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Was only five minutes since she was all over the body shop products 🙄 her poor bloody skin though, flits from one thing to the next, lathers in the excess and then moves on to something else when the next gifted item rolls in
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That is the shittiest thing she’s done imho - she doesn’t need it, she for sure doesn’t need any more food. She could have ran a giveaway where someone had to make a donation and send her her proof and they win the candle like Megan Rose Lane did to help the charity. No Jess will just keep it.

Is she that desperate for money considering she’s got money to spend 600 on a ASOS order?
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I will never ever ever understand how people can talk about their bowel habits on their stories. Or any disgusting story to be honest. I mean yeah we all do it but there is just NO NEED to talk about it! Same as the pimple popping! Same as poppy with her disgusting sex stories. It’s just so unnecessary
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I don’t see her at all going through a depression? She had a day on the couch and didn’t shower? I’m sorry but that’s a weekly thing for Jess. Jess’s biggest problem is her sheer laziness. My father was bone lazy and you literally can’t beat it out if them. She is just lazy
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Why does someone with thin hair in a chin length bob need a hair washing schedule ?! If her name was Rapunzel I would understand the need but seriously you are talking 15 mins max to wash and dry her hair ...pure laziness!
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Why has she made a simple beach walk into a cheezy video? Not everything needs to be broadcasted to instagram. Just enjoy the moment and put your phone away. And no one wants to see you shovelling chips in your mouth as a snack
Because she only goes for a walk once a year so it feels like a special occasion.
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It’s the fact that she actually needs to give her address to these companies to actually receive the goods is what makes me sick... she could EASILY say ‘I have no need for it but please send it to *insert shelter*’ but nooooo Jess doesn’t want to spend her own money this Christmas so she’s put a piss take effort into creating a stupid list that I didn’t even look at and now will reap all of the benefits
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I'm sure pretty little thing have gone out of their way to find the worst 'influencers' to gift their PJ's to, I don't rate the brand anyway but all of the ones I've seen look awful
I soo agree with this ...whatlauraloves is another one who is parading similar on her Instagram and looks just as polyester pjs not for me thanks! ....and the cheap towelling robe that she obviously can't do up ! Their sizing is appalling and is probably why everything they sell is cheap
..I also don't shop with them on principle as they are part of the shit show that is boohoo !
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She literally has one piece of veg on her dinner a solitary piece of brocolli😂 my roast is usually mostly veg
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I feel like emailing them and linking them to her account to show them what she does before returning them
For me it's the fact she will be sending most of it back,( after affiliate linking it all ) and the fact that there is a possibility it will all end up in landfill. Asos did say they were cracking down on accounts that ' wear and return' and also accounts that fall into the buying and returning excessively...she definitely falls into that category.
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I cringe so bad when she’s trying to be funny. I have to skip past it, I’m so embarrassed for her.
The haul was awful. Again lots of clothes that didn’t fit her yet she continues to use the most annoying sentence ever: true to size......
No Jess, it’s not. Wake up love
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I was thinking one of those knitted loo roll doll cover things that my nan had on her toilet!

How is she even friends with PA ? For a supposed friend to comment she looks great when she quite clearly does not ...that's not a friend that has your back !
I dont think there are any true friends amongst that lot. They purely exist to blow smoke up eachother and convince themselves they are not morbidly obese, just living their best life 🙄
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I dont see the point in having a 'christmas' dinner when its only a few weeks away.
Takes all the fun out of having it 😫
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I think she’s going to return most of it, she only does it for the swipe-ups, if 50 people swipe up and she gets £2 commission, she’d earn £100! She has a lot of followers, so you can imagine how much she earns from those swipe ups. If 5000 of her followers swipe up and buy something she’d earn £10,000!!! (Assuming she earns £2 per swipe up idk the real amount but she obviously must hit the jackpot when doing these)
Here's my understanding of swipeup / AL ...1.a person swipes up on her link .. 2. a person purchases the item.. 3. Jess receives a % of that sale... 4. Unless the person clears their cookies Jess will receive money from any other purchases that person makes on that site for the next 4 weeks. Imagine if 100 + people swipe up !?! It's a scam she cashes in on mercilessly.

The grey area for me is does she receive money from the swipe up too or only if the person makes a purchase?

Personally I never use the swipe ups for this reason.

It also is the reason she puts very little effort into the presentation of her hauls from companies like Asos because she will make money regardless!
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