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I worked in a chemo unit when my kids were at school at it was Mon-Fri 9-5 ....however we were often open way past this time , especially if we had a challenging cannulation which is often the case as veins become very difficult to cannulate over time with repeated chemotherapy cycles ,or chemo was late going up or a blood transfusion overran ( you can't just speed up a blood transfusion or chemotherapy infusion to finish at 5!) then we often had to wait for hospital transport to pick up these patients after their treatment had finished and make sure they were stable enough to go home
I lost count of the number of times I had to fly out of the unit often without having had a proper break all day in order to pick up kids from after school childcare ( which shut at 6) was the reason I eventually had to leave as I had no family nearby to help out and husband worked away from home
Worked as a nurse administering chemo too , but inpatient ward. I’m glad Ive unfollowed Jemma , she has no idea at all me me me all the time . I understand life is hard for her . Another patient could be reacting to their chemo , as someone posted it’s not a simple procedure , bloods , prescribing , making it up , premeds , the entitlement is unreal , she’s been a wee madman all her life I’d say . god love her next week if the unit is closed for the bank holiday . Queen Jemma won’t be happy
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I feel like I'm watching 2 completely different accounts / people. Partying all weekend at the Rabbit spa then dolled up in Jimmy Choos watching the boxing and drinking champagne... then this ...
Completely agree. She’s like Jekyl & Hyde!
How in the name of God can she go out 3 days/nights in a row if she’s as unwell and in as much pain & has such lack of mobility as she says she has? She may be dosed up on morphine etc but surely that would make you really drowsy and sleepy and you actually couldn’t get ready and go out. Then after the 3 days of partying/going out, right on cue on Monday morn, the tears and sorrowful, mournful face about how hard life is and how much pain she’s in. God love her but I had to unfollow as she just confuses me so much with the extreme ups and downs in mood to suit whatever she’s up to at the time. It just all sounds very odd to me.
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Guaranteed there will be a question box later "Love your door" and the response... Oh a kind follower/company who wants to remain anonymous gifted it to me 🤣
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VIP Member
Seriously wtaf? She is off to Dubai with tropic. Why would she not want to spend all her precious time with her children. She is the most greediest person I have ever met.
How the actual fuck?! She is unbelievable!! I hate MLM marketing but she’ll happily sell her soul to the devil for money. I’m unfollowing. I can’t watch this greedy manipulative selfish bitch anymore
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Her biggest supporter.. always by her side!!!
Especially when there's a free trip involved😡
Where's your Jemma????
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Chatty Member
The whole “feel guilty for treating myself”! I cannot stand the voice she puts on when she’s telling a sympathy story. Not for one second does she, who is she trying yo fool all she does is treat herself at others expense!
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I have followed her from the start and like many on here once or even twice gave my last pounds I had in my bank before getting paid again thinking I was doing a good turn. The last few month I had to press unfollow as my blood starting boiling probably at the point where I seen her back garden had a hot tub and not just any one of the fancy ones. I was thinking god those are worth a couple of grand if I was in her shoes I would have sold it before begging the country for my flights to Mexico. I don’t begrude her anything I wouldn’t want it because it’s all gifted to her because the girl is unfortunately dying and won’t see her kids grow up. But if that was me all those free bees she is getting and attending solo without her kids I wouldn’t do it because I would spend time with my kids which she isn’t unless she isn’t posting it because it’s not bringing in the pounds. She isn’t very liked in her own town that’s for sure and they have certainly caught on that it’s all about Jem and the notes not the penny’s. I would say she has cushioned those kids with plenty of the donated dough and that’s not what it was for and all this other money giving needs to stop and tbh Jemma her self should do the right thing and stop it how much more is she looking ? Because august is nearly past and she hasn’t went to Mexico or talked about the medications from there as she is now receiving the treatment she rediculed the NHS over. So Jemma from a decent EX follower who gave you my last money on 2 occasions thinking u needed it more then me and my family and I am on a low income. If you have any heart u must do the right thing and put a STOP to all this fundraising (because i may not be the only one sucked into this pity game) so u can live a lifestyle that really shouldn’t be your priority. Go and spend time with those kids snuggled on a sofa and do simple non costly things to create the memories that they will remember.
I’m so sorry to read that you donated money twice to her because you thought she needed it more than you. That’s true care, compassion and kindness. You’ve summed up everything so eloquently ♥♥ She makes me so angry. The constant greed. True peace and contentment isn’t found through materialistic things. It’s friends, family and making good memories. She talked about how she was going to forward a motion or petition to government for cervical screening to be mandatory from an early age to my friend and she thought this woman can make a change. It was all lies to get her to donate
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VIP Member
Hope for Cancer Mexico is only recommended for those with stage 1 and 2 cancer. Usually if people were stage 3 or 4 they tell them to bugger off but not this one as she helps promote it. There’s an instagrammed in America who was stage 3 and they told her there was nothing they could do. She’s now thankfully cancer free and calls out hope for cancer. If I can remember her profile I’ll share it

