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Happy holidays! Don't forget the unforgettable quote from Jasmine Lipska: "feeling festive and immersing myself into local cultures literally feels like a full body orgasm for me".

Well, I guess Jasmine Lipska has discovered the ultimate way to enjoy traveling! Maybe she should consider maintaining some privacy. Not everyone wants a detailed account of her experiences while exploring new cultures. Even travel enthusiasts might find it uncomfortable or awkward.

In the world of Korean pop-culture, she's like a never-ending plot twist – it's like a surprise within a surprise! Can't wait to see what outrageous stories Jasmine Lipska comes up with next! She's already sharing too much about her excessive body hair grooming, lactating dilemmas and all that jazz. Wasn't she supposedly searching for privacy away from social media? Guess that ship sailed faster than a sailboat in a storm.
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I've not watched the video but knowing Josh, he has always been pretty immature about relationships in general. I was surprised when they got married, and I'm pretty sure that was her idea. The fact you mentioned he said he had considered an abortion but she wouldn't makes it obvious he was put into a corner by her. What a great relationship to be in... :rolleyes:

But yeah, at least he got his act together. I KNEW they would be going to Australia to deliver the baby as care in Bali (I've been there many times and met Josh there too) can be hit and miss and definitely not free like in Australia.

In my experience Australia is pretty cheap unless you are bang in the middle of Sydney or Melbourne so them having a nice flat might be an indication of financial stability, but I don't think they are rolling in the money.

I truly hope she has stopped with all the scams though. Both of them.

Agree on the lack of friends. I think she doesn't seem to mind as she is so wrapped up in the relationship but I know he is a very social person and it won't be long after they have the baby where he might end up resenting not having more friends.
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I looked at the wiki, and it's definitely biased towards Josh. Who cares about his father if the man isn't famous on social media? I was curious about Butler in The Buff; it's the same as working in a bar, but half-naked, and sex is not part of the job. So Josh was not a former sex worker @Jellyjam_

“Butlers in the Buff are booked to serve drinks, mix cocktails, and assist in a charming way with party games at events such as bachelorette and birthday parties”

“The main thing people may get wrong about the job is that we are strippers or adult performers”

“The rules for the butlers are clear, keeping strict boundaries between them and the revelers they are hired to entertain.

“You are not allowed to drink on site, you are not allowed to hang about and you are not allowed to socialize with the guests.”

Adam hints that some of his colleagues mix business with pleasure by flirting with the guests.”

We don't condone hate towards Jas and Josh through DMs, etc.; just report whatever you can, even if you were a former client. Reporting is your best bet.

Another thing to note about the wiki is that there are more testimonials that have not been included. It only says "Client 1", but if you dig through the threads, there are actually several clients of Jasmine Lipska who have come to Tattle to complain.
Tbh I think her business is kind of dead so she’s not getting new clients or just milking off of old loyal clients. So don’t think any of her current customers will go out of their way to report for something that maybe will have consequences and don’t see issue with her.

Also noticed since she gained more followers she stopped being salesy and pushing courses on socials.
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I forgot to upload this screenshot.
I will just leave this here, within 24 hours of this post above he deleted "oh and I help men call in their dream relationship!"View attachment 2714200

So he went from targeting men to women to men back to women or both, I guess. Sucker! OK, OK. Is he a one-man company? I could even find my celebrity crush Rege-Jean Page's company on a government website, but I can't find anything about flat-earther Josh Campbell, can someone do a little sleuthing?
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Wait 6 months and she’ll be telling us how miserable she actually was during this time. She’s always trying to put up a front whilst humble bragging through the whole thing. Surprised she hasn’t started flaunting her post-baby body yet and humble bragging how quickly she’s snapped back into shape. Also I’m pretty sure she suffers from some sort of narcissistic personality disorder.
Also can't he text her this cringe ass poem? Or recite/perform it to her in person if it means that much? Why tell the world this? They're probably having a few bumps/minor issues and he's having to smooth it over lol. You guys already know the drill. Everytime Josh posts something lovey dovey, Jasmine reveals they've had a fight later lol

