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Miss polar

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Is that you Mal?
There used to be a make poster on the Jane Gammon threads.
I found him really offensive, and he used to use really derogatory sexist language about Jane. I found him really unpleasant!

just to say, I’m no fan of here.- I think she’s deluded, and heading for all sorts of health problems. She’s also dishonest. I know know why, but the retired ‘doc’ set my spidery senses off!
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To claim carer's allowance she can't earn more than £128 so that is probably still a couple of shifts a week in Tesco!!
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So it's only if your bmi is over 40 you get the text? I'm so baffled as to how she's had the jab
Those who fall into clinically vunerable I think. As she is so overweight she would be a high risk of getting seriously ill if she caught covid. Others on the list are diabetics , people with heart and lung disease. You are all so right aren’t you she is home shielding was that her plan get so big that she didn’t have to go work and do her 10 hours. That personal coach guy she used needs to be quit letting her get so big under his plan . Encouraging her to get eat three fried eggs on a bagel as a snack.
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Miss polar

VIP Member
If he’s ever been in the medical profession then I’m Beyoncé🤣

And what about.- I wouldn’t really bother looking at someone like Jane’s channel, but the asking about Helen Livingston. That cracked me up😀
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She must’ve wrote Charlie’s bio 😅... and of course hers is her favourite buzz word 👰‍♀️
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Bet he told her the same on the day of the wedding. I was holding my breath as she climbed into the wedding car #superstrongseams:eek:
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Hiiiiiii guysssss! 😂

I'm not watching her live, but I'll have a laugh at it later! 😂 Is she doing the big reveal? 🥳
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Just watched her come pack with me shit , so the new house is coming very soon but no date yet ??? Why would they have a date from sounds of it mortgage advisor does not want to know and they have not viewed any places ! They do not want a house they have to do up because she is too busy with her bizness , does she not realise that’s what you do with the first property as normally you can’t afford to buy a immaculate home 🏡 then when it’s done up you hopefully can sell at some point if you choose to and get more then what you have payed because the property has been improved, she’s really starting to wind me up just can’t believe how thick she is 😳it’s actually scary 😧 can’t spell or pronounce any of these perfumes and I have baccarat rouge 540 perfume and its clear she has never smelt it does not smell of candy floss 😭
She,s living on Fantasy Island not fucking Eastbourne as she hasnt got a clue. I,ve never known anyone as naive as well as thick as what she is and I,ve met some weird fuckers over the years in the trade but Jane literally does take the biskit !

She said one of the mortgage advisors was very rude over the phone????? have they even been approved for anything or is she getting carried away just because they're phoning round
I wonder if they have approached Sharon for a mortgage , from cooking with Sharon as she really likes chins ! Amazes me why !
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In that case he'd be directing them to Great outdoors a tents about all they'll afford ⛺
😂😂 this made me splutter on my coffee!

The largest omelette weighed 6.466 tonnes (14,225 lb 6 oz) and was made in Santarém, Portugal, on 11 August 2012. It took a team of 55 people 6 hours to make this omelette using 145,000 eggs, all led by a head chef, Pedro Mendes.

Anyone fancy a quick snack? 😂🤣😂
And it took chins and butter bean 5 minutes to eat it 🐷
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Has anyone not lodged their complaint that the contract was for two a week? And sought damages for lack of Beanlard entertainment for breach of contract?
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Exactly, she is delluded. She has less chance of a mortgage now than she did a few years ago when she did more hours it's.not as though her job is in jeopardy online supermarket orders are busier than ever. Plus her you tube earnings have reduced. FM isn't paying that much she could only afford a duff car and still can't afford heating during the coldest winter in years.

Unless they are getting an inheritance to pay for most of the house and going for a small mortgage of say £50k then she might have a small chance
exactly this! she keeps saying she's staying at Tesco to give them the best chance of a mortgage yet doesn't seem to grasp that by cutting her hours right down she's actually damaged their chances of getting a mortgage. If they lived in an area houses are cheaper they might be ok but going on the prices she's quoted for a small two bed down there I think they're in for a complete shock.
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Oh my Lord! I’m just watching the Lidl haul and I thought I’d share my observations!

1. Lots of prodding of food once again - to be expected now.

2. The haul, as usual, starts off fairly innocuously with some lettuce and some mushroom and then ... whoah, hold up ... we are introduced to some ‘lunch box bars’. WHAT IN GOD’S NAME DOES THIS MEAN?! I’ve realised it’s her way of distancing her ‘blame’ for the purchasing of absolute fattening unnecessary crap. By calling these choclit bars ‘lunchbox bars’, it’s almost as if she is distancing herself from the responsibility of having purchased them, ie it’s not her fault, they have to be purchased for charwee’s lunches (incidentally I’ve never seen someone take so much bloody food in a packed lunch; he probably needs a trailer fixed to the bean mobile, just to transport the mountain of shite for his super long days, necessitating the consumption of such rubbish).

3. The purchasing of the brioche swirls is also blamed on the Bean. He likes them, apparently. They are nice to have in the afternoon with a cuppa. Again, this unnecessary explanation behind the purchase both distances our gammon joint from the responsibility of the purchase and blames it, on the cup of tea. She then throws in a ‘so I picked up some of them as well’ and tells us how many caloweeeees they are. I mean; as if she is counting.

