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Yes, that's when her parents came to visit her in Bali last year. Her mother has always been her biggest supporter, defending her scams online. Strange family.

Couldn't find any Yoni Egg screenshots.
Link to sensual dancing doesn't work.
Yeah even though they aren't actively helping her with her scams (except maybe Jingjing in the past). They are all complicit and supportive. Like you said, they are a very strange family. Jingjing portrays her life as perfect on her instagram but their dynamic can't have been as picture perfect as she shows given how weird and dysfunctional Jasmine is.

Jasmine's dad and sister don't seem as involved but are still seemingly supportive which makes me side eye them. Still won't include them in the wiki as they aren't public figures.

And yes I'll take a look at the dancing link again, thanks
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Hi @JellyJam, thanks and good job so far! I typed this yesterday before your message above, but wasn't finished yet. Her family is part of her bio, Jingjing has a YouTube channel and a public Instagram account, was part of Jasmine’s videos and her sister also has public social medias. What you mentioned is insignificant as it is a part of who Jasmine is - akin to any other public figure or celebrity who has a detailed section about their family on a wiki page. This also took me time, just as you painstakingly searched for screenshots of her soft p*rn era.

I have a checklist of items that need to be considered, and I appreciate your help in adding them to the wiki. Thank you.

1. Please also change her name in the "How to report" section and heading “Jasmine Mary Lipski aka Jasmine Lipska”.
2. Please put "Jasmine Lipska" in every heading.
3. I've already merged @Teslaka's and @Mamol1's texts and some other user fonts with a few changes that I know off the top of my head, ready to be copied and pasted into the wiki (bio). Please read it, it's basically a timeline of things, see below.

Please include this image before the first paragraph of her current bio:

Please include this text after the first paragraph in her current bio:
Jasmine Lipska grew up in Melbourne, Australia in a household of six: mom, dad, grandparents and her sister. Jasmine Lipska's mom, Jingjing, and dad are sole traders. Jasmine Lipska's sister plays in a band and is also a sole trader. Her Chinese grandparents were western medicine doctors.

Jasmine Mary Lipski has used a variety of names online such as Jasmine Mary Lipska, Jasmine Lipska, Jasmine Campbell, Jasmine Lipska Campbell, Jasmine Lipska (Campbell), Jas Lipska and Jas Campbell.

Jasmine Lipska's husband, Josh Campbell, goes by the name Josh Luke Campbell on LinkedIn, which is believed to be his full name. He previously used the name Healthhunk for business in Bali and on social media.

In January 2020, Jasmine Lipska moved to Bali for Josh Campbell, a man she met shortly before moving there, and has been causing trouble online ever since with her deceptive behavior, scams, and need for attention and validation from others through social media.

However, it should be noted that the cracks began to show in 2017 and 2018, when Jasmine Lipska was 19 and 20 years old. Jasmine Lipska was actively promoting and selling her mother's skincare brand on YouTube, which happened to be an MLM and pyramid scheme called Nu Skin. Jasmine claimed that her mother used these products to maintain her youthful appearance and encouraged her followers to purchase them from Jasmine Lipska's own store. However, she and her mother conveniently failed to mention that she (her mother) had undergone cosmetic procedures to improve her appearance. This promotion was unethical because it involved selling products under false pretenses. Consequently, when this information was brought up on this forum in 2022, Jasmine Lipska quickly made these videos private.

Here's a photo of Jasmine Lipska’s mom before her procedures, taken 3 years prior to when Jasmine started making YouTube videos. Notice her wider jaw and any other changes you can spot.

Jasmine Lipska's mother after procedures (2017/2018). Thumbnails from these once-public videos are still circulating online.
Thumbnail 1 &
thumbnail 2.

Her mother after more procedures. Photo 1
& Photo 2.

Jasmine also got fillers and Botox herself as a teenager into her 20s, without ever disclosing it when promoting self-love and natural beauty on YouTube.

