Paris after repeatedly saying they would never go again and made a big song and dance about going into the hotel again and they took the worker at the desk to task asking him if he knew what happened, I just though meh... if they hated Paris so much why re live it all again ? just seemed a bit disingenuous to me ?


VIP Member
Well that vlog was just tragic.
firstly, when he's outside in the mini and he keeps blurring the window, yet a few seconds later it's all clear again ? Also note how he made Lucy take the mattress in her car and not his, urgh. omg you're so right what the fuck was that where he was eating the banana, no relevance to anything 😂 and then goes into the centre of london to sit in a park shirtless reading mens health, must think that sort of thing is "goals"

The "line" in Lucy's bedroom, supposed to make it look taller. Just makes it look like the painting hasn't been done ! And then again with the 'crack den' comments, sorry but it's just wayyy over the top and unecessary.

His eye must be swollen from seeing too much Bullshit editing his vlogs 🙄


VIP Member
It says your 2000 odd miles away though ?

and ikr ? He wears nothing but athletic wear but made a big hoo-ha about that clothes box he paid a couple hundred £ for that had smart clothes in but none of them have seen the light of day since


Active member
^ he definitely would, I think a lot of his american audience are starting to see through how much of a narcissist he is, there are people who have tons of threads on here who aren't even half as smarmy as what he is


I know! Maybe this is what Joel had in his plan all this time!

I'll give you the benefit of the doubt on this but I will say, Joel and Lia are at the bottom end of the fauxlebrity phenomenon. Of course, they try and appear like they are near the top but compared to others like James and Carys and Family Fizz? Absolute nobodies. Their fandom mainly consists of old American ladies who find them cute and apparently that is enough for them to think they're bigger than the Beatles. LOL.
That's the thing! I know they are "nobodies". I see their obsession with fame constantly being presented as a passion for acting/entertainment. It's actually sad and I feel more compassion for them than annoyance. I know what causes that sort of behavior and am vehemently against it. I also find them adorable. I also see a man who deep down thinks he's undesirable and never good enough while also thinking he's amazing in such an unstable and varying sense of self. For any fellow nerdy types, look up cluster B personality disorders criteria..

Seriously though, someone just love this guy to death already so he can become someone we want to see succeed! LOL Someone else tell him what a douche he comes across as due to his lack of perspective! Cancel the BS and be honest all fans, haters, and "faters" 😂

It would be amazing to see someone like this develop into someone worth their platform (however large or small) and realize their potential. Either way, someone like him makes an excellent character to demolish and rebuild, even if it's just a fiction writer's fantasy..


VIP Member
@Greenlentils I gave the benefit of the doubt too but just had a niggling feeling but when they defended J&Lfan it more or less confirmed it to me, I really do think this thread will get popular though, eventually, we’re at least getting through a page a day now 😂 which is amazing considering how boring he is


I've been extremely suspicious of 'J&L Fan' being Joel or Yas since they started posting. Mainly because of the thirst towards Joel and Yas! Nobody fancies them! 😂

He is awful for doing that! He goes to great pains to hide stuff, then you can clearly read street signs/see landmarks when he's out! He's even said "Oh it's not that far away from where we were living in Wandsworth"

Looks like you're in the dodgy end, Joel!
LOL, I've also been so suspicious of accounts posting here really just being Joel or Yas! 🤣 As I mentioned before, it would be an excellent way to gauge reception, be informed of gossip, and sway the narrative. Especially so when the "gossip" is so benign, speculative, and only mildly self-deprecating at most.

I'm definitely not either of them or connected to either of them, but they are both so transparent and fun to talk about! Again, I'm fascinated by Joel's ability to gather such a fandom and monetize it (inadvertently making me a fan, I suppose). His relationship with Yas is fascinating to me.

Yes, I think they're both good looking (especially Joel- gorgeous IMO), so I can't throw shade at their looks, but how concerned and insecure Joel is about his looks is sad and fascinating because I just can't understand it.

Anyway, did anyone see his latest slog? "someone broke into my car *not clickbait*"

It's so horribly clickbait that the title has to have "*not clickbait*" in it! For about one minute of the 12-minute long video, he mentions that someone was able to get into his car and rummage through it and they took pocket change, leaving it in disarray. Maybe the location of his terraced house- (sorry! posh cottage?) isn't as Kensington as he likes to make it seem to his Amerifans? 🤔🙄


VIP Member
His diets more bland than his content, I’m sorry but if staying “lean” means eating that slop that mouldy was eating then I’d rather have a dad bod ! Although my bmi is 23 I eat in moderation but i doplenty of “binges” (which I need to get under control 😅)


VIP Member
He’s Been drinking with drew and his wife in the garden on his stories, most probably peft early to stare at himself in the mirror/ beg free clothes whilst the others had a good gossip sesh


What makes you think that I'm Joel or someone associated with him? Recall that I'm not the one who conveniently happened to match him on Tinder on the first try. I'm also not the one with the username "J&LFan."

