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VIP Member
Thanks everyone! I just clicked to cancel membership but nothing came up about a refund so it seems like it's pay to have access or pay to not have access?

Crazy that he got £17000 to not do much for 4 weeks lol.

I don't want to *ask* for a refund and end up slagged off all over Instagram ha. Think I'll just cut my losses. Project x is basically just JSA. Same sort of videos. Personalised plan that isn't at all personalised. And a support group of nothing helpful.

Ah well. Live and learn. Just cancelled pre order for James book too. 😂
If paid on CC try contacting them you can get a refund as it didn't give what promised and wasn't what stated


Well-known member
Has Makena goten the flick? Not really around since Lucy came back?
It’s odd because her and Lucy follow each other on insta, James and Diren both follow her but she doesn’t follow either of them back


Well-known member
Her mum sold the family home so I don’t think she could keep looking after it anymore and I don’t think Felicity’s apartment allows pets. She seems to have rehomed it with someone nearby so I think she may still be able to visit on occasion or get updates
Aw no, actually feel sorry for her 🙁


Active member
Where’s the gf? Haven’t seen her in any stories recently. Admittedly I do watch most with the volume off! Maybe Lord put a stop to it? Would explain his shittier than normal attitude.
I was wondering about this myself, she hasn't been around at all 🤔🤔🤔


VIP Member
Unrelated so sorry! But has anyone seen on Lucy mountains story that someone has stolen her fitness content? I really want to know who it is! And she won’t tell lol. Any ideas?
How do you mean they have stolen her content? As in, passing it off as their work?


VIP Member
Can’t see him announcing it like that if it is a cover. He could have just stayed off social media today and no one would have known.


VIP Member
Does she?! Like they are separated? So all the time the kids are at his office their mum is there too?
They are divorced I think. I think so! It’s always odd that he has them there with staff babysitting. If I worked for him I would not be happy. His wife’s name is in this thread somewhere. I think she’s a finance manager so may not be there day to day.


😆😆 he DEFFO reads here... has made a little dig in his stories today
hahahaha - just checked - Hi James. Don’t worry mate, your deal with Hello Fresh is around the corner

not relevant to James but is there anything on Martinnutrition, there is something about him and i find it unusual how most of his staff who leave seem to erase all existence of mnu from socials and stop following anyone there
Sinead worked there for a hot minute, wonder what happened


VIP Member
Diren and paul Olima were a disgrace last night! Just pisses me off that they think they can do what they want and anyone that questions them or gently reminds them about the pandemic are told they're boring or a troll 🙄🙄 lost a lot of respect for them last night, had to unfollow. I bet there wont even be an apology 🙄🙄
What happened last night??