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What a load of balderdash that was..But I've finally worked out the 13st claim it's fkn nxt doors scales her bluetooths picking up ;)

The weather is feeling more spring. I wonder if Jane will be wearing her size 12 Laura Ashley soon.
That's been on eBay a long time ..Still 2 days left if you want to bid...
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She’s been on here “oh dear” I bloody hate when she says that makes me want to bounce her moon face off a wall 😂 don’t get me wrong my eating is all out of sorts but I still manage to make healthy soups and meals. I hate the way she runs customers to the gutter and makes out she’s the only one dealing with the public my hubby has to go out and work and yes Jane 12hr shifts 6 days a week not bloody 4 hrs you complain about. Maybe you should self isolate and stfu but then again if you don’t work how can you afford the 2kg cheese your clearly munching through and Slabs of chocolate the size of a headstone plus you won’t get 1st offers to the shelves in Tesco. Hope the poor guy that turns up everyday to do his shopping is there tomorrow and pisses you right off 😂

She’s been on here “oh dear” I bloody hate when she says that makes me want to bounce her moon face off a wall 😂 don’t get me wrong my eating is all out of sorts but I still manage to make healthy soups and meals. I hate the way she runs customers to the gutter and makes out she’s the only one dealing with the public my hubby has to go out and work and yes Jane 12hr shifts 6 days a week not bloody 4 hrs you complain about. Maybe you should self isolate and stfu but then again if you don’t work how can you afford the 2kg cheese your clearly munching through and Slabs of chocolate the size of a headstone plus you won’t get 1st offers to the shelves in Tesco. Hope the poor guy that turns up everyday to do his shopping is there tomorrow and pisses you right off 😂
Btw my hubby is a food delivery driver so he’s still out working everyday 😃
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Charlie’s little eyes light up when he’s allowed out but fuck me what’s with the picking his outfit and playing taxi? I bet she spits on a hanky to wipe his face and wipes his nose for him. If I acted like she does my husband would be disgusted the fact she makes a huge deal of him going out says it all 😔 I remember her clearing puke off his shoes I must be a shit wife if my husband gets in that state tough luck and if he pukes he’s dealing with it. As for picking him up 😆 I would secretly hope he stayed out in fact I would probably pay for the hotel and enjoy the peace 😀

I bet she’s one of those texters!! Every group of mates has that one over the top annoying partner the tester. Text: Are you having fun? Text: What you up to? Text: I hope your having a good night. Text: Miss you. 🤢 making out it’s normal chit chat Just leave the bloke to have fun with his mates.
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String Man

VIP Member
Those are some Chris Ingham sized lady-thighs The Bean is developing. Step away from the doughnuts Charlie, you did really well with your weight loss. Don't let Jane sabotage your long-term health just because she has to eat for 3.


God, that miming to Dancing Queen was excruciating to watch.

Jane really needs to get her jaw looked at, that's not normal (unless you're of the camelid species).

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Charlie showing his true colours with the "I'm not doing chores every day". Shows how much he "values" Jane as a housekeeper and little else.
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I can only manage bits of her dull shit and boring lives, the sight of her bloated moomin face peering at the camera in the cupboard as she ponders life makes me want to reach in and slap I just skim them, I did pick up the rant about people apparently messaging her calling her out for comparing her 4 hour shift to the hard workers, clearly aimed here as we discussed it......**hi jane**....she had the cheek to say when did I compare my job to important ones?? and laughed like a goon to the camera feeling all chuffed that her minions would blow smoke up her arse over it yet forgetting she added a picture to her stories comparing retail staff to the band who went down playing on the bloody titanic.....thats what we called you out for you crass, spoiled, delusional pillock!!

