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They took note, @hippoo don’t say anything anymore. Hi Jasmine and Josh!
Haha now they are not “hiding” anymore and again trying go viral. I reported them and said they are scammers.
They didn’t go viral, by the way. I see that they want to.

Everyone who knows what they've done and will continue to do should report them for being scammers.
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backtracking the past 3-4 years. I think she's attempting to do damage control
As far as I could tell, the damage control started when reporting was mentioned again on the forum (they read here). Thankfully, reporting is now included on the Jasmine Lipska wiki. It’s never too late to report. When people report her and play it smart, law enforcement can recover deleted files and trace her online activities.

There is a Reddit feed where some evidence and proof of her actions exist. She’s attempting to delete this information from other sources.
I found it yesterday after reading a post on r/LifeCoachSnark. To access the feed, search for "r/LifeCoachSnark Jasmine Lipska" and click on her name tag in that post. This will take you to the feed, where you can find more posts and screenshots. It's great to see people speaking out against her.
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Also she's really well and truly leaving her woo woo natural spirituality crap in the past. She almost sounds sane and normal these days.
Haha, it seems like she hasn't given up on her woo woo beliefs and practices. I can already imagine the universe conspiring to expose her shady business and prove the existence of karma. I'm excited to witness the cosmic spectacle, even though it will probably go unnoticed by most of us! 😄

This just goes to show that no matter how hard she tries to hide it, her woo woo tendencies are always lurking in the background, waiting to strike. 😝

But hey, at least she'll have her scamming skills as companions when everything eventually collapses! 🎥
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Here again! Jasmine Lipska her sister's name is actually Jade Teresa Lipksi, and she’s also a sole trader. Jasmine Lipska's husband is actually called Joshua Luke Campbell on LinkedIn. Jasmine Lipska's mom is also known as Jingjing Yu Shu.

It’s all in the public domain, guys!

Keeping up with Jasmine’s name is like trying to track squirrel on caffeine:

Jasmine Mary Lipska, Jasmine Lipska, Jasmine Campbell, Jasmine Lipska Campbell, Jasmine Lipska (Campbell), and back to Jasmine Campbell. It's like she's caught in an identity crisis relay race!

If you do a Google search with all of those name variations nothing about her social online life comes up.

Is there a way to link those names to these forums to show up on search sites? 🤔
I can find the forum in a Google search when I use “Jasmine Lipska”, What do you see? Jasmine Lipska wiki doesn’t show when I use just “Jasmine Lipska”; can we do something about that?

Also tip for everyone, if you use her full name in a post it’ll help search engine optimization to appear on Google and search sites. Helps bring awareness on the scamming she’s done and continues to do.
Yep, tried to do that.
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Active member
She's moving faster than us, Jasmine Lipska also deleted YouTube videos last September, we're one step behind. Maybe don't post her scams here on the forum and report her immediately without alerting her here.
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VIP Member
@Jellyjam_ You are as restless as Jasmine Lipska in these gossip threads and as lazy as Josh Campbell on the wiki! 😂😂 There's a treasure trove of information waiting to be added!
Unlike team JJ, Jelly has has a life outside of social media. 😂
Haha Im sorry! Posting on the forum takes me 2 minutes but updating the wiki properly takes me a while longer. Tattle is not very intuitive so copying and pasting and making sure the formatting and links are there is quite annoying on the phone, also quite weird that it doesn't let other users edit. Plus i'm not super invested in their life so I don't really feel as motivated if I'm completely honest. Her scamming has only been rewarded with more followers and engagement which also feels quite demoralising. Plus like @Garlic_Bread says, I'm super busy with a life off socials! but if I get a spare 30 mins I'll go through everyone's contributions. Thanks again everyone! 😊❤
Also, feeling like being nice to Jasmine (maybe because she hasn't posted anything scammy recently as far as I'm aware lol). I think this is the healthiest she's looked in years. Her skin has a glow that it doesn't normally have and her hair is looking much thicker without the horrible blonde. She's put back on the healthy weight too.
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Fri 2023-09-08 she deleted another 80 posts.
Does anyone have screenshots of the posts she deleted? Curious to see what she’s deleting exactly. The internet is forever so there must be some archive somewhere
Unless I'm not seeing correctly. That cringe phase she had when she was trying to be a tiktoker and her sex phase, those posts are gone. She's also deleted her topless pics. Her rebrand is so funny. She thinks she's a PR/marketing genius but the internet never forgets. I'm sure all those posts are in the forum somewhere. Those early days horny photoshoots she'd do with Josh are all here too 🤢😂
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Capitalising off their child's first day out as a means for sponsorship money feels so gross. Pimping the kid's life out for views and money... It's just so wrong. Just because they don't show Alaya's face doesn't mean they're still exploiting her life. They film her playing with sponsored toys, wearing sponsored clothes, and now riding in a sponsored pram. Filming their child's precious moments for business and corporations to take advantage of because they're too damn lazy to make money on their own accord.