I'm going to give you the benefit of the doubt because you made some good points about Joel and his shit personality. But I'm still perplexed as to why you'd choose him for your case study :unsure:
Joel is an interesting choice because I can stand watching him and his issues are so very apparent that it's interesting to me. I wouldn't call him my case study, since I am actually observing seven different "influencers". He's really just the most interestingly messed up one. And yes, I find him attractive in that "douchebag I don't want to be physically attracted to but am anyway" kind of way. Maybe part of that is from choosing to see him that way to create the erotica? 😅

Point is- it's entertaining and fun for me to look into him. The others are mostly endearing and maybe somewhat cloying but not entirely interesting and certainly not worth gossip. Joel is just deliciously fucked up! Of course, I would never want to interact with him personally or meet him. He just creates content that is fun to hate, look into, and gossip about. I appreciate the duality it causes me to feel. I am a fan and a hater, but "J&LFan/Hater" doesn't look as good. 😂


What are the chances of Joel being the first person to pop up on your Tinder unless you were near him? This is sus and creepy. Are you sure you're not Yas?
Quite sure I'm not Yas but I always suspect a few other posters here to really just be Joel. It's supremely entertaining to be on this thread either way. 😉😘

Perhaps it was my search preferences (27-32) and I was pretty close to the neighborhood he and Lucy used to live at that time. I just love seeing how he interacts anonymously with gossip threads about him, likely through multiple accounts, often in a superficially self-deprecating way in an attempt to sway gossip about him towards more benign topics and to see what people really think. It's fascinating!
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VIP Member
What 30 minute rant ? The one he uploaded onto YouTube ? I actually can’t believe we’re even talking about this still 😬 I blame myself though for bringing it up ! Mouldy has uploaded a new video btw and my insomnia is bad so may go and watch to doze off 😴


VIP Member
Just watched the video where he goes and has a coffee with his mum.

God he is infuriating. Nothing even specific, just the whole video was annoying!
It’s because he’s so fake ! What’s more the bitchy side is coming out more and more now, it blows my mind that the thumbs down are only in single figure on most of his videos
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Active member
Honestly the sooner the better, irritates me to no end how these nobodies get gifted freebies and the way they snobbishly boast. Read the room ! we are in a pandemic! he is deffo obsessed with Vero he most probably thinks he'll be able to get her on the Joel and Lia channel for some Americanisms :rolleyes: I didn't know that their current latest manager had f*cked them off though ? 😂


VIP Member
So I endured the new vlog.
- starts off banging on about his vlog challenge and then does his joking but not really tone and says 'I'll get sick of you' no mate people are getting sick of you and I am expecting a lot of new members on this thread.
- shows the new balance package he was sent which was on his instagram story and says he isn't being paid for it but goes on about how he loves it, hmm yes sure, you're just on the beg for a little sponsor deal we see you !
-goes on he only pitches to brands if he really likes them, no you'll pitch to any brand that will have you, the highest bidder gets the job, he must think the viewers are idiots
- goes on that trust means so much to him and he's protective of his viewers, but is constantly touting cameo and raking in donations from livestreams...
-next they go to loaf to look at sofa's but decide not to buy one from there because they were £2500 and he would only pay that much for is 'forever home' or more likely, he couldn't get a deal with them to advertise on his shitty channel.
- also says he wanted the fold up bed ottoman as a coffee table (doesn't make sense)
- also laughing about how he made his dad drive to London with his wood paneling which he couldn't get on his own because his cars 'too small' couldn't Lucy have helped ?

Well, that's pretty much my take on it tattlers.
I think he needs to accept that the Joel and Lia glory days are long gone and both channels are in decline :unsure:
I'll watch it tomorrow. I think I've had too much Joel for one day. (tbh even a moment is a moment too much)

Also, lol at the idea that they ever really had glory days :ROFLMAO: 🤦‍♀️


VIP Member
I watched the "She Isn't Getting The Vaccine" Joel and Lia video and who exactly are they trying to attract with that? The Reclaim Party nutjobs? They try to court controversy for views in the dumbest way possible! I had to laugh at Lucy being in the background making her lunch!


VIP Member
HAHAHA what a sad little career, Mould.

Imagine 'turning down' withdrawing from the selection process for an acting role for a gay character just because you didn't want to be seen as gay, just to years later be a host on a podcast called '4 poofs and a podcast'. Hilarious.
Couldn't make it up could you, wonder what his parents will think ? Can't see them being too happy if they're as bible bashing as what Mouldy makes out