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I started off thinking "what a little shit, who cares if he's found or not" but the more this story drags on, the more sad I feel. Let me explain...what he and his friends did to that poor guy is inexcusable 💯. But the more I delve into his Instagram, the more I think "what a sad life he leads/led". There was never any hope for him. Pretty much every single photo is of him aged 15, and younger, getting trashed and stoned with his friends. They all look miserable for a bunch of young lads who should be having fun and enjoying their youth.

It looks to me like teenage boys in his community have absolutely nothing to aspire to, and no one trying to keep them on "the right tracks". So they've fallen into a life of anti-social behaviour and crime from a worryingly young age.

Looking at his Tenerife pics, he looks extremely out of his depth. He's clearly been coaxed into going by Lucy (as per his mum's statement that he wasn't keen to go). In several photos at that pool party, he's stood on his own looking lost and confused. Lucy has sacked him off to speak to some other people. In the nightclub pics, he's looking lost, confused and completely out of his comfort zone. Granted he's obviously off his tits, but this guy looks far too naive to be lured into "big boy" games.

As far as I can see, Lucy and Brad are f*cking terrible friends. Any idiot can see they're hiding sh!t to cover their own backs. I'm of the strong opinion that they've thrown him under the bus to save their own necks. Horrible, spineless pair.

I think the saddest element is the lack of "friends" who showed up to search for Jay. Only six people? Where the hell was Lucy, Brad and all his "crew" who heavily feature in his IG photos?

Obviously I acknowledge that Jay is no angel, but I also think Lucy is a disgusting specimen. The way she's conducted herself throughout this whole debacle shows that she's clearly only out for herself. I definitely think she's getting a kick from all the publicity this has brought her. Note how she's disabled the comments on her IG yet keeps it open for anyone to view. If she really wanted some anonymity and discretion, she'd make her profile private, not do the p*ssy move of stopping people from commenting, because she knows full well she's guilty.
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Why do people want this to be a conspiracy so badly.

Nicola Bulley - everyone was convinced her husband did it
That glee actress where her little boy was found asleep in the boat: the glee fans went feral bombarding the police force with screen shots and theories and that ended up being a tragic accident
And princess Kate people were convinced that the royal family bumped her off and there was a massive conspiracy and she’s fine.
I find it such bizzare behaviour
Honestly? Aside from boredom and voyeurism, I think it scares people to realise how common place it is for things to go horribly wrong. A mum drops her kids off at school, walks the dogs where she always does and ends up drowned in the lake. A mum takes her little boy out on a boat trip and drowns, leaving him to watch his mum die, then left alone in the middle of a lake where (thank fucking god) he was surprisingly found, safe. A young mum gets cancer, not long after her father in law is also diagnosed. A doctor who has spent his life trying to evade death and making (seemingly) all the right choices, perishes from a walk on holiday. A young lad is out partying with his friends, and has potentially gone the same way.

Normal people, normal choices, normal mistake, normal horrible luck. They are us and that scares people. It's easier to believe it's the mafia or something batshit to convince yourself it won't happen to you.
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Shes Electric

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It pains me that people are saying that it’s no great loss if he’s dead. My son is 19, the same age as Jay. He got in with a really bad crowd when he was 14/15, was taking drugs, alcohol, skipping school, going missing. We had a horrible 2/3 years. He is now totally ashamed of the life he led then and is doing fantastic, has a job, a car and is saving to buy a house. I never gave up on him. Jay may have been the same if he had the chance, god knows what he got caught up in, we’ll probably never know 😢
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So they’ve flown 25 friends and family over to support each other , made a statement to say they were withdrawing the gfm to fly more people out to support the 25 already there. A press conference was held asking for volunteers and not one of them went ? They didn’t even have to search but could have been there to be a part of the briefing / first on scene / show appreciation ? I don’t think there would be half as much speculation if his loved ones didn’t act like utter cunts! I really hope people staying in the same resort spill some tea.
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Brian Butterfield

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I think they’ve simply called it off as they know they’re not going to find him and have already spent far too much time, money and resources on him.
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Anyway, it doesn’t matter at all if his mum claims UC or anything else. Needing benefits to support your family when you work and are doing your best - or if you are medically unable to work and are doing your best - doesn’t make you a lesser person than someone who is lucky enough not to need that support.
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Marmalade Atkins

VIP Member
Is DTR deleting comments? I cant believe that there are no negative comments on any of his videos?
I can see some.


I saw one the other day saying that when DTR was claiming to be up a mountain in Scotland, he was actually camping in his mum's back garden 😂

And I fully believe it. I fully believe it, guys. Big love.
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First time poster on Jay threads.
I would say it’s all becoming a lot clearer.
The watch got stolen by the guys at the air bnb.
They fled the scene with Jay. Jay had the bright idea to steal it off them, so said he was going out to get some ciggies, pocketed it and tried to scarper quick smart. He couldn’t work out how to escape as there’s only the main road, and the guys would’ve found him very quickly. So he went off piste, got lost, and died.
Someone will find his body and a nice piece of Swiss timekeeping. Unless it’s as fake as everything else about this case.
Basically a little scally who got too big for his sliders.
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Chatty Member
I'm sad that they haven't found him, regardless of who or what he was. He was a human being,a young one. Having a crap upbringing isn't an excuse, but it is a reason as to why someone might as a teenager be a complete knob, but grow into a better human in time. I'm sad that Jay won't get that chance and I'm sad for those who genuinely care about him.

Ben Needham wasn't ever found, poor little chap, but a deathbed confession from a builder (I think) said he was accidentally killed by a digger and buried where he died.
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I always knew it was a possibility but the thought of his body never being found is hurting my heart today. Yes he was an unpleasant individual with questionable morals and a dickhead family but he didn't deserve to lose his life in these circumstances.
I for one just hope he didn't suffer and it was a quick death
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Chatty Member
I can’t believe the family and the rest of the Tenerife 700 are not doing more to search. I put more effort into searching for my neighbor’s lost dog than they have put into searching for their son/brother/friend.

I know they are not conditioned for mountain climbing but JFC it that was my son I’d buy the best binoculars I could afford and stand on the roadside scanning the mountains all day to try and find him. I’d be doing anything I could think of to find him. I wouldn’t be staying at a hotel at the other end of the island playing bingo.
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DTR is the very definition of that colleague who walks fast around the office to give the illusion that they're busy but actually have fuck all to do.

Also, how the fuck are we on thread seven and there's STILL nothing in the way of clarity on this situation. So bizarre 😂
He’s also the kind of guy that will ask questions at the end of a meeting when everyone just wants to leave
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Well-known member
Such small items that could very easily get lost between all the flora there

I'm not even sure how you could see a “reflection” of anything. Binoculars have their limits 😅
Honestly mate I was just posting my opinion originally I didn't realise it would end in this riveting discussion with you about binoculars and flora. Thanks so much for the wisdom you are imparting on me however I live in a mountainous region, most of my spare time is spent in them I understand how bushes work.

My binoculars must just be better than yours :ROFLMAO:
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Well-known member
Just have to look at the McCann’s to see that in full effect
I personally judge the Mccanns very harshly.

I don't give two hoots where you're from or your social class, if your kid goes missing and you are a) playing tennis and taking a fridge to the tip in the days after or b) moaning about a gfm account rather than looking for said kid then you very much deserve to be criticised.
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