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Chatty Member
Exactly what an idiot. He's hardly herding cattle for miles around the desert is he? And she is hardly tending the fields with a baby strapped to her back. She's chatting shit online trying to pass off her unenviable position as a total doormat as living a more noble life than us ' normals' who expect the father of their children do do some parenting!
while at the same time playing at being 'the girlfriend' and religiously not moving the muscles in her forehead ... how is she not just exhausted
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How does she have the time for a haircare routine?My baby is a week older than hers and I've barely got time to piss let alone brush my god damn hair, and I've only got the one child!
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I think Jessie looked significantly more similar to Bebe at her highest weight. Her face was much more ‘full’.


I remember this premiere fairly well as I was slightly shocked that Jessie was actually the eldest of the bunch. I think her insecurities made her seem far more vulnerable ( a slight air of naivety that made me assume she was younger).

Alfie has mentioned and hinted many a time that the Mother ( of Jessie and Bebe) views food as fuel and not for enjoyment. I can imagine that potentially that may have caused some self loathing ( feelings of loss of control) and guilt if Jessie ‘enjoyed’ food that wasn’t consumed purely for the nutritional benefits.

So... all that to say... it is obvious weight is a serious and complex problem for Jessie. I doubt she views that time as anything but horrifying ( even if she states otherwise in regards to relying on her writing skills). Her weight has fluctuated a fair amount of the years ( understandable considering her three young children).

I do wonder if the pressure ( from the mother over food and the ‘bad’ and ‘good’ food) led Jessie to feel her weight was being punished with lack of roles...instead of feeling like she was experiencing a natural lull in obtaining roles.

( I know that the average actress is heavily encouraged to maintain a set weight ...but Jessie was hardly going to nab the role of Rey in Star Wars was she! She fits far easier into off beat comedies)

Perhaps because she generally only fits into ‘quirky’ or ‘highly strung’ type casting she felt pressure to at least be skinny if her looks weren’t valued the same as Bebe ...

(I’m not saying that is the case as I think Jessie is refreshingly natural and exceptionally lovely/pretty...just waffling about why she seems so repetitive about how awful that time in her life was)
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I was just listening to the latest episode of Jessie and Bebe’s podcast.

Something I found interesting was Jessie’s lack of consideration towards how others might feel. When Bebe talked about her friend who had lost his mum suddenly and then had to deal with all the fall out from that (selling her flat etc) by himself, Bebe was full of empathy about what a difficult situation that was for him. Jessie just focused on that fact that he had no siblings and it was so hard for her as she was grieving her sibling’s loss as well as her own.

I don’t doubt it was a horrendously traumatic experience and a huge loss. But other people can and are living through terrible things too. We can still acknowledge that and demonstrate empathy towards them. It doesn’t negate each individual’s experience.

I also found it really odd that Jessie gets her mum to do all her life-admin! Jessie’s a mother of 4 children and can’t sort out her utility bill without her mum?? My mind is blown 🤯.

On that point, why hasn’t her mum empowered her to learn how to do it herself and built her confidence up to be independent? That’s our role as parents I think. Not to “do for” our children. It holds them back in the long term.
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Chatty Member
I’m listening to the latest podcast (am at around the 22 min mark) and am truly baffled. They can talk about grief all they like, that’s completely their right but I’m just so confused ?

They genuinely seem to think that they’re the only people to have experienced premature death or that it’s so extremely uncommon that it sets them apart from most people. When, in reality, I’d say the majority of people have, or at least 40%. they really have an inability to see past themselves which is q concerning
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ooh scandalous

Well-known member
There’s nothing more laughable than a privileged, upper middle class white woman trying to justify the absent father of her children by saying “it’s what tribal cultures do!”

I mean 👀
But Jessie, guess what, you’re not living in a tribe, you live in London, and it’s 2022 and in white middle class British culture dads are *kind* of expected to show their face a bit in their kids life, especially when so young. Make all the excuses you want, but Alfie’s not innocently relishing the opportunity to build his career, he’s being a dirty old dog at the same time and he is SHAMEFUL.
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At the risk of projecting a bit, I see some parallels with my childhood.

I am from a large family. I’m one of five siblings. My mum loved babies/toddlers. Once we got a bit older, I think she found parenting in a kind and emotionally supportive way, really hard.

Like with Alfie, my dad didn’t take a particularly active role in parenting as he was at work a lot, so it probably was very difficult for her.

However, I’ve come to realise that she’s actually quite narcissistic, which is very damaging to grow up with.

Children need consist parenting their whole lives not just when they’re cute little babies/toddlers.
I could have written your post! Am one of six, mum and dad weren’t very interested past the cute stage. I was a pretty neglected adolescent and it took years out of my teen and adult years to unpack all that. I only have one child because I want to pour all my attention and resources into her, bit extreme maybe but I try to avoid making my Narc mothers mistakes all the time.
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Becker Brown, it seems named after a Liverpool FC player?
Oh god this made me cringe! Letting your negging, immature manboy partner pick a crap baby name for the kid he was less than enthusiastic about having, I mean a football player name is also hardly on brand for the hipster family. Hope they change it again…
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Their home looks like a flat I went back to for a party after a night out. The only difference was everyone, (bar me), was huffing petrol.
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I’ve just listened to the most recent episode. Interesting to hear them wondering about Jesse possibly being neurodivergent. Shame Bebe stated the myth about “everyone being on the autistic spectrum somewhere”. That’s just not true.

