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My hubby works full time I stay at home I couldn’t imagine sitting on the sofa all day and letting hubby do the housework when he gets in from doing a full days work 😬 she’s just awful but he allows it I suppose
Imagine if they did have a child. The bean would have to go to work with it in a papoose, while she lay on her fat back eating. She'd give up work immediately I reckon it's her dream
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Every time I watch her now shrek comes into my head her face is the exact same shape 🤣🤣🤣🤣 that red top was so tight on her but she always wears clothes that are so tight on her cause she’s convinced she’s a size 12. She never sits down 😂😂😂 that’s how your lard arse is the size it is your never off your arse, chilling watching Netflix, nana naps even making wax melts you will be sitting on arse the most I’ve ever seen you exercise is sitting on that poor chair in your spare room stretching for stuff to pack your horrendous orders “oh charwee I did a great workout packing my orders did you hear me charwee with my oooh, eeees, oh deah, I’m so knackered now I need to chill and watch Netflix now I must’ve burnt 683 calowees so I can eat my big woast dinna at only 456 calowees” 🤣
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Jane: I’m back on it guyzzzzz
Also Jane: has breaded chicken and chips and lies about the calowees.

How about you try making something fresh, from scratch, full of healthy ingredients, you absolute slob! I bet Beany boy will be tasked with making the dinner every night when he is working closer to home!
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How embarrassing is the pushing off wholesale soap 😂 and why does she laugh after everything she says 😫😫 she says adults have been purchasing these skin burning kids bags well no shit Sherlock the 4 year olds ain’t gonna do it themselves ffs she’s taking stupid to a whole new level !
hope someone takes her to court when the poor little kids skin is hanging off or the bath is stained bright purple , I have a feeling this biznessssssss will be dissolved very soon 😏
It,s a nervous laugh because she is lying through her wobbly fucking teeth ! A team of ladies making that fucking rubbish for her, who in gods name is she fooling with that, erm yes we know the twat head gammonette’s but that’s it. You can get it all off that goddam soap shack shit site, I,ve had a good rummage. No wonder her nose seems to be getting bigger she,s like the modern day Pinocchio just can’t help herself, one lie after another, she’ll be telling us it takes 6-8 weeks to get a mortgage in principle next, don’t know where she gets this dross from 🤣🤣🤣🤣

Is this all she sold 🙄 I’d doubt that would pay her employees bus fare 😂
Look like lady Tena packets to me! you would have to pissed to buy and she must be pissed to think she can be Eastbourne’s Debra Meadow by palming this off to dwindling numbers of die hard fans every week. Wait till one Wifey has smacked her husband about a bit blaming him for playing away , giving her the sore lady garden that now resembles a red angry Gorze bush, only to realise it was that 5 minutes of fun they had 2 nights earlier in the bath playing hunt the sharks head bath bomb that caused the damage or was it the foot shaped pumice ???
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Na she ain’t got any money nothing will happen anytime soon , if they move to a house it will 100% be rented
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Fucking hell, I nearly choked on my coffee when she said “I never sit still” then I’m sure she said “I never sit down and watch tv and relax” 😂 is she forgetting about all the times she’s said she’s sat and watched Netflix all afternoon or the times where she puts what she’s watching telly on her story??! Good liars need to have a good memory Jane love! My god she’s fkn deluded.
When she was out driving she saw a “hurst” (god give me strength) she thinks it’s so cute when people make the sign of the cross when they see funerals. She likes a hot lunch guyyyys, if she has a sandwich she grazes all day, erm I think we’ve come to the conclusion that you graze all day whatever you have for lunch! I think she eats more for lunch than I do for tea, greedy mare