In 2019 Jasmine Lipska became subject of plagiarizing her book. Beware of self-published books like Jasmine Lipska's. They lack professional oversight and may not meet the same quality standards as books from reputable publishers. Steer clear and explore books that have undergone expert scrutiny instead. Happy reading!
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Chatty Member
Hi darling, this is not my personal opinion it’s what some people say and sadly to some it was not a good idea, I am not gonna mention who as this person is no longer with us but let’s just say someone related to my family but not attached did not think it was a good idea for his future children because his former significant other at the time behaved in the way she behaved.

I once heard a student doctor that I am not going to name saying that he was so shocked with the delivery he made that he almost v*mited, I get it it’s not for everyone.

Also you’ve not touched on the rude treatment some midwives give to mum so I guess yours was positive.
I am not offended in any way. But you made a blanket statement saying 'It is not the place for the husband to be in', rather than mention this was your opinion (or that of a few generations earlier). My grandmother/father not being ok with something doesn't make it correct, specially not for this generation.

Josh and Jasmine are closer to my age than my grandparents. I'm a young-ish mum, I have two kids under 2 years old and loads of mum friends with children of various ages. I haven't heard of anyone have an issue with the husband being in the delivery room. Or the midwives.

I was treated fairly well by them to be honest. The service in general with my first wasn't great cause we were just coming out of covid but that wasn't their fault - they were just under-staffed.
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I just got an ad on instagram for what seems to be Josh’s new job
what he does these days.
Ah, so apparently Josh Campbell is still up to his life coaching tricks. Can you believe it? He's now trying to trick men into thinking he's a relationship expert. I have to say I find it quite amusing how desperate he is for fame with his scam tactics. Too bad he doesn't have the charisma and looks of someone like David Beckham. Speaking of football, have any of you seen the Beckham documentary on Netflix? It's surprisingly interesting, even for non-football fans like me.
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They’ve done a YouTube video and have confirmed that it’s an “unplanned” pregnancy and talked briefly how it wasn’t something Josh was prepared for. Given what’s she’s revealed in the past, not surprised at all that it’s “unplanned” and pretty irresponsible I reckon given how she doesn’t use contraceptives or something. I reckon she’ll be so overwhelmed with motherhood since even without motherhood her moods are so up and down, which doesn’t seem normal.
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Congratulations! Looks like baby Campbell has arrived. Jasmine’s mom posted an announcement.
I noticed she hasn't posted in a few days so I thought she had the baby as she was due in May. Glad it was a safe birth and congratulations to them!
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Ep2 recap

-Can’t find divine masculine if you are not in your divine feminine. Obsessed with masculine and feminine energies and pairing.

-Heal childhood wounds, trauma = question/criticise your upbringing by your parents = essentially seperate you from family so depend more on the coach as your support and guide.

-Promoted could fix mental illnesses, as a result had a suicide in the group…

-Anyone who questions them is a hater, any public criticism faced lawsuit for defamation.

All sounds so familiar….
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If I recall, I think her family member simply advised her not to divulge every thought on social media. Because Jasmine Lipska was creating very regrettable content with her face on it and was probably worried for her that things live forever on the internet. And instead Jasmine Lipska used her socials to call this family member out as a “teachable” moment which should have been kept private between those two. But of course narcissistic Jasmine Lipska used it as content online.

Now as a pregnant woman, I think Jasmine realizes her family member had good intentions. Wonder if Jasmine cringes at her previous posts about being anti vax during the pandemic, unnecessarily cussing and seeking validation on her naked body. And this was all to make a buck off her coaching scams. Don’t think it was worth it at all, because it permanently lives on the internet. And if she wants a “normal job” working for an employer, she has a bad reputation from simply searching her online.

Remember Jasmine Lipska had creepy men join her early coaching group programs and teenage girls who were probably lost and depressed. And she made claims she can heal their “inner child”. Like what? Jasmine Lipska is psycho to prey on these people. I don’t care how “rich” she is because the lies, deception and manipulation she did to get that money was evil, greedy and unethical.

