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Said if she did not have the 4 day turnaround she would run herself into the ground and would have to start work about 4 in the morning 😂😂😂
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That fucking ‘campervan’ (aye right!) will never be used for anything other than a foodfest up beachy head. She is already talking about how she is too akchusssss to go to bruges in it - I guarantee it is fuck all to do with the fact that it won’t be finished, she just doesn’t want to go! Also she litchhhhrelly said today she wanted to start looking after herself and losing weight!! A chippy won’t help you do that Chins hun 😂
Spot on this campervan is nothing more than
a place to eat on the move and so she has a toilet at hand for when she then shits herself from eating too much

How was it a date?
Can’t believe the sad fuckers even took the iPad can they never be away from a screen?

She acts like this is the high life it’s fucking bizarre for a grown couple to act like this
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I remember the video she made when she got home, lying on the couch giving a blow-by-blow account of every minute…speaking in her lickle toddler voice….I thought the way she was going on she’d had a heart and lung transplant.
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Jane, God has placed a very nasty trick on you. He gave you an enormous head, but somehow he forgot to fill it with anything. No-one, I repeat, no-one is jealous of you. Look in the mirror, look around you, look at daft boy…what could anyone be jealous of? On my WORST day, I thank God that I’m not you! If anyone is a nasty, jealous person, it’s YOU! You were even jealous of Mrs G if daft boy spent five minutes with her! His own mother!!! For someone who doesn’t care, you do a huge amount of ranting about us!!
Maybe she shouldn’t put herself out there and air her dirty laundry all over social media, if she can’t hack comments made about her, it’s all part of being “famous” lol. What a sad excuse for a woman you are Chins. Oh and btw your threats don’t bother us one iota, YOU just don’t like hearing the truth!

What kind of "friends" has she got that tell her what's said on here?? more like she reads it herself! Makes me laugh when she acts all cocky trying to make out she's not bothered and she doesn't want to know, it's what they all say!! she protests too much to not care ;) and what does she mean by we'll get what's coming to us? has she been to the police station again to tell the officers that some tattlers have called her fat? nee-naw, nee-naw, nee-naw
She will have to sell a few more lucky dips if she wants to take all of us to court lol. The judge would tell her to stop putting her whole life on social media for a start, and then charge her for wasting police time! There is no law against us commenting on anything she has broadcasted all over social media, she should keep hers and Bean’s poor Mum’s (RIP) private affairs to herself!
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The bean has fucked up all the mermaid dusts the oil has gone all weird so she’s gonna refund women and send her the manky ones for free 😂
What a pair of pillocks 😂 he wants to be a pilot yet can't get the ratio of oil to bicarb right? I've found him a plane he can fly.....

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She’ll need hoisted in…has daft boy got the shopping list of all the food they’ll need to take for their one night away? Let me guess….mushrooms, peppers, mince, soreen loaf, choclit, chopping board, choclit, fridge raiders, choclit…..
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And these people keep using her wedding pics to say happy birthday 😬 they are obviously aware she looks like an overweight bloke now 🫣
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Lovely having a crap on one side of the bed and breakfast on the other 🤪 …is that drink for the bean
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I doubt there will be children, Jane wouldn’t have a clue how to rear a child and she couldn’t BEAR daft boy to love someone else, even their own child! She has to be the focus of his attention, hence the toddler voice, the ‘oh! What am I like?!’ carry on and what she imagines is her being all lickle girly and cute when in actual fact it’s utter stupidity! She has a very low IQ, she has no understanding of the most basic things, I watch in amazement at her sheer idiocy!
As for him, I have no words! He deserves all he gets with her, he enables her laziness, her attitude, he couldn’t even stand up for his own mother in her last illness! I hope when he looks back over his little life, he’s deeply ashamed!
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Yes, Yes what extremely sad lives we all have 🙄 bit rich considering it’s coming from the mother of a bone idol, morbidly obese, cat fishing twat 😂 notice the jealousy comments come out … if I’m jealous of anyone it’s Adele cos that woman can sing the phone directory and make it sound fantastic but I’m certainly not jealous of someone who sits in a cold damp rented flat making wax melts and toiletries that will singe your fanny for a living and the highlight of her year is a weekend at Hoseasons and a fish and chip supper in the back of a van at the local dogging point of Beachy head.
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She honestly is off her bloody trolley if she thinks we are jealous of her no one in their right mind would be … she literally has nothing to be jealous of
I have a lovely hubby, four smashing grown kids, a gorgeous granddaughter, own my own 6 bed houses sitting by the Thames, and took earlier retirement at 60 because I can afford too … I foster cats and kittens for CPL and both hubby and I are members of the rock choir I lead a full and active life in my 60’s I could run rings around her … She has and does nothing worthy of being jealous of

Sending lots of love Xx
Exactly who would be jealous of that pair of shut ins? My grandpa has dementia and is in a nursing home and has a more fulfilling life than those two (they do lots of activities with them, take them out, I couldn’t believe how much they do with them, it’s an amazing place).

We just bought our dweam house and are about to get our dweam dog, I just got a massive rise at work, boyf is getting a new car soon, I lost a crap ton of weight…..yes Jane we are totally jealous of you sitting there morbidly obese in your smelly, damp flat, with no fwendz and no life. Making mewts day in day out and complaining about it. Making no money from your amazing likkle bizniss, manifesting as if that will make any difference.

I didn’t mean to sound braggy above haha, I just want Jane to see that noone is fucking jealous of her! And we worked bloody hard for what we have now. You can’t manifest shit out of thin air, Jane. YOU need to put in the work and the effort. YOU need to get a full time job if you want all the things on your weird little manifestation board. YOU need to get a grip and enter reality for once.
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Absolutely this! A great idea in their head, the reality is something quite different. This van is far too small, they have nowhere to sleep in it now, far less when daft boy fits a kitchen in it! If they plan on going away in it for a few days at a time, where will they fit their luggage? Where’s the porta potti going to go? Cooking utensils for the spag bol? Storage for the chopping board, the peppers and mushrooms that go everywhere with her? The choclit drawer? It’s only working now because it’s empty. She’ll only want to go as far as doggers point in it, Bruges? I’ll eat my hat if she ever goes out of Eastbourne in it! Both of them won’t get in it at the same time! All this money spent on a pie-in-the-sky idea, money that could’ve gone towards the house she desperately wants! What a total waste of money and she doesn't contribute a penny!
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I can’t believe how tacky two people can be they really give me the ick 🤢
You just know she will be in bed in her barbie nightie while he’s rubbing her back while they watch a video compilation of happy birthdays from the mods 😂
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Spotted another company selling these and don’t they look so much better than Janes

1) Its blood red not pink
2) It’s clearly marked shower gel with ingredients
3) It’s not covered in ugly stickers to hide that it says for drinking

I don’t understand how Jane has any customers considering other companies do it all so much better.


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