Because they’re both narcissists and enjoy the attention. And agree, they likely had a fight which is why she needs to post something like this to try to overcompensate. I reckon the baby the raise will be as wacko as them. It really can’t be helped when you have such wacko parents.
As a side note, Josh has now come out with a YouTube video where he confirms he was broke during his Health Hunk days. No surprises there. His whole branding and marketing looked like a joke. Then he pivoted from that stupidity to then becoming a “life coach”, another failed endeavour and god knows why he thought he was remotely qualified to do so.
Wait 6 months and she’ll be telling us how miserable she actually was during this time. She’s always trying to put up a front whilst humble bragging through the whole thing. Surprised she hasn’t started flaunting her post-baby body yet and humble bragging how quickly she’s snapped back into shape. Also I’m pretty sure she suffers from some sort of narcissistic personality disorder.
Also can't he text her this cringe ass poem? Or recite/perform it to her in person if it means that much? Why tell the world this? They're probably having a few bumps/minor issues and he's having to smooth it over lol. You guys already know the drill. Everytime Josh posts something lovey dovey, Jasmine reveals they've had a fight later lol
Because they’re both narcissists and enjoy the attention. And agree, they likely had a fight which is why she needs to post something like this to try to overcompensate. I reckon the baby the raise will be as wacko as them. It really can’t be helped when you have such wacko parents.
As a side note, Josh has now come out with a YouTube video where he confirms he was broke during his Health Hunk days. No surprises there. His whole branding and marketing looked like a joke. Then he pivoted from that stupidity to then becoming a “life coach”, another failed endeavour and god knows why he thought he was remotely qualified to do so. Also went to his website to look at his “portfolio” and it’s just stupid videos of himself. It baffles me how this idiot is earning six figures in video production as he claims.
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"I felt called by God to share my story" Birth stories get lots of views and engagement and I wanted to help my broke husband earn a little extra cash. He got a little kick out of making fun of me too so I'm being of extra service and submission to my husband! I also wanted to do some bragging too! Much love 💕

This made laugh pretty loud. She says she is sharing her story to inspire other unmedicated births yet she has Josh saying she wanted to die, he makes fun out of how much she was screaming and she seriously considered an epidural. Frankly if I was a future mum her video would inspire me to take as many drugs as possible!! 😂😂😅
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Hello everyone! Its been a while since I've checked in on this thread and my goodness, theres been so many updates 😂

Congratulations to Jas and Josh and baby Alaya - it always warms my heart to see a pregnancy go smoothly and I'm glad Jasmine received excellent support at the hospital - its not uncommon for birthing women to be mistreated at hospitals so its refreshing to hear some good news for once!

My thoughts on everything: I'm not surprised at her return to Christianty - that whole new-age spirituality phase she went through always struck me as extremely inauthentic to who she truly is. Contrary to some of the opinions here, I don't think she's a hardcore right-wing Evangelical at all - based on what she's shared so far about her religious views (which granted is not a lot), her relationship with religion seems very moderate. And this is coming from an atheist! Overall her religious views seems to be coming from a more healthy and genuine place than when she was parroting all these new-age beliefs. Despite not being religious myself, I do think religion can be beneficial when its done in a genuinely loving and non-oppressive way, and that seems to be the case for Jasmine so I'm happy for her.

I made many criticisms in the past of her life coaching business, and her admitting that she "fell down the new-age rabbit hole" definitely validates those criticisms. I never felt she was qualified as a life coach and was always doing it more for the money, especially considering a lot of her teachings centred around these so called new-age practices that she now rejects. Many vulnerable people came to her for help and I do truly believe that she took advantage of some of her clients, even if it was not her intention. Not only was she unqualified, but I think her business was mostly ego-motivated, wanting to achieve higher and higher financial goals. Honestly I think its fine and even healthy for your goals to be ego or financially motivated. But what rubs me the wrong way is that she'd always frame her business as being driven by a genuine desire to help people, when that was far from the truth. And now that Josh is the primary breadwinner, she finally admits that new-age spirituality was inauthentic to her, she finally admits that she had an unhealthy relationship with money and business. Jasmine will never publicly admit to the harm her coaching business has caused to clients, but I know some part of her is aware of this and she probably doesn't want to admit it to herself.