Thank goodness that Anna’s Analysis video exists.
She definitely is now regretting her past ways, although she's so arrogant she would never dare apologise or admit she's wrong. When have you ever seen a heartfelt apology from her, or her admitting she doesn't know something and is willing to be a student of life? She doesn't have an ounce of humbleness or humility.

This poor child has a difficult life ahead of them with such narcissistic, immature parents. If it's a girl, Jasmine will 100% try to live through the child the way Jingjing tried to live through her. If it's a boy, they will turn him into a toxic right wing tyrant like Josh.

If they want to live a free spirited life away from the mainstream, a good example of a nomadic family who educate their children and make sure they're open minded is the "Bags Packed Family" on YouTube. Ofc Jasmine and Josh are too closed minded and extremist to be like this but one can hope...
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Ok I'm aware this is super petty but all the food Jasmine cooks always looks so bland and unappetising. Sorry just had to say it 😂😭🤢
I totally agree! Whenever I see it I cringe a little in how unappetizing and under seasoned it looks. Don’t worry, with this tradwife persona she’ll have more practice to make it look more flavorful 🤣
  • Haha
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The way he worded the post sounded as if he was talking about an hourly or daily rate and not a salary.

Josh's website mentions how he was a top creator on Upwork, which I doubted - but apparently it's pretty easy to be one as there are tons of inactive accounts. So that gave me a clue.

When I searched him surprisingly Jas came up as well in the same search. I laughed when I saw she was on the same rate. Yet she hardly gets any jobs 🤣 It's because she's got no skills!

From the amount or jobs Josh does and has on the go you can tell this is his main job. I don't know how they can survive in a city as expensive as Melbourne on just his salary. They must live way out in the outskirts. If they had the money he pretends he makes they would get a nice house but in central(ish) Melbourne or even in a nice area in the outskirts houses are quite expensive.

Amusingly, they moved to Aus because it was cheaper for them to have a baby there as Jas would have health insurance being Australian. He won't get it even if they are married as he's just moved there. A reasonable person would be paying some salary towards private health insurance but I'm not sure he is reasonable overall.

Bali is quite hard to bring up small children in. The healthcare isn't always the best and hospitals are far and few. Accomodation can be cheap but a villa for a family of 3 in a good area isn't as Bali rental prices have been driven up by the tourist industry. Good schools are also quite expensive and you need a vehicle for everything. So they'll need two cars or to car share. I can't see them moving back until he is rolling in dough... 🤣
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Yeahhh Josh never struck me as the religious type haha.
You say you've met Josh, have you got any proof of this?

He so isnt! (or wasn't!)

Of course - a ton of it. Very few pictures but a ton of messages as there was a time when we'd speak literally every day for hours at a time. He texted more often than he called though. There is no way of posting any of that stuff here without it being evident to him who I am if he reads here - and Im not about to do that 😁

Anyone else on here can choose to believe me or not 🤷🏻‍♀️ Its not as if Im revealing anything super insightful or personal about him 🫠
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Hey @Jellyjam_ , are you ok? I was really hoping you could help out with those SEO (search engine optimization) tasks for the wiki. Thanks a lot!
She was busy bribing for a positive review, not just for her book but also for her podcast, in exchange for a gift. All the screenshots have already been posted in the threads, but I thought it might be a good idea to include small thumbnails for SEO purposes and to complete the wiki. I was not able to find a screenshot of the bribery for her book. Can anyone else find it?

I can't remember who it was, but I saw a wiki on a few months ago. It had little thumbnails everywhere, making it easy to read and helping with SEO. However, you don't have to do that everywhere. @Jellyjam_
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In late September, she mentioned something about Europe not being a long-term place for them, so I have a feeling that they had already left by then.

