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I must have been bored because I found myself watching the slimcon debacle vlog from last year, the one where she decides to ruin it all and not turn up.. Jesus fooking christ she's absolutely stacked it on since then😵 she was so cocky on there saying how in control she is now of food and how she doesn't binge.... karma springs to mind!!
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So Jane it's obvious that you are lying about having a team make things for you. However if by some miracle you are telling the truth which I very much doubt then you are a shit business woman because you are eating into profits by having a team and a unit faaaaaar too early when you could just buy them from a wholesaler at a fraction of the price You just put your house purchase back by around ten years. Or more...well done.

You're welcome...

From a business woman who owns three businesses
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Thread : still peddling soaps and tat but too breathless to clean the manky flat...
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Chatty Member
Could possibly be a second job since he’s not getting home till 10pm. If that’s the case she should be ashamed of herself she sticks purple stickers on shit products sits on her arse all day eating but says she’s so busy yeah busy scrounging the fridge and cupboards for grub, watches Netflix most of the day, on her laptop everyday buying food then a one off trot to the post office and she thinks that’s what a good wifey is tut tut chins get a real job and help your husband out. If it is a new job good luck getting a mortgage even the bank and mortgage advisors will be laughing at you like everyone else is 😂
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Yes, she was! ‘Charlie works in Lundun’ will he still be able to drive the company car though...🤔 what a pair of eejits!
And Charlie Bean loves London, he loves his London customers… it’s a ”different atmosphere” there 🙄 I’m surprise Charlie Bean noticed the atmosphere considering the vacuum that exists around him every time he opens his mouth!
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Anyone heard her insta 😂 saying she shaved her legs this morning and 10 at night her legs are still
Burning 🥵 😂😂😂 not sounding good for the shower whips 🥺
Saying she used baby oil to shave her legs !
Not unless she has and giving her customers a heads up
why would you not be using your own products lol
She’s just got no idea you would at least make out you use them 🙄
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I doubt anyone could remember the buffet from our wedding as we were all high on life....and booze, singing our heads off, dancing, reminiscing, cracking jokes and laughing til our sides hurt, if one of my friends messaged me to say they still remembered the quiche i'd be asking if they were ok! Then again maybe they were face planting the quiche rather than watch Charlie do his full monty dance for Jane 🤮
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enjoy watching them drool over how "plump" they are and how they have "grease" in them haha ;)

😆 🤣 😂 😆

Her eye's and inner hog gave her away long before the wobbly gob did


Hi Charlie! What is a ‘big corporate store?’ Do you mean somewhere like Selfridges? Harvey Nicks? 😂😂 were you serious when you wrote that?? You really need to get out more! Jane...your spelling and punctuation just get worse....
Jane/Bean meant to write a Luxxsherayyy department store 😆 like the cabinet she has for all her luxsherayyy shite she has handmade her lovely gals

Well that's 18 pages caught up with . Have been hooting and howling at this thread all morning 😆
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OM to the G. I have just watched something that calls itself a 'calorie controlled' shopping haul. The title made me chuckle because there is no control at all: as usual, it is mostly (not quite all) processed rubbish, designed to inflate the gammons pair into the next stone bracket. Surely no one can be this dense?! She is doing the opposite of losing weight and treating her body as if it 'needs' all this rubbish? It's an odd mindset, isn't it. Because I've got some time on my hands, and because I am a saddo and because I am getting increasingly infuriated with this pair, I have made a list of what has been purchissssed and I've popped my observations next to each item. you'll see that she does really know that this is all rubbish, because she continually makes excuses for purchissssing said items.