I'm also not surprised that she's become a young mother - I've always had a feeling this was on the cards for her. Again, it seems authentic to her and to be honest... in spite of her coaching scandal, I think motherhood was a big wake up call for her and helped her grow away from it and that she will ultimately be a good mother. Her birth story video was nice and I can see just how much she loves her daughter.

Josh on the other hand... ugh where do I even begin? He is very honest about how fact that he did not want to become a father yet. On his channel, he has a video where he mentions "It felt like grief, it felt like my past self was dead. My denial and grief kicked in and I wanted to reject this reality....I'm not celebrating, I'm not living my best life... - I shit you not these are actual quotes from Josh. I'm sorry but if I was his wife I'd really be questioning our relationship after hearing this. I understand that fatherhood can bring up complicated feelings, and Josh's emotions are valid. What bothers me is the way hat he handled these feelings with such a lack of grace and publicly shared the process in such a negative light. It's saddening to me.
Welcome back! Yes agreed with everything you said. However, Jasmine and Josh are well documented right wing. She has said feminism is the work of the devil and is a fan of Ben Shapiro. Certain things she has said has lead me to believe she is a bit more of a hardcore Christian than she let's on publicly due to fear of backlash. However, she's not shoving it down everyone's throats so I don't mind it too much.

Yeah I wonder how J+J relationship is doing? Josh seems to be a very reluctant and cold father just going off what we see online. Jasmine seems to always be with Alaya and we hardly see posts of her having time to herself. Ofc Josh could be a perfectly doting and devoted dad off camera, but his online words and actions say otherwise. Plus the sleeping separately thing with Josh not helping at nights seem to be a Josh idea with Jasmine following suit due to her new "submissive wife" beliefs.

One thing that seems certain. Jasmine seems completely in love with her daughter and a very hands on loving mom despite struggling with blues and anxiety.

I also agree with your point on the coaching. She also mentioned how she'd accuse everyone of "dimming her light" if she was questioned which I interpreted as her knowing we were correct and that she didn't actually care about helping women/causing harm but she'll never admit that publicly. The convenient return to Christ is probably her way of admitting and absolving herself of guilt.
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Ah, so apparently Josh Campbell is still up to his life coaching tricks. Can you believe it? He's now trying to trick men into thinking he's a relationship expert. I have to say I find it quite amusing how desperate he is for fame with his scam tactics. Too bad he doesn't have the charisma and looks of someone like David Beckham. Speaking of football, have any of you seen the Beckham documentary on Netflix? It's surprisingly interesting, even for non-football fans like me.
I forgot to upload this screenshot.
I will just leave this here, within 24 hours of this post above he deleted "oh and I help men call in their dream relationship!"
Jasmine Lipska Josh Campbell Scammers
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Thank you! Also, about the deleted links: It would be helpful to bring back a few links on Josh’s section on the wiki, such as the BBC article photo of Josh with his apron on half naked while he was working, along with pictures of him mocking other cultures and doing the highly offensive Hitler/Nazi salute.

If you could also include these exact links about Jasmine and Josh not following Indonesia's COVID rules on the wiki that would be helpful.

and this comment about Jasmine and Josh; to find it, just scroll downward:

I remember seeing pictures of them breaking COVID rules, which were likely shared online on forums. If anyone remembers where they were shared, please reshare them.

