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Chatty Member
Going back to the Home schooling...I Home educate mine and can promise they get a lot of socialisation, to the point we have to cut back sometimes to get any formal learning done. We have sports days, we have end of year shows, we have proms and Home ed dances and parties. We go on home ed holidays, forest schools, workshops, there are even home ed residentials. We have the majority of things people say our kids might 'miss out on'.

I very much doubt he is going to have the time and commitment needed to become part of the Home ed community though! My days are spent going from one thing to another, making sure groups are running, paying for groups, researching other things they can do, field trips, lesson plans. I don't see how he's going to have the time for that, for making sure she can forge friendships with other children, if he's also going to be going from one place to another as much as he does .

Home ed does have its place, and I seriously eye roll every time I hear 'but what about socialisation?' yet I can't see how this will work. If you are going to do Home ed, you have to accept it is going to be a full time job, and for a lot of people, on top of a paid one.

Ps I only joined tattle recently while reading the bbc presenter thread but then came across this. I'm finding it very hard to put my phone down!
I think that's the point. Home Education is brilliant but it takes a lot of commitment and engagement.

Joe and Rosie will not join a home ed community. They will not be prioritising or researching anything.
They'll be shoved some workbooks he's bought off Amazon and he'll pat himself on the back for a job well done 🙄

They just want the freedom from terms and compulsory school attendance so they can jet off as and when they like. They're not home educating, they're just tapping out of school.

Also, welcome 😄
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Chatty Member
Oh great he is now going to go down the UPF route….

Yes we know UPF aren’t great for us but unfortunately we all work and have busy lives and can’t always make every single thing we eat from scratch and grown in our or grown on organic farms etc. Also there is a privilege to being able to afford not to eat UPF which should be a huge part of the conversations.l during a time where the cost of living is already having a huge impact.

Many other people in the industry have already and are already discussing this topic he is of course way behind.
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Chatty Member

A pile of fruit is fine, and perfectly delicious, but it's not a cake for fucks sake.

Get a grip dude.
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Chatty Member
He posts about these binge periods like they're normal and relatable. They aren't. They're a consequence and a major indicator that his relationship with food and exercise is disordered.

Quite a lot of people can eat a balanced diet where they give themselves unconditional permission to eat and can stay up a bit later without eating another meal, where they can not feel the need to go crazy eating everything in sight because they know if they fancy some chocolate or a biscuit they can eat some whenever they wish.

His attitude is not one to emulate. He's like this because he restricts. And he does the same to his kids.
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He definitely thinks his way is better than the teachers way. And most likely thinks he’s giving his kids an ‘education’ by taking them for skateboarding lessons in LA and fancy hotels all over the world. He’s too stupid and self absorbed to realise he’s limiting those kids from a young age. Imagine the documentaries Indie and Marley can make about their childhood like Joe did!
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His passive aggressive message on Facebook now, thank you for all the supportive messages! We may only do this for a year, she is only 5. Load of nonsence, you are stunting her learning and development as you have 5+ trips booked. She will miss out on so much you twat! How people bow down to him is BEYOND me and he has been on here reading these, I hope you read this you bell end.
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VIP Member
There was a program on bbc about food and the way of living through the decades. It was so interesting. Families had to dress and live exactly as you would have at that time. If Joe watched it he would see his mum was just like everyone else
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VIP Member
He’s back telling us all that one of his workouts relieves depression. Just because he went on another one of his binges last night he’s trying to preach to all of us the a few burpees solves it all
View attachment 2438573
He looks like shit. He looks dead behind the eyes, older before his time and weak and scrawny. 🤢And preaching to us peasants about how best to live your life and eat. Piss off Joe.
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VIP Member
I’m convinced he has binge eating disorder. It’s a relatively ‘new’ or more recognised eating disorder. You don’t have to be fat to have it. I have it and I am fat but anyone who eats beyond being hungry i.e Joe (because if he doesn’t go to bed early he will eat) will also likely have it. It’s linked with asd/adhd too which is also definitely Joe.
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Chatty Member
It’s because he’ll be off his face at Glasto and inhaling cheesy chips on the come down.
I actually can’t wait. Sick of hearing him bang on about how he didn’t feel like doing one of his own shitty hiity workouts but did it anyway. The greasy haired droopy bollock
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None of this will be a surprise but… during covid I was on furlough and did a side hustle of some consulting for a fitness influencer since I have worked in building apps and marketing. That’s not the non-surprising bit

What I learned is that these fucks know and do nothing. Just got lucky where they landed and preach shite that they have absolutely no qualification in. Take Joe’s books - Harper Collins offer him 250k (estimation) for his face and a photo shoot and to promote his NEW book though his social media. HC do ALL the legwork with recipes, shoots, promo plan, marketing, and everything else. They’ll find 50k idiots to buy the book at a tenner a pop and BOOM - 250k profit.

If you go back to Joe’s original plan, his recipes were like dog food. Meat meat and more meat - muscle mince 🤢. All he is is a curly haired ‘handsome’ face that appeals to a minority of thickos, which HE IS TOO. Give it 5-years and a strictly come dancing appearance and he’ll be long gone
Oh, and also - he wouldn’t break through now as he doesn’t understand new social media
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VIP Member
Do you think he makes Indie watch The Greatest Showman every morning because, upon seeing the title, he’s convinced he must feature in it somewhere 😂
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Chatty Member
His followers will be lapping this up as well! 🤦🏻‍♂️
Also love how he tells his followers that if they’re fancying chocolate or crisps to get rid of them from the house to remove temptation. Some people can eat things like that in reasonable amounts. Not everyone is a bingey cockwomble like you Joe
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Well-known member
Is he for real, moaning he was woken up at 5.30am!! This week my husband is on mornings and starts work at 6am, and because he doesn't drive and where we live he can't get there, so I take him at 5.30, that's normal life you entitled prick!!
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Chatty Member
There are a number of reasons I'm sure.

Firstly he obviously wants to be able to go away whenever he wants

Secondly he's probably had a bollocking from school for alsorts of reasons including time on holiday, use of social media, his approach to reading etc

Thirdly he reckons they can do it better themselves as Indie is a genius and ahead of her peers.

What a deluded idiot. They will catch up, Indie will have no friends but it's ok because Joe gets to shag his wife and go on holiday lots 🙄

And I know homeschooling works for so many but those people have structure and the aim to socialise their children as much as possible. I doubt this will be the Wicks' way!!
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VIP Member
There’ some pics on his brother’s Instagram of the stag do in Ibiza. All pie eyed and dilated pupils a go, Joe has dark glasses on indoors.
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VIP Member
Said many times before but if those kids were being brought up like that by a single mum on a council estate (that’s not shade at anyone by the way) social services would have been called by now
Yes this, if they lived in a rough area and were poor they'd be looked down on. Letting the kid ride a mini Moto around, dirty, bare feet, lack of boundaries etc etc
ETA - nothing from the sweaty hairy prick today, jet lag got him? Come on Joe, it's just a mindset. Get your arse out of bed for that 6am workout!
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VIP Member
He struggles to go more than 15 mins without looking at his phone? Jeez. He needs to get a grip on that addiction.
I know we said before, but I'm convinced he thinks getting Indie to do those work books is all the home schooling they need do. Note they've got ones related to the terms for Y1. But an actual teacher would be explaining things so they understand why or how they are doing things, esp for maths where it's about the process you go through as much as the right answer? I'm not convinced they are equipped to spend the time grounding basics and just measure it in terms of 10 minutes a day on each book. What about crafts and things, to spark imagination and fine motor skills? It's not just about banging through a work book while your dad films you and tells you you've "rinsed it". Prick he is!
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