Here we go .......
*We begin with a mountain of cwisps. apparently, she 'didn't realise' how many packets of cwisps had actually been put into the shop (even though she was the one who was doing it, from the comfort of her sofa I assume). Anyway, the sugary popcorn is apparently better than cwisps and there follows two multipacks of quavers (because they were on offer) and some hula hoop puffs (that she meant to take out of the basket). Don't worry everyone: THEY WILL GET EATEN apparently. No shit.
* More cwisps (Doritos) but these are ok because 'they're for our tacos' - did everybody know that you HAVE to have Doritos with tacos (she's again making an excuse as if to say that it is not her fault that she is buying the Doritos - she is HAVING to do so, because of the tacos. it's the tacos' fault).
*Mr Kilping carrot cake slices - I assumed that these would be 'for Charlie's lunches'; but no. They didn't really get an explanation.
*I'll just pause here, because to my great shock, there is then a healthy item! It's so healthy that she doesn't really know what it is but it's Sri Lankan (she pronounces Sri Lanka as if she has never ever in her life heard of it). Anyway, I'll let them off this one, because its a goodie.
* A small Warburtons loaf - she doesn't mention that this is in fact a large WHITE loaf. Hardly what they ought to be eating in order to lose the pounds. Anyway, the excuse for this item is that they do normally buy all kinds of bread, including brown bread. we just never see this. EVER.
*Shock horror, we then see a cucumber and some bananas. I don't believe that they really eat these.
* Sugary salsa next - really low in calories apparently. Again, this isn't her fault, its down to the tacos.
* Some eggs - ok, if you don't fry three and have them with a bagel for an afternoon schnaaack.
* Some peppers and little snack peppers. Again, I do not believe that these get eaten.
*American mustard - she douses all sallid in this these days, thus negating much of its benefit.
*Potatoes - can't really find fault with these, apart from the obvious fact that they eat far, far too many of them.
*Bloody Munch Bunch yoghurts - she excuses these by explaining that she has 'only got one left', thus meaning that the purchissss of more was an absolute necessity. No mention of the fact that they are for five year olds. the bean gets his own grown up yoghurts. These are quite calorific apparently.
*There then follow some ready meals. This is not her fault. They are 'for the freezer'.
*Some creme fraiche - 'for the tacos'... these poor tacos are going to be overloaded aren't they.
*Some protein shakes. I wondered when these would make their reintroduction into the daily lives of the gammony pair. But alas, it isn't her fault, because they are for 'filling her up when she's on the go'.
*A solitary avocado makes an appearance. It isn't for the tacos. It probably won't get eaten and will be thrown out with the peppers etc...
*Some lamb steaks - not too bad, but coated in stuff that is probably sugary. She seems incapable of buying anything that hasn't been doctored doesn't she.
* PIES - yes of course, the bloody pies. These are for dinner and there is some muttered comment about 'doing loadsa veg' with them. I just don't believe it. Anyway, she should NOT be eating pies! Why can't she have some pan fried or grilled fish? Some oven baked chicken? Why does it have to be pie (and no doubt potatoes...)?
*Broccoli - yes you heard it right. Some veg.
*Garlic - good for the cholesterol but bloody hell, its going to have a tough job isn't it.
*CHIPS - these are apparently really nice. she ought not to be eating them of course but she seems to have chips with everything. anyone heard of reducing your carb intake to lose weight?
* Fab lollies..... WHAAAAT???!!! She's been having one OR TWO a night. Enough said.
*Mars ice creams - this is ok though, because they are smaller than the normal ones.... and they are about to run out. These are an essential, like loo roll or deodorant. You've gotta have them. It's not her fault.
*Timeouts - yes, you guessed it ... 'for Charlie's lunches'... He is not five. He most certainly doesn't need this rubbish for his lunches.
*Cheerios - well, I'm betting that there is more goodness in the packet.
*Soreen loaf - no words ...
*Stock cubes - these are of course fairly innocuous. Don't know why she needs them however, because everything she buys is already made.
*Cheese and bacon kievs - processed, fatty rubbish.
*Another type of pie - she calls it a 'lattice' as if to improve it's healthy appeal. We all know it's a pie, Jane. This isn't her fault either. It's for 'the roast' on Sunday. Also, when she was describing what this lattice thing was, she was practically having to restrain herself when she said 'chicken ... WRAPPED IN PASTRY' ... oh and it's got bacon and cheese in it as well. Fatty, processed rubbish.
*Mince - well this is of course a lovely way to end. I am assuming it is for the tacos and whilst in itself, this is healthy, it is going to be sabotaged by all of the above shit that is about to be plonked on top of it.

I know I sound a little bit harsh and possibly angry, but I am just so fed up of this pair. I wouldn't mind if they were eating this and not trying to be weight loss gurus! Even entitling the video 'calorie controlled shop' is totally misleading. It is not in any way controlled. The great majority is utter rubbish. She knows this, hence all of the excuses. She just cannot stop herself. We have no idea how many calories she is eating but it's totally obvious that (a) she is not in any kind of deficit; and (b) she's just counting and counting and counting ad infinitem. It doesn't work like that, Jane. .... It's really grating on me that they are putting themselves out there as weight loss youtubers, when in reality, they haven't got a clue, or they have, but they are doing their level best to ignore it. It shouldn't be hard for them to realise that the sorts of things that they should be eating are as follows (and I'm writing this for Jane's benefit, because we know you'll read it, dear!) ...

- lots of baked or pan fried or grilled fish, steamed veg and maybe try NO CARBS just for once;
- homemade food not processed food;
-no snacks - banish all cakes, biscuits, crisps etc... just don't have them in the house;
- cut the number of sauces and dips etc... make your own ...they are all full of sugar;
- swap the white starchy carbs for more complex carbs, such as wholewheat pastas, wholewheat couscous, rye bread or German schneiderbrot;
- if you must snack, snack on fruit and crudités;
- eat some bloody fibre!!!! start the day with a bowl of NON SUGARY high fibre cereal, such as all bran, bran flakes, weatabix (even though that has sugar in it!)..... add pumpkin seeds, linseeds, sunflower seeds and some dried apricots or prunes ....
- for lunch, have smoked salmon and a salad; or smoked mackerel etc...
-for your evening meals, please please please cook something from scratch ..... NO PIES and NO LATTICES.