Them attending a huge gathering and breaking Indonesian strict COVID rules:
Maybe we can make that a completely new section on the wiki "Jasmine Lipska and Josh Campbell, disrespecting other cultures and not following their host country’s rules"?
It's tucked away now, so sounds like a great idea creating a new section with that title!
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Again, Jas and Josh lie so easily! It is not funny anymore. You can’t trust a word they say. Jasmine Lipska has been saying this:
her and Josh have had conversations about sharing couples stuff. They have strict boundaries and that they'll never sell out (😭😂😭😂😭😂) talks about how people make their whole personality their relationship and film themselves doing everything together. Her belief is that your relationship is better when it isn't monetised (in the same sentence she says they have a YouTube channel and podcast but stresses that they aren't active on it as if that doesn't make it worse. All I can say it WTFFFF
But they’ve been posting in their YouTube shorts since September. People say that they are “toxic pretenders” on there and also posted a video a few hours ago. If you don't want to give them any views, look through this is a website without any ads or tracking.

Do you still believe her? It’s all for clicks, guys; everything is for clicks!
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I have to say she is looking really healthy and glowing. She also looks a lot older now but not in a bad, unhealthy way like before, like mature and peaceful.

Also she's really well and truly leaving her woo woo natural spirituality crap in the past. She almost sounds sane and normal these days. She's planning on giving birth in a hospital!! Old time Jas would've insisted on giving birth in the ocean surrounded by witches performing a seance or some weird shit.

The only thing that still remains from her old days is the insufferable know-it-all obsession, pretending she knows all about pregnancy and giving advice while she's going through it in real time lol

It's funny how she thinks people will forget her scam past. Tbh most will forget and even I don't check her stuff anymore as I don't care to know about her outside of exposing her scams. But I'm glad these pages still exist to show that how the immorality she is capable of. The new "sweet gentle mama" persona she has these days can't erase that past.
Tbh I'm predicting it's actually a boy because if it was a girl, she would've been absolutely off her rocker harping on about how she had manifested a girl and knew it would be divine feminine etc. Remember that unhinged podcast episode she did where she was dead convinced her first child will be a girl?
Happy to be wrong though!


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She hasn't even stopped using social media. So why is that part of the wiki? I also see that this has been on the wiki since yesterday, when did she say this? "Instead, she wants to focus on being a mother and a wife."

Something's not right.
Apologies, I thought she released that episode in August but yes it was in October, I've changed that now.

in the podcast episode I did a write up on a while ago, she said she is looking at different avenues of money streams and wants to eventually move on from social media being her main source of income. I just use anonviewer to look at her posts but unless I've missed something, all she does is post about her pregnancy these days, she hardly ever posts anything on her main feed, and she's deleted her website where you can book courses. I inferred that she is trying to scrub her past and by extension, attempt to eventually move away from social media
Guys Jasmine's eventually planning on quitting social media!!! We won!!! 🎉🎉🎉

I haven't looked at her stuff in detail for ages but the podcast title with the word "quit" piqued my interest. Still seems like she hasn't got any friends to talk to so she's using the podcast as a way to voice her stream of consciousness.

Summary (typing as I listen so sorry if it's not coherent, I'm trying to cut through her projection and translating it into what she's actually saying about herself lol)

She's apparently in a season where she doesn't want to put her face out there as much anymore and doesn't want to be addicted to the ego massage and dopamine kick SM brings. She generally seems very disillusioned and finally admitting that a lot of what she posts is a lie. The lines are blurred between her life and business.

She as usual, comes across very high horse and condescending with no self awareness when talking about much she hates when people overshare on the internet and how people should keep things sacred with their partners not realising her entire sex life, pornographic photoshoots, birth control methods, domestic fights are plastered on these forums. I genuinely laughed out loud when she talked about how she hates "fake vulnerability for likes and attention" but admits she's played into it in the past.

Seems she really regrets sharing so much of her life as it lives "all over the internet" (aka on the forums). She worries about her children seeing what she has posted.

Talks about having increased engagement recently and how she's gone viral with certain reels. Sounds like she's upset that people with opposing views are now finding her rather than her insanity being confined to her right wing wacko bubble. Felt pressure to post everyday to capitalise off this newfound virality.