and rurrrrrlaax........deep breath.....actually feel better for that rant, im upset today, my twins are year 6 primary and it may be the last day there today depending if schools re open before summer hols, they'll miss leavers trip, leavers assembly, prize giving, leavers party, transitions to secondary school and the fun days of getting your friends to sign your polo shirt and fill a book with messages of good luck etc so im feeling upset and have cried a lot this morning, my heart aches for all the leavers around the country and yet humpty fucking frumpty is having minge twinge over cheap cheese.....hope it gives you the shits and you run out of bog roll
Yes my boy is 7 and missing his friends also ,he's making plans for his birthday in June and Idk what to tell him as the way things are it's scary..My older boy will be going into 6th form for the last time today as 'that's it'for them also ,no end of yr leavers do, nothing to celebrate A level results as they've been cancelled..Everyone with children have one thing on their minds their family's safety and all the things they'll never get back, and all Jane will be worried about is whether the take away will still be doing deliveries ..Sad times indeed :(
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I was so shocked that Jane was going to return minced beef back to Tesco the day after she purchased it .🤢🤢. As she bought the 15 % fat instead of the 5% fat . How much fat is in a Pukka pie with plenty of vegetables ? 🙈
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Chatty Member
Last night she was fake crying because of HER anxiety that SHE wouldn't be able to see her brother's baby once it's born. No tears from her anxiety about the mother or baby or their health was there? 🤔

Yep was all about her not a single thought about the mum and baby at all! She is a selfish self centred bastard 😡
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String Man

VIP Member
Is Jane off work then? If so, she needs to STFU about 'risking her life' by wobbling round Tesco for 4 hours.

What happened? Did she eat half that 2kg block of cheese and then shit herself in the fresh produce aisle?

Tannoy announcement: "Clean up Aisle 3. Hazmat suits required. Code Brown."
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If you don’t know your have asthma or are unsure if you have asthma then you don’t have it obviously especially if you’ve not needed an inhaler for 20 years ffs
And then theres the likes of me, waiting for the letter to come from the GP because I'm on such a high daily dose of steroids for my severe asthma that I need to go into the extra isolation measures. I'm terrified.
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Lars Guinard

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FFS no wonder there shortages in the supermarkets,it's not that damn virus ,it's those two grub destroyers eating everything in sight..she's no shame pretending she's a weight loss guru when she's PacMan personified..

I noticed that too! she was sitting creaming her brows ,no more interested in what the girl had to say than the man on the moon..but that's typical chins likes the sound of her own voice..
I don't even think them extra ready meals and lasaaaaarnyah are for Charlie Bean and his extra meetings's Jane stockpiling. I noticed the meals were for Charlie or then...for Jane for lunch as something warm if she fancied. Do they have a chest freezer in that spare room for all this food?!

Jane does this to everyone, talking over them and missing the point of what they are saying. Does it on the podcast with Charlie, does it with Helen, the Tomm jewellery lady...anyone making a relevant point and Jane is off on a tangent about pointless stuff like mince pies! You can hear others including Charlie just sounding a bit confused/embarrassed.

I hope Charlie does have a good night out, I feel sorry for him working hard and he deserves a night of fun and relaxing but then I think to them both making of the trolley workers in Sainsburys and his rant about trolls and think nah, enjoy getting back to Jane in front of the halogen heater looking like Hannibal in that face mask!
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I’d be mortified going online preaching about calorie counting if I’d put all the weight back on 🤷🏻‍♀️🙈
It's ridiculous isn't it! My boyfriend saw the bit when she is farting around with socks on her bed (pretending to be busy in between watching YouTube videos) and said she looks enormous! Now, before I get called out from the #bekind brigade, let's just remind ourselves of the fact that this woman regularly 'influencers' her viewers to calorie count, exercise and tells them she's losing weight. She's an absolute liar and she's dangerous to mislead in this way. These people are heading for the health problem highway if they don't change their diet and do some actual bloody exercise. She's utterly lazy and totally in denial 🙄
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Right she shows her roast chicken then a dinner with some chicken on it so clearly she talks a lot of bollocks cause they devour that full chicken in one sitting as usual it’s a case of Charlie chucks a chicken leg on for insta then once the pic is took she’s like a cannibal with that poor chook sucking every bone to get every morsel of meat off it and she’s put 10lb on yea on your chins janeychins remember and weigh the rest of your body. You say you weren’t weighing in cause of pressure then say you’ve been weighing a lot make your bloody mind up. It’s March the sun is shining so we must have positive thoughts and motivated but you said you’ve been feeling motivated for past few weeks that was f*****g February your darkest months so stop talking pish. Let’s meet up for a picnic guess you and Charlie will have a great day doing what you do best EAT suppose a couple of local of arse lickers might turn up 🤣🤣
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