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Jasmine lacks consistency in everything she does ….who knows if having a kid is an idea she has that she later realises she wasn’t fully equipped for and will suffer even more mood instability as a result. She doesn’t even have a stable environment with a strong support network (apart from Josh) since she lives like a nomad and doesn’t appear to have any close relationships. Bringing a kid into all of this just doesn’t sound like a good idea.

And we still haven’t figured out how on earth Josh even earns a sufficient income to support himself let alone a child?! Surely he must be doing some of his Butlers in the Buff crap or the likes as his real job and this “relationship coaching” crap is just his side hustle??!!
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She's so cool. How did Jasmine become such a weirdo loser

Haha I knew they were both full of shite with their "we live life simply, it's about good vibes only" rhetoric. Also you're so right. Jasmine is most likely giving her money to him to handle because she sees it as him "taking the lead". It's a win win for both of them. Josh lives his sugar baby golddigging dreams doing nothing and Jasmine gets her king who leads. A very twisted, toxic dynamic for sure, but it works for them

Jasmine is a wetwipe idiot with no self esteem and Josh is a materialistic trashy leech. I do worry about how much "power" Jasmine has relinquished to Josh in name of her becoming a submissive trad wife to please him. He's really struck gold with her lol, she is a one in a million case. Smart enough to make some money yet too stupid and naive to understand men and people taking advantage of her.
Finally engaging! :LOL:. I have been quietly following your posts. Expressing my thoughts now.

Well, I think it's their choice and they seem fully aware of the discussions surrounding Josh. It seems like they want to prove that he is capable of more than what people have been saying all these years.

However, I can't help but have doubts about Josh's credibility as well. I mean, he claims to be a life coach, but there's something shady about his exaggerated experience. It's frustrating dealing with scammers like him and Jasmine!

Speaking of the "gold digging" lifestyle, I find it quite amusing. Maybe Josh should consider finding himself a new wife in Monaco if he wants to fully embrace that lifestyle. I bet there's a middle-aged billionaire sugar momma out there who would love to have a sugar baby boy like him! Lol. Anyway, instead of focusing on them, we should worry about our own lives, right?
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Let's be honest, her baby is just a toy to her. She's just having a baby for exploitation purposes.
Yep 100%. They did the same with Angel before killing her. Sponsored posts and click bait videos left right and center showing them to be a perfect family. Jasmine posted a video of her baking with Alaya strapped to her. What was the need? She could've put her down? It's because videos with babies in them get way more engagement that's why. The second this child was born she's been used as a mere prop for the J+J machine.

I fear what will happen when Alaya gains her own autonomy and doesn't want to appear in videos. What will sweet mummy Jas do for money?

Also shame on these companies for not doing their due diligence and researching who they partner with. Jasmine is a lying scamming animal abuser. How is that brand safe?
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50K followers? 100k views? Where Josh, where 😭😂
He’s full of shit isn’t he 😂

Yeah, he totally made up his experience and uses bogus numbers to get clients for him to make UGC content for them. And he acts like he's all legit because he had a picture in a BBC article, but really they just used his pic without crediting him from when he was a sex worker. He’s calling it a collaboration. He's totally nuts.
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I knew he was going to behave like that but in Jasmine’s mind she probably thinks he was amazing, I think he was very immature and men like him should not be in those places.
There are more mature men out there!
Yes that's something I forgot to mention. This is living proof of what happens when you marry for looks. She was so wrapped up in the manifestation diary version of her perfect husband (he has blue eyes and muscles). She did not take into consideration the future wife and mother version of herself.

Josh is not a natural born provider or nurturer. It's clear as day. She could pick her husband but her child won't be able to pick her father. I feel like Jasmine is genuine in her love and devotion to her daughter, you can't fake that. Josh however seems completely devoid of it.

She's been pretty open about having postpartum anxiety and baby blues. It's sad she doesn't have any friends to lean on although she has her family. (I remember her saying she wasn't speaking to her extended family during her insufferable sex phase but things seem to be patched up now).

I wonder how she will cope when they move to SEA and she'll be completely alone raising that child. I predict Josh will suddenly need to take "long work trips"...
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Ermygerd guys! The day we have all been waiting for... Jasie is finally pregnant!
Congrats to the new parents. I wonder what their next few years will look like... will they continue to float around SE Asia with a new baby in tow? They must really be financially stable now
Wow congratulations to them! She's already updated the bio as expected lmaoo

I get the feeling the baby wasn't planned despite Jasmine banging on about wanting a "starseed" constantly as she said it was a "shock" in the caption. Although not really sure why they're shocked as Jasmine has been shamelessly open about never using birth control so idk what she was expecting lol

I do really wonder what they're gonna do in terms of living arrangements. They can't be gallivanting the world avoiding taxes and responsibilities forever. She says they're gonna travel the world until the kid is school age which just sounds stupidly naive but good luck to them lol

I wish the new family well but I can't help but feel worried for this kid. They've said they want to home school their kid, they're unvaxxed and they both have serious untreated mental health problems that will be passed on to the kid. Who knows what stuff will be put in this kids head.

