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I think she uses me as a replacement for my. We all have certain colloquial slang we go back to, I think this is one of hers.

Ive definitely heard my replaced with me in both Ireland and the UK too.
Yeah I’ve just noticed she does it, just referring back to what a previous poster was talking about. As you say it’s just a colloquial thing, was just agreeing with someone that I’d heard her do it too.
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Do you also find it odd that when she cooks/bakes, it's most of the time three portions? For example, she always serves 3 stacked pancakes. When I cook with my bf, we try to make 4 portions st we have approximately the same amount of leftovers for each of us
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Sort of random but do any of you think Dianne might actually be changing her hair colour a bit this time as she seems to have stopped putting the red into her roots ? Obviously that might just be so she can have it all done at the hairdressers when she goes tho!
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Remember when they first moved in he said they had big plans for the house. They’re obviously building a big fuck off extension like Zalfie’s and maybe a loft conversion while they’re splashing the cash. Just hope they don’t furnish it with cheap self build shite off Amazon and actually buy something decent.
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Is he actually in it past the first episode now he’s been dumped?
I really don’t understand how they rolled him out for magazine covers and interviews when there are tons of bigger names in it and he’s got such a minute role.
Absolute stunt casting. And I thought he was poor. Mumbly and awkward looking
Apparently he’s in three episodes
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Do you also find it odd that they have decided to paint OVER the wallpaper instead of ripping it off? Wouldn't you then feel the structure of it anyways? And maybe see the design of it?
Yes find it so odd !! It felt a bit slapdash to me - surely you’d want to paint on a plain canvas and do it properly rather than rush it all?!?
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I can’t imagine alfies teeth going anywhere near anyone without an a&e trip
I like to think when he got them done, they just gave him ill-fitting dentures 😅 Poor Zoe, baby Gazebo being conceived with a glass of false teeth next to her.
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To be honest it comes across that joe and Zoe both have issues with food
I thought this. I've only recently starting watching Joe and Dianne's vlogs and whenever she cooks, her plate looks really healthy whereas Joe's looks like a kids meal. I get the impression he's a really fussy eater!
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except they have the painted the whole room which I think is out of the ordinary 😂
Yeah I find it a bit confusing, I know it looks like Dianne painted the rooms upstairs, do we know if they have wallpaper or just paint upstairs? I know the kitchen just has one wall.

I really hope they make it nice cause it looks like such a lovely house. I’m praying the colours aren’t too wild because we know how much Dianne likes colour! I suppose if they are happy though then that’s good
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They’ve also not been on the holidays they usually would so are looking pale. Joe used to spend Christmas/new year in South Africa didn’t he? And more recently Australia.

I think they just look a bit washed out and pale personally
I mean, they could just fake tan/filter if this was the case. But yeah, their skin doesn't look great as well as Dianne looking rather twiggy and not as strong or womanly. I think looking at protein would make a huge difference and allow Joe to actually gain some muscle.
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I just came to say. He posted the trailer on March 11 so I went to have a nosey and look and he says NOTHING 😹😹😹
There is a clip of him walking with the girl and she says about kids and he mutters a few words.
I don’t think he’ll be bad because he’s basically playing himself a few years ago with a different accent. Young lad, into music, head in the clouds of wanting to be famous.

He’s always been cast well for what suits him I find
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Im pretty sure she reposted a story first about it wasp thing laughing? I could be wrong though. Somethings I don’t like him saying stuff but I found this one funny and don’t think it’s a big deal.

I personally couldn’t take Dianne driving, I think she would be slightly to chaotic for me. Her parents even took the piss saying watch out when she was driving in Australia. I hope she can just swap her license and she can get out on the roads, she seems like she would always be out and about keeping busy. It nice seeing how happy she was about getting a car.

I’m really hoping Dianne gets to go home soon. I don’t see the tours happening but if so, I hope she has time to visit home.
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Has she had her contract renewed
There were reports that all the pros had their contracts renewed or were going to but that hasn’t been officially confirmed.

I could see her leaving for just a year if it was discussed with the show. I don't think she'd fully leave then expect be invited back, but I can imagine just taking a year off to have a child/recover if she arranged it that way with producers. She's a fan favourite on the show I'm sure they'd be happy to have her back after a year off for a child. She's said recently that she has no intention of leaving the show any time soon, and even if she can't be a dancer she'd still want to be involved somehow.
Kevin Clifton, a well known dancer, popular with many left for a year and the BBC won’t have him back. I think you’re overestimating how loyal the BBC will be to the dancers, they are replaceable and once they go they don’t come back. Also there’s no guarantee she’d physically be able to get to the level required to continue dancing. That’s before you consider the practicalities of raising a child while working 6 and a half days a week for a few months, 12 hour days.
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Remember the BBC is going through a stage of sacking everyone at the minute, not sure if that would extend to Strictly pro's or just presenters but is a possibility. I think there's a level of anxiety with Dianne during Strictly because of the constant worry of not doing well and just being sacked off, BBC has a reputation for that one. I think she's very much a perfectionist and likes to be in control, and knowing she's taught and taught someone to the best of her ability and them getting it wrong (no one's fault) she just can't handle it. While she probably doesn't blame them because it IS hard if you're not a natural dancer, it would be pressing if your whole job depended on it. I do like Dianne and I feel me and her are very similar, aside from the fact she's 5 years older than me. I think she has been given some very weak partners and she could do well with someone the public know (as someone else state) and someone she has more chemistry with. Also a lot of the people who now know of Dianne from an internet perspective aren't Strictly viewers.
Can someone point me in the direction of finding out what happened with Dev as referenced earlier? Or just give me a brief summary? Please
Her and Dev were in the bottom two in week 4 (a bit of a surprise as he was top of the table the week before). They lost the dance off and Dianne was clearly in a bit of shock and spent most of their exit dance crying with her head in her hands from what I remember
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I think their forever home would have room for a proper indoor gym and a room that they could potentially use to dance in. Haven’t seen any pics of the new house so not sure if either is possible.
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Don’t you know if you have an Instagram account with so many followers the rules don’t apply and COVID will never touch you?

It winds me up how many usually intelligent rational people I know are willing to pretend what so called celebs off social media is somehow essential and they need to be travelling / seeing each other / bla
I don't understand have they been meeting someone they shouldn't have or traveling somewhere? 🤔
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