She looks like she’s put more weight on, what a shock!
I know looking as stunning as ever !!! Another thing that she said that made me titter she saw a funeral and when the Hearset went past she felt sad ! Since when has a hearse been a fucking hearset Jesus Christ , thick as fucking mince. Just playing the bit back about her never being still and burning herself out, this bint really does believe her own bullshit! She also mentioned about moving not being feasible at the moment, obviously been knocked back then, so looks like another rental then Jane 😜
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The bloody size of her!!! She has to be bigger than her starting weight on SW🤯😵 her head is just a giant dough ball, I cannot believe she's not even 30 and looks that unhealthy 🥴
She said she can't paint her toe nails , can hardly breathe when she's walking and getting in and out of the car ! but held up that giant chicken escalope and said she bought it because it was huge for the calories ,she was having it with salad and chips :rolleyes:
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On the insta grid that first picture someone with an allergic reaction 😲

Also Jane...why can't you iron the uniforms and prepare his packed lunch after your 15 minute shift at Tesco? You have all bloody day to do that and have a shower. You could have your tea at normal time and then keep beanbags to one side and just reheat it when he gets home. You could even go for a walk by yourself or use that exercise bike, you do not need your husband holding your hand.
But then again this is just me and my thoughts and the way my marriage works. I don't need him to rub my earlobes if I want to do something.
Then she goes on about oh and then we have to have just reminded me of my in laws and how they rush for baths before the soaps come on, stuck in a bloody rut!
Yes she will be the type that has Pukka pies on a Tuesday for tea as we call it up here in the North East, Asda £1 smart buy piss coloured chicken korma on a Wednesday with poppadoms & chips week in week out. My uncle is like that same meals each day of the week, creature of habit, would do my head in, variety is the spice of life, just how I like my men too !! 🤣🤣🤣 I fucking wish with one tit and the other one like a spaniels ear 😁

I’m praying she does 😂
Wouldn’t say I,m religious but I think your prayers may be answered , think he,s working on it😂😂😂😂

I just had a look at that soap page and she follows it along with the sisters Amy & Hannah (the ones with the sweet shop) who are from Burnley (same as stinky Tarnya) they've plugged this shop before....I wonder if chins got the idea from them as she follows the sisters 🤔

She is pathetic she will blame her own failings on anyone and anything. Not so cocky at the mo is she. She wouldn't even be on Tattle if she wasn't such a liar and a manipulator. I think it gets to her a lot that she has a thread or 30 on here
Read it and weep chins , read it and weep 🤣🤣🤣

Also it’s funny how he’s always head hunted for these jobs 🙄 something tells me that’s another porky pie 🥧 trouble is she’s not clever enough for all these lies same shit different day she will still be standing in that kitchen this time next year another 6 stone heavier saying the same crap 💩
No she won’t . She’ll be on a slab in a mortuary as that bloated mass’s heart couldn’t manage to pump blood round another 6 stones worth of blubber and furred up arteries, only herself to blame, she doesn’t listen. Thought she was a total bellend to that person who told her to keep off the chips, wish I’dve been on there at the time when it was live , fucking hell she would’ve had a coronary with my reply, fucking ungrateful peasant!
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I take it those shoes are for Charlie he works hard full time and isn't allowed a decent pair of shoes that are not cheap shit.she works ten mins a day and gets whatever she wants. And buys shit she doesn't even need or use
The absolute kip of those shoes! Yep for someone who seems to be a grafter you would think he’d be allowed a pair of decent shoes for his new job, they’ll be fit for the bin within a couple of months. Fine for anyone who can’t afford a decent pair but of course this is Jane being a tight arse as usual
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Get your flap burning sponges with free snot! Much love, Jane xoxo

bonus pic for you guyzzzzzz (might have to be my new profile pic!) happy saturday 😂

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Those heavily inflated trotters trying gently to gift wrap your fucking bundle box with such loving care. When it arrives you are expecting the equivalent of Chanel of Givenchy but what do you get , your worst enemy in the form of a soap that would melt the skin off your flaps, bum hole or wherever her apothecary of nastiness touched , encased in cheap nasty plastic packaging, foam wotsits and sparkly strands (really doing her bit to save the planet since she watched seaspiracy) In a box, then in a bag, then taped up to death , oh and not forgetting the much love Janeychins sticker, priceless, like a kid in a candy shop 😂😂😂
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