I've really ranted on but I'm sure you're all just as fed up with this as me. What's happened to the exercise bike by the way? It's being used as a glorified clothes hanger I suppose. Either that or it collapsed after the one and only time they sat on it.
I know I could stop watching her, but I just can't!
You can eat what you like to lose weight as long as you're in a deficit ... BUT I don't believe for one minute that she or the bean maintains a deficit long enough to drop so much as a lb. The only person she is kidding is herself. Completely and utterly deluded! She needs to cut out all this crap she buys as she has zero self control. It will just make her crave it all the more. I calorie count and there's no way I'd pick up those pies for a roast?! 🧐😳🤣 what a waste of calories! I still can't get over her eating 2 lollies just because she likes them 🤦🏼‍♀️
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It is so laughable that Jane fashions herself as some kind of authority on weight loss and calorie counting! She has no clue about nutrition and she's reliant on processed kiddy muck food because she thinks "low calorie" = healthy. The meal plan whiteboard is a prop for her 'busy person' roleplay. There's two of them and she's home all day so there's no need for it?! Burgers, breaded chicken, baby yoghurts and chocolate bars and crisps, flump lollies WTF?! School dinner lady Jane :ROFLMAO:
I would pay to see her on Secret Eaters, it would be comedy gold.
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Poor Charlie’s Mum, I think I’d have fainted too if my only son had just married Janeychins and there was nothing I could do about it, his fate was sealed. Jane could do an opposite of the Gok Wan programme but call it “How to age your husband by 10 years in less than 3!”.
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Miss polar

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I know plenty of pensioners who have more get up and go than them! What a dull existence!

Also, why oh why do they never walk anywhere?? They live in a lovely part of the country with the beach on their doorstep. All they do is sit in their car stuffing themselves with crap food.

Get out of the car and go for a walk you pair of lazy fat fuckers!
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Oh she,s angling for that for sure. It,s been coming for months getting out of Tesco. Never known anyone like her for her age and just plain bone idle, thinks the world owes her a favour, well sorry fat flaps the world owes you fuck all, if you want anything in life you,ve got to proper graft for it you lazy cockWomble ! Trying to be pleasant but I can’t , not tonight anyway 😡😡
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Sounds like bean has been transferred back to Eastbourne 😂😂 they didn’t realise how much travel the other one was 🤪
Aye she was blaming him working in London for her size ! No Fat flaps it,s because you don’t know when to stop stuffing your cakehole !!
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I howled at her not wanting to tell how many calories she’s allowing herself (15,000. That way she can say she’s keeping within them) in case anyone is influenced by her!! 😂😂 oh are a one Jane!
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Pure tat ! Am just so delighted I missed it , I,m finding her embarrassing to watch atm might be just as I,m on a Debbie downer but she needs to put in a good entertaining video to cheer me up instead of this desperate attempt of being an entrepreneur, it,ll never happen. Bring back a taste test video or a cocomy haul if anything fits round that bozzle of a belly. I,ll even buy her fucking clothes myself and send them to her, at least it would be 20 mins of wicked indulgence not 2 hours or whatever it was today of pure torture !!
Many good, entertaining videos may be on the way because for Frumpty Dumpty and Charlie 5 bellies ”from next week it’s all about weight loss and aerobics” 😂😂😂😂 here we go AGAIN! One vlog of full commitment (again), drawing the line (again), a Rosemary Connley shuffle around the living room (again) and back to scoffing everything in sight (again!). They are both embarrassing t*ats 🤦🏽‍♀️
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Anyone who has do them themselves a packed lunch every time they get in the car to go somewhere has serious issues 😬 amount of times they have cooked quorn nuggets for a drive 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Just watched that live for 5 minutes....they dumped Mal because they’re saving really hard, no you didn’t Jane, you couldn’t stick to the diet/exercises. I remember you raving about how much you were loving it, phoning Mal up when you were out shopping to ask his advice (spoiler: you didn’t) posting ‘another workout done!’ then, like everything else, the novelty wore off and you wanted to gorge instead, we’re not idiots! And another thing, London has always been the same distance from Eastbourne, they haven’t moved it, daft boy must have known it wasn’t 10 minutes from your front door. Same old Jane, excuses, excuses.....
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This picture is truly shocking! easy to see why they need twelve full grocery shops in a month, they must eat non stop.

View attachment 598913

and imagine having the nerve to add that glam profile pic she has on insta when this is the reality
She must gorge herself throughout the day, is it any wonder she’s breathless looking at that.

Honestly, I’ve said it a million times, she‘s the image of Queen Victoria
It’s uncanny, even the hairline !



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