I hate myself for saying it … but often I doubt what exactly her diagnosis and prognosis is at any & every point.
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
I asked and was told the raffle took place at the event last week and all winners have been notified 🤷‍♀️
There was absolutely no sign of it...and also I noticed in the past there have been live videos of this happening, people tagged, businesses tagged. I think this is the nail in the head for me seeing what a con artist she is
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I really really struggle to see her sincerity anymore. This pressure on herself to be a hands on mummy and do what she can, and won't stay in bed as its time away from the children, and last week she was away the spa, nights out etc. I just don't buy it. She should be resting in bed and listening to her body without feeling guilty about it. Surely that would do her good in the long term. If she would stop going to events and stay at home resting her body and just be mummy at home. I don't know how she can say yes to these events with people who shouldn't matter to her
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Hold up..she's cried for months obviously about wanting more time with her children and she's been away from them 3 nights this week. No. I'm sorry. Why would you sacrifice limited time with your children to socialise with your husband's colleagues. I do not comprehend her at all
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I thought she was feeling so ill and really struggling, I didn't realise she was working so hard with her Tropic sales! She is a schemer that girl.
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Well-known member
And he’d to go too?
so their kids once again are shipped out. All those poor children will remember is her parading out with a suitcase in tow as they leave them countless weekends.
Her priorities are so wrong.
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Hate to be a dick, but wtf was that all about? She got her chemo? So why was she on her stories acting like they were gonna give her a date of death? 🥴
I can't keep up, no wonder people get sucked in by her.
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No tea just coffee

Chatty Member
150 quid for that shite. she's an inconsiderate cunt. She knows she'll pull the guilt trip on people to buy it because poor me I'm "dying" and it's so not affordable or practical for anyone. She's using her following for zero good to anyone but herself. Her poor children. It's terrible to say but it's a good thing they won't remember her but sad that anything they hear about her will be negative.
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Chatty Member
Smug head on her, gifted dress, free lunch. Was going to do her face with a box full of charlotte tilbury, prior to taking her children from a walk with her free strollers. Her sense of entitlement is absolutely disgusting, the more taking she is doing the more deplorable it is. She’s sick but she not sick enough to gallivant and manipulate. I truly hope the tax man is aware of her working, the ba deals etc


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Chatty Member
She really infuriates me. Her most important job is being a mother. She needs to take her children off social media and get them into a routine. She needs to stop going to the opening of an envelope and spend time at home. Everything she has done over the last few weeks would tier anyone out. She keeps on about making memories, but for who? What her children need is routine and for her to be there for them. No harm Jemma but Louis should have been finished with naps at 2 years of age. She seems quite pissed of about how he didn’t settle into pre pre-school. We all know Jemma doesn’t like it when things don’t go her way. Perhaps his teacher follows her in Instagram and sees the total lack of routine and the effect it is taking on them.
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Well-known member
1 million % this is only being shared so kind followers will gift the material items on the list... Of which I'm sure there are plenty. Why else would you share it? It will not help or inspire anyone else.

I'm more aghast by those who are voting to see a terminally ill persons life list. Why on earth would you want to see something so personal anyway?!
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