Having listened the Jesse’s pregnancy podcast so recently, I was struck by how differently she presents. I guess they’re two very separate topics but she’s like a totally different person.
Also interesting how jessie said after this baby is born she wants to drink more alcohol?? slightly odd since she came out as basically tea-total and alfie keeps saying he's an alcoholic

I think anxiety and autism share a few traits so can understand the confusion, but also I'd rather not speculate

re: cosleeping / WIKs, she talks about the "onslaught" of comments saying "she needs to get a cleaner"?!? as far as I saw it was one commenter and she's still letting it affect her 😳

it's kinda refreshing her talking about how stressful having small children can be but also beggars belief why she's decided to have another one so soon!

side note but does she believe people were still foraging for food in 1937 😅
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ooh scandalous

Well-known member
Felt myself do a double take when she mentioned Tenn has 4 bottles of formula a night… as a toddler! And has a nibble of pain au chocolat for lunch because he has no appetite and therefore not getting the nutrition he needs. Why churn out all these children if you can’t properly look after the ones you have. I find it so selfish and bizarre.
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I mean the only way he can do that, if they all want to remain in the public eye, is by demonstrating that he's a reliable, faithful and competent partner. That is completely within his control.
true, their relationship dynamics are so odd and I think will always be criticised. To be honest I think Bebe was extreme when she said this is all people who hate her and Jessie - this is one of the tamest threads on here! And I think I can say most people here are fans to some degree and they don’t get ripped to shreds or anything it’s just light conversation and criticism
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Does Alfie's latest post also not sit quite right with anyone? Alluding to being on UC in order to pay for designers and creatives to help him make money in future. I assumed UC is for rent, living costs ect. It seems not quite right that Jessie is covering his living costs but because he is low income (not sure how much you're paid for gigs) he can claim and use it for designers.. To me I just think he needs a part time day job to fund his comedy career, not taxpayers 😑
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Chatty Member
Bit off topic guys but does anyone notice how Jessie always refers to Tenn as 'the baby.' At first I found it curious and now I find myself doing it in reference to my old child and its super annoying😭 Also I'd really love to get through a podcast that doesn't reference about breastfeeding and pregnancy at some point. I'm a mum of 2 and don't get me wrong I find that chat insightful mostly, but I always get the vibe that Jessie holds being a mother of 3 as something so unique to her and she has to juggle so much that NOONE else can understand, that if Bebe happened to have 3 kids down the line, she wouldn't have that thing that makes her different anymore and I wonder what she'd talk about. I'm interested in hearing about her hobbies (like more on the yoga/gym class thing she did), where she goes out in London when, more details on her house move, her parenting style, friends, the business side of being an artist/actress ect rather than most of her personal chat being about weight and babies. It's getting a bit one note for me
Yeah they have this v annoying tendency to make every single thing about them sound like it's super unique and means that they are so different that most other people can't comprehend what it's like - like having 4 siblings, experiencing premature loss etc, being actresses that aren't thin, getting pregnant at 26, long hair. The one night stand to baby to relationship I admit is very unique so I don't mind if she talks about how that sets her apart but the other stuff isn't as abnormal as they think it is - wish they'd quit doing that and realise that it's ok to have experiences that others relate to
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Chatty Member
I think we have a challenger to reposting bitchy bathroom comments: reposting negative goodread reviews 😅

handling criticism like water off a duck's back
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I'm almost fascinated by how strange they are - the eclectic dress sense, pattern and colour clashing for days, strange lust for Bebe by Alfie and Jessie's youtube videos which to me are so niche and odd but funnily addictive to watch lol. I do wonder what their platform would have been like without Jessie's HP background though..

Also I keep seeing references about them being middle class. Has anyone got more info on that? I know they're from Ealing which is where I live and it's got its ni er parts but I wouldn't call it super affluent. Also Jessie mentions needing to sell her doddles to pay rent ect so seems they are struggling - but at the same time have that soho coffee vibe to them and clearly able to survive without a traditional job so that makes me curious too
I’m surprised you don’t think Ealing is affluent.

They are strange! Well, I can only talk about Jessie because I know nothing about Bebe, other than she seems to be hanging on Jessie’s meagre coattails (and Jessie is only popular thanks to Harry Potter stans).

Even the way Jessie dresses - which comes across as so contrived, almost like she’s trying to look as ugly as possible - is a look only a posh girl can achieve. When you’re posh it’s artsy and boho to look like that… but if you’re poor, you’re just a mess.

Jessie sells her doodles to pay rent because she doesn’t want to get a 9-5 job, and probably thinks it’s beneath her after her small part in the HP franchise. No doubt Bebe is the same. Schooled to believe that they can just waft around being arty and doing the occasional bit of work in the arts (whether that’s acting, writing or performing) because their parents will keep propping them up well past retirement.

I can’t stand people like this, as you can probably tell 😬
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Jessie definitely seems to joke about their relationship and the type of guy he is as a defence mechanism but I don't know how it doesn't drive her crazy inside. That thing she did during her Sunrise gigs where she'd ask if anyone has hooked up with Alfie and sometimes audience members put their hands up? That would be devastating, seriously. And the whole "one night stand for a baby" deal.
She’s the physical embodiment of a pick me girl. Pretending to be cool with that man child constantly dangling the threat of walking out on her and the children. Putting up with anything just to please him.

I find both Bebe and Jessie can be quite misogynistic? They often sing the praises of the men in their lives or celebrities, but often speak disparagingly about women? Maybe just me
This is also A1 pick me girl behaviour.
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She admits being really judgmental about other parents and then is quite martyrish about her own decisions.
Mothers like her, usually the “attachment” ones, are ALWAYS like this. They make choices that make them feel miserable and exhausted (like co-sleeping and breastfeeding for years on end) but because they’ve convinced themselves they’re following the One True Way of mothering, they have to console themselves with feeling smug and superior.
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