Like I predicted, I bet Jasmine will stop with the coaching and now become a mommy influencer. Probably couldn't have come at a better time for her as she's realising just how damaging her digital footprint is as papayafruity has shown how easy it is to find her naked pics online. Jasmine said she's currently 13 weeks which makes the podcast episode where she seems regretful, remorseful and looking to move past her internet "career" make a lot more sense in this new context.

Also: Jingjing is gonna be absolutely insufferable with her "I'm a young hot grandma" posts. I can just feel it already 😂😂
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I actually really liked Jasmine back in 2019 before she moved to Bali. That was when I started following her and was such a fan of her that I actually wanted to meet her in Melbourne and messaged her as such when I was gonna be there. Still sad that she became the way that she has....

That aside, she strikes me as having had so much potential, she seemed diligent and hardworking and talented but used it all for the wrong purposes to the point of no return. It's such a shame.
Hey, have you ever actually met her? I always wonder if some of you have, how active some of you are, haha! If not, it can be tough to break that parasocial bond, right? But did you know she had a shady past even before 2019? I've moved on from that disappointment by cutting virtual ties. Maybe it's time to unfollow her, resist peeking at her content, and take a breather from all this gossip. Let's kick back and enjoy some drama-free moments! 😄 and if that’s hard try not looking at her content for a week and then 2 weeks and then a month and so on.
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Chatty Member
I saw this video and it reminded me of Jas. Admittedly, I was only able to watch about 2mins of it before I had to leave and vom. 🤣

My favourite part was the comment section however. One commenter says: " She’s not a “trad wife”. She went from being a social influencer gym rat to a social influencer in a dress “at home.”"

Reminds me of someone... :rolleyes:
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There's NO WAY this man has earned £100,000 he's such a liar 😭 even people with degrees and experience struggle to make that much money. I don't doubt that he's doing better now with his freelance work but no way in hell is he making 6 figures. Seems to be the magic number for these liars. Even Jasmine herself said her business was struggling during the times she used to lie about being on 6 figures.

Plus if that was the case, why did Jasmine say a fair amount of stuff they got for the baby was second hand or gifted from companies? Also they don't plan to stay in Australia and will be moving back to SEA when the baby is a bit older. Surely if you were that wealthy, you'd want to be settled in a developed country near to your family? Seems to me they can't really afford life in a big city...

Also that rock isn't even that special or fancy, plus Josh couldn't even afford a proper ring when they first got married since Jasmine paid for everything. The way they need to flex the bare minimum to keep up appearances is crazy. Social media is such a curse lol


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Also, a tip for the wiki. If it is not necessary to link to the gossip pages, we should use a thumbnail. That will make it easier to skim everything.

Second step, @Jellyjam_. Could you please include these as a thumbnail in the wiki under the heading Jasmine Lipska: irresponsible mental health and health advice? Screenshot of Jasmine Lipska saying she can cure anxiety and offering a master class:

Serenity Plays said: “She is getting out of hand and is so unethical. She is targeting people with legit mental health issues at this point. If someone has an anxiety disorder, they should go to their doctor for medical treatment as well as visiting a psychiatrist for help. She knows her claims are dangerous, yet is still trying to monetize off people’s anxiety. How are her family and her own mom, who works as a translator in the medical field, okay with her advising clients on how to “heal their anxiety”?”

Also that Jasmine Lipska heavily insinuates that she can cure eating disorders, please also include a thumbnail:

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Well-known member
I'd be VERY interested if she manages to find a job outside of social media given she has no skills, no education, no personality or people skills. her hateful, homophobic, right wing racist views are plastered on the internet alongside her scamming, porn photoshoots, sex life etc.

I guess time will tell what she does but hopefully we'll be saying goodbye and good riddance to this scamming bozo soon🖕🖕🖕
You had me thinking that it may be possible for her to find jobs without employers knowing her history if she uses her other names “Jasmine Campbell”, “Jasmine Mary Campbell”, “Jasmine Mary”, “Mary Lipska”, “Mary Lipski”, “Mary Campbell” or some other variation of that. Because if you do a Google search with all of those name variations nothing about her social online life comes up.