How real life connections are more important than social media connections because what would happen if you lost all your followings? (Sounds like a worry for her lol) Seems like she's feeling like she doesn't matter on social media. Says she doesn't get her phone out with friends and doesn't need to prove she's got friends (ok that one really made me genuinely laugh!)

She says she doesn't share anything unless she has processed it fully because she doesn't want to be upset if people judge it or scrutinize her. (Like wtf how about just keep shit to yourself in the first place like surely that's the main solution here?!)

Starts talking about hateful and abusive comments and how she blocks. Ok this one made me really laugh. She starts talking about "people" (note reader, she means herself) naively post something on reels and it goes viral and then you get mean comments so you need to be ok with whatever you post getting judgements.

her and Josh have had conversations about sharing couples stuff. They have strict boundaries and that they'll never sell out (😭😂😭😂😭😂) talks about how people make their whole personality their relationship and film themselves doing everything together. Her belief is that your relationship is better when it isn't monetised (in the same sentence she says they have a YouTube channel and podcast but stresses that they aren't active on it as if that doesn't make it worse. All I can say it WTFFFF

She says other streams of income outside of social media now sounds "luxurious" to her and that she doesn't want to depend on using her life for money.

Now thinking about motherhood and doesn't want her kids seeing her being self obsessed (lol) and being in front of a camera. Wants to focus on skills and what she can contribute to the world.

My notes

I'm taking it all with a pinch of salt and wondering if someone/something has scared her off? She's a massive narc and her "breaks" have only ever lasted 2-3 weeks at most".

I just hate how she tries to turn it into a lesson for all about how "everyone" should practice "sacred privacy" like no dumbass, most sane minded people keep their shit private. it's YOU who is such a narcissist you have no self preservation and now trapped in your own actions of whoring yourself online.

Sounds like she has SERIOUS social media addictions. Like the problems she describes having are unfathomable to me. For example she would get anxiety about wanting to show everyone where she's going, what she's doing etc...

Idk it feels like this is all tied into her wanting to please Josh and become a proper submissive trad wife for him.

I'd be VERY interested if she manages to find a job outside of social media given she has no skills, no education, no personality or people skills. her hateful, homophobic, right wing racist views are plastered on the internet alongside her scamming, porn photoshoots, sex life etc.

I guess time will tell what she does but hopefully we'll be saying goodbye and good riddance to this scamming bozo soon🖕🖕🖕
This is the post I'm referring to btw. You don't need to torture yourself by listening to her so I wrote a summary instead haha
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Is Jasmine Lipska still caught in a family “feud” after blocking a senior family member who called her out on social media last December and immediately blocking him/her? I guess probs not because BaBy NeWs. The question remains: Who could it be? It is unlikely to be anyone from her immediate family as they are her biggest fans, cheering her on for her scamming skills.
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It does make me laugh that she's 3 minutes pregnant and cradling her non existent bump every second she gets. Ik it's her life but it's quite sad that this is the only thing she's ever wanted and seems to live for, like there's so many amazing, wonderful life experiences that she just couldn't be bothered to look for, preferring to settle being a young mum and wife to a broke nazi idiot. She seems to have a very unhappy, restless soul. Hopefully being a mother will cure that.

The optimist in me says hopefully now she's seemingly found her true life calling, she is finally content and will stop chopping and changing her personality constantly and will stop coaching and scamming to focus on her "starseed" aka children.
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Ermygerd guys! The day we have all been waiting for... Jasie is finally pregnant!
Congrats to the new parents. I wonder what their next few years will look like... will they continue to float around SE Asia with a new baby in tow? They must really be financially stable now
Oh God...she's gonna milk that to death for content
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Is she okay...her chest looks kind of skeletal and her eating disorder days. There's like a huge chasm in between her chest, like she lost healthy fat. Noticed she's also been obsessively posting about how many steps she's been taking in a day. Wonder if her eating disorder is returning/health in decline?

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@Jellyjam_ You are as restless as Jasmine Lipska in these gossip threads and as lazy as Josh Campbell on the wiki! 😂😂 There's a treasure trove of information waiting to be added!
  • Haha
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