This isn't just for J+J, it's for all family vloggers who choose to use and abuse their children for a quick buck because lazy narc parents will do anything for clout except get a real job
Let's be honest, her baby is just a toy to her. She's just having a baby for exploitation purposes.
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I have more T and I'm dyyyyyinnggg laughing at this one.

Someone has posted a comment on Josh's instagram. I'll show the snapshot and then the full text for ease. If it's someone from here THANK YOU - you're my HERO!! 😂 😂 Typing all the things we all want to say to them both :D The interesting thing is he's not deleted it!

Full text:

"Have you maintained six figures on average over at least a year? You shouldn’t really be tooting this and providing “coaching” when you’ve not maintained this level of income for a sustained period of time. Just like how you shouldn’t be “life coaching” others when you’ve had so many failed businesses and are careless enough to have an unplanned pregnancy. You and Jasmine always do something for two seconds and all of a sudden think you’re an expert who can “coach” others. Both of you are never consistent or persist in anything you do career-wise and always change course within 12 months. How can you ever gain enough knowledge in anything to then start to charge others for your “mentorship”? You’re both just narcissists who can’t acknowledge how under-qualified you are in anything you do and have no issue charging exorbitant fees for advice you’re not equipped to provide."


Separately, in her Upwork profile Jasmine claims:

  • English: Native or Bilingual
  • Chinese: Native or Bilingual
  • Indonesian: Conversational
  • Korean: Conversational

  • Monash University
    Bachelor of Arts (BA), Languages & Primary Education
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Jasmine posted this, did I miss something? Did they leave Lisbon and go back to Indonesia or is she just posting a throwback?
In late September, she mentioned something about Europe not being a long-term place for them, so I have a feeling that they had already left by then.

Koh Samui = Thailand
If you want to learn more, visit her wiki page Although it is extensive, the information about Jasmine Lipska is still being updated. It takes a lot of time, and we have our own lives, but this is our way of cautioning you and bring awareness on the scamming she’s done and continues to do. Conduct thorough research and do not trust influencers, life coaches, or writers without a reputable publisher, former YouTubers, or podcasters like Jasmine Lipska.
I love that you said “without a reputable publisher” No wonder she can plagiarize.
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Randomly came across this very old Jasmine video which I don't think I've seen before. She was such a sweet talented girl. Whyyyy did she become a corrupt scammer!!?? 😭
She could've easily carried on her YouTube career and actually have made a decent living. She really messed up her life path. Massive mistake imo

Also, I couldn't find Jasmine on Upwork but I could find Josh no problem. Anyone else have that issue?
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Chatty Member
"I would say I am a Jesus believer" 😂 🤣

Nearly spit my drink all over my phone when listening to that. You are either a believer or you aren't. There is no "I would say I am" about it. He is hardly convincing.
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We've got some super sleuths here! Well done guys 😂

I thought it was weird that he was a top creator given his account seems relatively new but thanks for clarifying that. I think since the baby was unplanned, Jasmine probably forced Josh to get a job and stop living off her. So embarrassing! Plus they shit on the term influencer so much when they were high and mighty scammers, but now they're no longer coaches since they've been caught out and had to get proper jobs, they've come crawling back to claim their lowly rank as "influencers". Pathetic!

To be fair to Josh, he seems to have quite a few jobs completed and ongoing. Plus he gets 5 stars with testimonials from his clients so he's definitely putting in the work. However I find it sad Jasmine is also having to grind out even though she's just had a baby and should be on maternity leave. First with the endless promos and sponsored posts, the Upwork stuff and continued Instagram posting. Goes to show they aren't doing as well as they appear if they are relying on both incomes, rather than the "my husband provides for me" fake shit she's currently spouting.

Also they live in Oakleigh which is where Jasmine originates from. I think rent is roughly $AUD 500-800 a week from the 30 seconds of research I did. Please correct me if I'm wrong. Either way, that's waaaay more expensive than what they ever spent in SEA. I think they'd probably move back to Thailand as they said it's more family friendly.

