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It's ridiculous the amount of top up shops they do ,mind you if she's at home all day there would be a lot of food consumed . I wonder have the Livingstones managed to reign it in or are they still as big as the two grunters ...Helen was huge the last time we saw her you'd think she'd look after herself a bit better with a child to run around after.
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So I’m supposed to pay to subscribe to her channel so that I can watch them eating a KFC in the car, a sack of potatoes being boiled, lots of slobbing around on the sofa (no wonder he has a bad back), Bean having a bath and Chins moaning about having no hot water?! 😳🙄
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Finally watched the rest of the vlog. Ugh. UGH. Charlie thinks he has a slipped disc. No Bean, your back is sore because you are extremely overweight! I can’t believe he has the balls to go to the physio when he is that big 😂 try losing weight first for the love of god! He can do all the exercises he wants but if his gut keeps expanding then they won’t make any difference. And Chins, god is she a lazy arsehole. Sitting wrapped in a blanket on the sofa watching tv! Is she serious? She always goes on about how bizy she is with her bizniss. She watches more tv shows in a month than i do in a full year. And she was clearly raging about the £50 physio appt. It’s not that when she is spending like a woman possessed on cricut machines, heated airers etc. Ugh I really cannot stand her.
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What the hell happened to Charlie . Is he taking a leaf out of Janes book and trying to get his BMI over 40 so he can get the vaccine too. FFS who puts on weight that fast. I used to find it all funny how they couldn’t stick to a plan .Now I think these two need serious serious help.
That's why I spoke out here in the first place. It's gone beyond a joke now. They have serious health problems ahead of them.
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Is FM perfume so awful that it takes all these ‘incentives’ to persuade people to buy it? 😱😂
I don't like the stuff, I had samples and all I could smell was the alcohol at first then the scent came through and was ok, pretty good copy but soon disappeard like a fart in the wind 😉
But I'm a perfume snob, I like high end fragrance, my all time fave is channel allure and it's about £70 a bottle but lasts ages and two sprays lingers all day, saying that I like the lower end stuff too, sjp lovely is my day to day go to. FM was just not for me, I'm sure better copies exist cheaper but im just not a copy perfume kinda gal, I also think jane has tarnished it for me #perfumesnob
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Wow right where do I start .... getting a visit from estate agent and the flat is a mess she has not been cleaning recently because it’s not a priority 🥴
Bathroom is full of mould and shower screen is filthy and last time they came to check flat they made a comment about the state of bedding 🤮
She’s feels feels low because they poor women got killed it’s really affecting her !
They are hopefully moving soon and they are over the flat now, and Charlie looks dreadful in this vlog I have to say 😷
Bloody hell Charlie, sort yourself out, take matters into your own hands because Jane won't help you and you seriously need some help.
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She’s at it again........

Thumbnail from the live:

how she actually looks in the live:


I think she has body dysmorphia but the opposite way round than it usually is. So she thinks she looks like the thumbnail pic or her edited photos but in reality she is double or triple that size. And her face looks nothing like that in real life. It’s lucky she met Bean before dating apps were a thing, imagine swiping her on tinder thinking she was a babe and then she turns up looking completely different.
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She wouldn't be able to get the top over her ear lobes or the bottoms over her ankles!
imagine the fun we'd have as Charlie tried to pull her out of it as she rolled around the floor saying how big it was on her wrists 😂
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Didn't she do an insta post when she first started with mal saying imagine where you will be in three months time?
Fatter than ever in a dirty flat....

I have PCOS and my hair has gone very fine over the last few years. I also have to watch what I eat because I gain weight for fun and it takes ages to come off again. Since losing weight my periods have settled to 5-6 weeks, I'll take that its better then having one every 3 months. We want a baby and we know if we ask for help we will be turned away due to our weight, we aren't in the relms of bean and chins but still not good enough for NHS help. Another stone off for me then I think we may be helped if nothing happens naturally.

So Jane, if you want to be lucky enough to have a baby then get losing weight if it means that much to you.
We have the same issue, except I have endometriosis, PCOS and cysts and i feel like its a constant cycle of one gynea issue after another, I realise that I need to be realistic and need to lose more weight to be in any chance of getting any help. I don't know why, but I actually imagine Jane would probably consider using inheritance to buy a house and pay expenses of a surrogate, and play out the sympathy discomfort and pain for views, rather than lose weight and be healthy.

This pandemic has made me realise that being a healthy weight is so important to fight off infection etc and that I need to get back down to one, it is a marathon not a sprint. On Sunday we sat down as a couple and said to each other over Sunday lunch that we both want to be healthier we are making a big effort to be healthier going forward, we do wish that we had done this during the lockdown but hey we are where we are. Maybe next year we will be a lot healthier and lucky enough to see two little lines as being healthier will regulate periods and ovulation.
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If it was weight related she'd have got a shielding letter and would know why she was called.Charlie never seems to be called for anything and he's as bad a her he's got a whole other person up his jumper .It has to be because she's down as the MIL carer they were looking into carers allowance at one stage she asked advice on it.
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I'm actually fuming about her getting the vaccine. I work in a school, even at reduced capacity at the moment we have 9 active cases of covid which has closed 5 bubbles down. I'm seriously contemplating a full hazmat suit on Monday when all the little darlings are due back!
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hang on.....that chair was new? I presumed she'd picked it up off a selling site cheap, it's awful and will be buckled under the pressure of the ever expanding gammon rump in no time!! RIP chair and shitty exercise bike, they'll both be back to flat pack status within a week from excessive weight bearing
If you look at that chair it’s a shit office chair for a bizniz person like Jane to be sat in it for a long period as there is no give Or proper support in it Not one bit ergonomically friendly and it,s an odd angle so she will be slightly tilted forward, I sound like a boring fuck with chairs but when we had the dealership you had to get things like this right otherwise I would,ve had claims for dodgy backs coming in left right and centre so I can spot a shit chair a from a mile away ! let’s hope she goes through the fucking laptop screen !
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