4. The sweet chilli dipping sauce, no doubt absolutely packed with sugar and other nasties, is then smuggled in behind the deodorant. We noticed it, though.

5. The booze is blamed on the Bean (reminding us, subtly, that our angel Jane does not drink). And it’s ok anyway, because she only bought them ‘for him to try’. This gives him a special dispensation to use calorwees.

6. There then comes a little collection of further carbs and crap. The crinkle cut crisps are rushed through with the ‘wice’ and the peperami (which contains more crap than probably anything else) is quickly pushed through before we get to the perfectly acceptable chicken thighs ‘for lunches’ apparently. I don’t believe her. They never have chicken thighs for lunch! The eat rubbish for lunch.

7. After this lot, there is a lot of meat and slices of meat, all perfectly ok. And then she ruins it with more processed crap! A ready made frittata for lunch; battered fish (‘just to stock up the freezer’ - ie not her fault, it’s the freezer’s fault); and the pizzas are explained away by the fact that she is doing the pack with me live. Not sure why that means she has to have a pizza but I’m guessing that the live drags on and on for so long, she’s too exhausted from all that sitting down and wrapping to do anything other than open a packet.

8. There’s then more processed ready meal type food, all explained away by telling us how many calorwees are in half of everything. We know she eats the lot though, don’t we. The pasta was only purchased because it doesn’t go off until 2050, or something like that. It could survive a nuclear war.

9. The white bread has sneaked its way in without explanation, as have the hot cross buns. They have to have those of course, because it’s nearly Easter isn’t it. There’s a bottle of coke there too. Probably Easter’s fault.

10. She ends on the fruit and fibre. Eeek, she will need all the fibre she can get after that mountain of processed shite, especially with her IBS and lack of gall bladder.

Anyway, in conclusion, there is much here that is ok: the meat and the relatively little amount of veg. Apart from the bananas and apples, there is no fruit at all. What about some blueberries? Raspberries? Grapes? They could all go in the lunchboxes instead of the choclit bars. What about some fresh fish instead of the processed meals? Way, way less calorwees and so much better for her. What about swapping out the brioches and hot cross buns for celery and hummus etc and boiled eggs? She did manage to get through a whole haul without mentioning her old friend protein! Maybe it’s taking a backseat this month for ‘personal reasons’. Oh Jane, you don’t change so you. Just want to say that I really don’t care what the gammon joints buy and I wouldn’t judge, but I can’t help it, because she’s trying to pull the wool over our eyes once again. She’s clearly given up with the diet snd so has the bean but there’s no mention of this. Again, I wouldn’t even mind this, but the fuss she made at the beginning of the year about this being such a change for them and the Mal thing etc ... wait ... who’s Mal?! Nothing but a distant memory. Hope this cheered you tattle folk up on a rainy Wednesday afternoon.
Chins gives the same speech year in year out, she always has great expectations regarding potential weight loss. We all know that it's hugely unlikely she'll ever be slim, sadly she'll become fatter and fatter as the years roll on, and her health will dangerously deteriorate.
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Thread suggestion, apologies, dark...

Jane Gammons #28 Jane Gammons, heading for a coronary, please seek help before you end up in the mortuary
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I'm pretty sure she would have told us if she was, there's not a lot she doesn't shout her mouth off about ...including her "Star week" or whatever she calls it these days!

Ah, but you enjoyed a good laugh, she's priceless! lol
I don't think she would let on if she was shielding remember the flack she got for being signed of with anxiety her subs even turned on her about Charlies insults on the health workers plus the fact she'd be off on full pay while still making trips to the post office and supermarket but can't do a few hours in Tesco ...she may be thick but she could go under a snakes belly with a tall hat on ;)
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Wow time passes so quickly, I remember you being here lots on the early threads and losing your husband 😔 pleased to hear things are good for you. You always said she'd get bigger and bigger until her health suffered, her and the bean machine have packed on the timber massively
Hi Lexi how are you doing! Yes time has passed so quickly, but life is wonderful now and we’re looking forward to getting married. I’m shocked and saddened by some of the negativity towards DocOnCall on here, I really thought he would have been made welcome, he’s feeling quite upset I think.
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Tesco has been very proactive and on the ball with shielding staff. I have a friend who works at Tesco as the minute the government announced shielding, staff were sent home on full pay. They all went back in Aug only to be sent home again before Christmas, back in again a few weeks then they've been off since. Many are like Jane just FAT!!! When some came back to work over the summer they mainly sat at home getting fatter and being paid for it, only one person used the time to get a bit of weight off as it was a wake-up call. There was resentment from other staff who were working their arses off during the busiest time while the fattys stayed at home getting fatter.
That explains why there were no complaints from her about working in Tesco especially around Christmas when she's always crying about being cold and wet doing the turkeys, we knew there was something up even her subs kept asking was she left people aren't so slow .She said in the vid people she worked with have had it because of BMI so they all must be off shielding like you say . I wonder was the anxiety she was feeling before Christmas brought about because of her short lived return to work, she never said much about it after that .
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