Also Jasmine says she has a degree in primary education is a bare faced lie as she famously dropped out to pursue social media full time. These guys lie about their credentials so much. Idk how you could be so comfortable faking your life. The language stuff however, is true as she's proven to be fluent in mandarin and Indonesian.

Looove that comment! Shout-out to whoever sent that 😂

Haha I thought the same. Although Alaya is a pretty name, it's fairly unconventional. I thought they'd go with something Biblical given Jasmine's apparent new love for Christ
I only watched the intro on Yewtube as the rest was a load of shite.

All I have to say is wow. I watched that first part with my jaw open. So when Josh found out he was having a baby, he said he thought his life was over and went into grieving. Googling things about regret and abortion. Kept going on and on about how upset he was and referred to the baby as a mistake... Ouch 😬

Honestly he seems like such a weird guy. He never once talked about his love for the baby. More so, what the baby has done for him. How he can show up for his clients better. How he is more mature. Just seemed super cold about the baby.

Imagine your father saying that about you being born, your husband saying that about your future child, let alone putting that on the internet. Some things should be kept private honestly! I remember him saying something similar about when he got engaged/married. Jasmine and Josh seem sooo misaligned about nearly everything. Recipe for disaster and I'm truly shocked they've made it this far. That poor baby 😔

He mentioned that he wanted to have a kid in his 30s because he wanted to be "financially stable". Ummm I thought you and the Mrs were on six figures mate? Lies lies and more lies 😂

Also off topic but why does Josh keep acting like he deserves an award for being an unplanned father? Plus why does he keep referring to himself as a young dad? I'd say 22 and below would be considered a "young parent". 28 is a perfectly reasonable age to have a baby, it's only 2 years off from his magic number 30. He acts like he's a teen dad the way he acts so shocked about it being unplanned like bro you know how a baby is made lmao.

I honestly think their shock stems from a lack of finances on Josh's part tbh. If they were truly what they claim, a wealthy married couple. Then yes it might be a surprise but having a baby would ultimately be no problem for them. Yet they were so shocked and scared and even considered aborting. Coupled with Jas feeling "useless" about not making money and contributing, it gives even more legs to the idea these guys aren't rolling in cash like they apparently claim.

They immediately started scrambling and retreated back to Australia and quit their shitty scamming knowing that's no way to raise a child. So much for "thriving business" lol
They truly are sellouts...ugh seeing their poor baby being used for content as a thumbnail with that hella exaggerated text overlay. And then adding "unplanned" near her is so distasteful. She'll l grow up and see wtf. Thanks Dad for sharing with the internet I was unplanned. This is Angel 2.0 all over again. For those who don't know, they used to have a dog named Angel and used the shit out of her as content. And then they abandoned her when it wasn't aligned with their nomadic, scamming lifestyle.

I hope their karma for using their baby as content is them not getting the ROI in views and money. Truly feel like they'll stop using the baby as content if it's not giving them their return in $$$, because they are that desperate for attention and money. So honestly what we can do is not engage with their content when Alaya is in it, so it won't get traction in views or money.

Also I think someone mentioned here when Josh was "Health Hunk" he was actually broke af? Jasmine was in a relationship with him during that time...I think I even remember JingJing and her friends were the only people taking his fitness course, trying to promo it on her insta page 😅. I wonder how her parents really think about Josh's lack of financial stability. Also I know money isn't everything, but the fact that Jasmine was confident that Josh is the one yet couldn't provide the bare minimum in finances is soooooooooo sad. She really has low standards and settled for breadcrumbs.
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Does anyone have screenshots of the posts she deleted? Curious to see what she’s deleting exactly. The internet is forever so there must be some archive somewhere
It was only a couple of days ago that she deleted 80 more posts. I think you need to look on the internet for that. I’m sure there are tools or programs to see what she deleted exactly. Who knows where to look?
Maybe wayback machine works
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My predictions of her baby being born in AUS and them temporarily staying at her parent’s Airbnb have been true 😉

Let’s see if I’m right about baby’s gender too…
I predict the baby will be... drumroll... a human! That's right, a little human baby. Now that's some good groundbreaking prediction right there! 😂 And let me guess, they'll still need to eat, sleep, and change diapers too? Woah, hold on, I need to sit down and process this incredible news! 🤯🎉
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I’d be so disappointed if they were my kids, but I’d be equally disappointed if I was their kid too. Random, but I thought they’d give the baby a “J” name to keep up with their J&J brand.
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