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VIP Member
Only a couple of the cats are rescued. Even the ones she said she rescued from a kitten farm weren’t. She went to a breeder to buy the cats and said that the conditions were poor. She didn’t report it or anything though. Just took the two kittens she had gone to buy.

The Rottweiler she has wasn’t a rescue, she bought it as a puppy, although the other one she had that died was. I think the other ones she has now are but I think the bulldogs and pugs she used to have all came from breeders.
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That she claims to be a vegan but supports hunting says all you need to know about her. She isn’t kind. She’s a bigot. She claims she’s anti bullying yet well we all know how she treats people. She tells people to be kind and supports people who are the opposite of that. She also claims to be smart yet she’s thick as pigshit when it comes to these things. She’s also still posting her catfish photos. Knowing Jodie this is to impress someone. If they’ve seen her in the flesh they know she looks nothing like this. It they’re yet to meet then he’s in for a shock. No matter how much she pulls her jumper. Can’t photoshop that builders elbow in real life dolly….

Jodie must be paying a fortune

That she claims to be a vegan but supports hunting says all you need to know about her. She isn’t kind. She’s a bigot. She claims she’s anti bullying yet well we all know how she treats people. She tells people to be kind and supports people who are the opposite of that. She also claims to be smart yet she’s thick as pigshit when it comes to these things. She’s also still posting her catfish photos. Knowing Jodie this is to impress someone. If they’ve seen her in the flesh they know she looks nothing like this. It they’re yet to meet then he’s in for a shock. No matter how much she pulls her jumper. Can’t photoshop that builders elbow in real life dolly….
Jodie must be paying a fortune! 🤣😝

Looking at these desperate, pathetic throwbacks is anyone thinking the same as me??.. she's on the wine, and everything else!
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Chatty Member
No way she’ll care for that piercing well enough for it to heal properly. Daiths are tricky, I had to get mine taken out as it wasn’t healing and the pressure made me feel like my head was going to pop.
Mine took a year to heal and was horrible to get healthy again! I don’t believe she could sleep on it either!!
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now listen ere

Active member
This is Jodie all over. She does this all the time - gets obsessive about different things. She’ll probably keep going back for more piercings until something else comes along, a new film, a 50s music show, it really could be anything.
It was Christmas decorations a couple of years ago !
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VIP Member
I might go to the clothes sale thing as it’s near me but I don’t really want to buy anything for this farm
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VIP Member
So she was at some fundraising event for another animal sanctuary?? What about her ‘farm’ poor animals are probably being left to rot
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I’ve just seen that insta post of her slobbering all over that goat. She definitely needs to find another salon her lips are wonky she looks like she’s having a stroke.

Her mum died of cancer though didn’t she? What’s that got to do with Twat Hancock?
Because EVERYTHING is about jodie 🤨
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It's her standard modus opperandi. Love bomb the absolute shit out of them, tell them you can't live with out them, make them feel obliged to stay around. She knows exactly what she's doing. I agree, it made for very uncomfortable reading.
This! Her over the top way of eulogising anyone goes into overdrive when they scorn or upset her. Woe betide anyone who dares to criticise or stop enabling her.

What does everyone thing the op was? Swapping the festering implants 🦠🤢 for new ones ?
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VIP Member
She sold a story to the NOTW saying that she’d slept with him and he made a complaint and she had to admit that it was made up.
Surprised she would try it with someone like Frank but yet not surprised at the same time.
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VIP Member
I often feel a bit sorry for animal hoarders (and their animals, obviously) because they start out with good intentions. When I think animal hoarder I think of some lonely woman in a tiny house with dozens of cats, rescuing got out of control and they don't have the funds to pay vet bills etc.

This Fripps farm shit show is just the vanity project of a very wealthy woman who had dreamed of owning an animal rescue since she was a kid. Fuck all to do with saving animals, just pure self indulgence. Begging for money from her followers....pffft. This moron can afford to buy £500 shoes, thousands of pounds worth of wellies, Harley Davidsons, endless botox and fillers.

As others have said, she just doesn't have the space for hundreds of animals in her garden. Judging by the emu situation they're distressed and don't have adequate space to run around. And now she's a breeder of meerkats! Let's not forget the pony that gave birth there not long ago - you think someone who'd had so much sex would understand that if you put a male and female animal together they will likely breed.

I'm astounded she even shared that upsetting photo - and decent person would be embarassed and would be re-evaluating what they were doing with this "rescue". But no, Jodie is plastering the pic over social media. Zero self awareness.

And after all that hoo-ha about Mabel needing to be with other meerkats doing meerkat things, I was appalled to see her post recently how she took Mabel out of the enclosure and into her bed "for cuddles". Three days ago she commented that "I feel like I gave birth to her!!!! Honestly the bond I have with her is insane!" How the fuck is this helping the meerkat?

Jodie Exotic is batshit crazy and needs prosecuting.

The similarities are remarkable, self-serving egomaniac who neglects animals and has a penchant for a sparkly jacket and badly bleached hair 😂

View attachment 1656928
She truly lives in cloud cuckoo land.
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Chatty Member
In the book she reckons she’s got a “photographic memory”…….funny that coz she can’t remember which of them animals she’s seen in that cesspit from one week to the fuckin next!
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