Koh Samui = Thailand

I love that you said “without a reputable publisher” No wonder she can plagiarize.
Oops sorry my bad, meant Thailand 😅
But to answer my own question, Josh confirmed they are back in Phuket, Thailand. Most likely couldn't afford European life as we predicted, not to mention they're gonna need to save every penny now baby is on the way.

I'm jumping the gun here but I think Jasmine will finally return to Australia to give birth as she's a citizen and has health benefits there.

Also she's been oversharing like crazy again, one of her posts was about shaving stomach hair. Just goes to show her social media/oversharing addiction still rages on, she probably made that podcast episode about quitting because she couldn't think of any other grifting methods.
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Chatty Member
Given Jasmine's "awakening" to Christ, I wonder if Josh has followed suit? He has never ever struck me as the religious type. With bringing up a child, both parents having the same morals and values is hugely important. Knowing Jasmine, she always has to go balls to the wall off the deep end obsessed with everything she does. I hope this doesn't include becoming a massive crazy bible thumper. She must be giddy with joy at the new engagement she's getting. She said she's never had this many replies to her announcement before.

Meanwhile Josh... Who knows what's going through his head. He hardly ever posts on stories, has barely really talked about becoming a father apart from the odd post here and there compared to Jasmine's constant running commentary, and one of his recent posts is about loneliness. Must be so sad being completely isolated from friends and family on the other side of the world when you're about to become a first time dad.
I truly can't see him suddenly becoming religious. He has changed a lot for Jasmine but I doubt he would convert. He was cornered into this baby thing.

I think he will probably stay for a bit for the sake of the baby but I can't see it lasting long term.

I have a friend who split up from his wife when his twins were only a few years old because she suddently became a devout christian and that caused a lot of friction in their relationship. It's a huge change to extremes.
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Did anyone see Jasmine's testimony. It's literally stuff we've been saying all this time and only now she's woken up to it. Seems she acknowledged us too in a way about the critics and "dimming light". I find it so funny that she's been claiming her business was thriving but for the past 2 years, business was actually slow for her. Furthermore, she was questioning astrology the whole time despite scamming and making money off women. It's disgusting and shameful and I hope she repents for that.

Although I have to say I'm very glad she's woken up to that new age bullshit, but not really a huge fan of the fact she's into right wing extremist media to get her new viewpoints (like saying feminism is the work of the devil). Oh well, no one is perfect and as long as she's seen the fact that her former ways were wrong and she'll stop scamming, that's all I could ask for and the main reason I post here.

She said meeting her in laws was a wake up call to this new way of life and as we all know, Josh's family (or dad mainly) are well known and documented right wing extremists...

As long as she doesn't hurt, harm or scam anyone with her new right wing religious views, I couldn't give a damn about her new cooking and cleaning soft wife persona tbh.
I feel bad for Jasmine because in one of these story posts she mentions being depressed in the 3rd trimester. Her story about when she was younger she would pray everyday for her family sounds like some sort of extreme OCD. I'm not a doctor or mental health expert, but it seems like there's some mental health issues she's prone to having.

I think she'll always have this cyclical way of jumping from one mental extreme to another because when you're depressed (like her) you're desperate to latch onto something that will keep you mentally afloat or purposeful.

I wouldn't be surprised if she gets postpartum depression (as it's a real thing, but not widely talked about). Hope she gets the professional help for all her mental health stuff.

Also I wonder how Josh is doing. He clearly had to give up his dreams and self-worth to adopt this husband persona for Jasmine. I imagine Jasmine being incredibly sensitive, emotional and particular in her ways. I don't really see this being sustainable for the long-term and think Jasmine will be devastated if they separate.

I also have friends and family members who have children and the sage advice they have for moms is to not make your child your universe. What this means is not to make your child your sole life purpose because children eventually grow up and become adults. And moms start to struggle with their identity and self worth when they’re no longer parenting their kid. Jasmine seems like the type who would make her child and Josh her entire universe, and that’s a slippery slope to be on.
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