Is there a way to link those names to these forums to show up on search sites? 🤔
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Chatty Member
Everything she is saying is just basic common sense. It's just that she hasn't had much of it until now so it's refreshing to hear out of her mouth.
But from your average person it wouldn't be a particularly groundbreaking comment.
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Attention all readers and lurkers! We do need your help in exposing Jasmine Lipska for her fraudulent, deceptive, and scamming actions, even if it happened in the past. It is important to report her to the authorities with proper evidence and supporting information. No one should be exempt from facing the consequences of their actions.

If you have concerns about Jasmine Lipska's actions, be sure to gather concrete evidence such as screenshots or archived web pages. Include these in your report. You can use platforms such as or to upload or collect evidence. Paste the links into your report form and copy the report into other forms.

If you need help reporting scams, fraud, or other deceptive activity, check out this resource that provides official report forms:

Indeed, remain vigilant and report, regardless of when they occurred in the past, present or future.
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Well-known member
Sorry guys, this new rebrand is just making me laugh it's so fake 😂😭 The sugar sweet accent has come back, "here comes the sun" softly playing in the background of this video, harping on about "modesty" and being a good Christian wife. I wouldn't mind any of this if it wasn't so sudden and disingenuous. How shameless can you be using religion for your own monetary gain and image rebrand.

Let's remind the audience that this lovely young lady was scamming women and whoring herself out in Bali with the rest of the shameless influencers not even a year ago. When that jig was up, she decides to have a baby for content. Let's see how long it takes before she's over sharing the baby in the name of algorithm engagement. She's all set for years of content!

Also, anyone noticed she barely mentions or shows Josh anymore apart from the odd deranged "remember to worship your husband" loving wife club post every now and again? Seems being married is not flavor of the month and she's rinsed that for all it's worth. Josh hardly posts too but I think that's cos he's got a job now.

He has an email linked in his bio. I wonder if we should let his company, wink models know the sort of guy he is and who they're associating with? Then again, he is a father to be and has bills to pay now since Mrs Campbell is now a tradwife so maybe that's kinda mean. What do you guys think?
The last pic gives off "trying to be a saintly nun" vibes 😂
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Hey @Jellyjam_, noticed that the above video can only be accessed through those who have the link. Is it possible that you might know, Jasmine Lipska and Josh Campbell, in real life? Just curious to understand the connection. Thanks!
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VIP Member
Has anyone taken a look at her "loving wife" club LOL. Absolutely nothing wrong with loving and respecting your husband, that's literally the point of marriage! But she takes it to a weird extreme where she puts the idea of the husband on a pedestal to almost be worshipped. It's super strange. She's definitely going down the brain dead tradwife evangelist Christian route with this message in particular.


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Wiki! @Jellyjam_
They have been in Thailand since October or possibly earlier, not November. I saw a story on Instagram yesterday that has since been deleted, which said, 'Over 7 weeks of straight rain, it's sunny now.'
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Chatty Member
Hi again, I thought I had cleared the air on this.
I must stress that men not being allowed in the delivery room is not of my opinion and I reread and reread and I have not said this.

I don’t know how old your grandparents are but you are correct in saying that just because they may have had a different view at the time it doesn’t make it correct, maybe they have changed.

I wasn’t gonna share this but my grandparents are OLD if my grandpa was alive he would be 93 and my granny who is still here is 88, my youngest aunt is 51 and again yes my granny told us he was there for the specific birth of that girl when they moved to a bigger town.

Also in the generation before my aunt they didn’t use the word pregnant they used expecting and women wore super long dresses and coats some such as Queen Elizabeth II didn’t even appear in public, she only made a brief public appearance when she was pregnant with Edward and whore a long coat but we could see she was clearly pregnant but hey that was 1964 so things were getting relaxed and Grace Kelly covered her tummy with a handbag when she was pregnant with Caroline and those bags were reproduced and became known as Grace Kelly’s bag people at that time thought that everyone would know they had sex which is obvious, anyway I digress.

If you and your mates had positive experiences that’s great but not everyone can handle this and those people would probably like some respect too regardless of their age and situation.

I have some sources here and I am not making this up.

In communist Poland


I think the problem with my post is that I did not elaborate on the reasons why some people thought what they thought and why some men currently kind of think the way they do and would not want to be present during childbirth some are valid others are immature.
What I don't get is what this history about our grandparents has to do with Josh who is generally an open minded 20 something year old, or Jasmine, who seems to relay on everything for him now. The most likely scenario is that she will want and have him there in the delivery room.
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Their 6 figure companies are so successful yet she couldn't even afford a proper laptop to work with that entire time LOL

Only posting this because I hope it's not another scam company we need to keep an eye on. She says they're going to be running a "marketing company" but we've all seen how much of a flop their joint ventures are...


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