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Well-known member
I’ve never tried his plan so I don’t actually know but I follow James Middleton on Instagram and he has an online training program. I don’t think it’s crazy expensive and he seems very nice, cheeky without being really rude and also gives recipes. You could try him? Unless anyone has heard differently.


VIP Member
They know most their paying followers don't care
How have they broken tier 4 rule? You're allowed to meet.somebkdy outside your household,.outside aren't you? (Richmond park).

I know they're both incredibly stupid and I remember them being in his kitchen during lockdown 1 but I do t think they've done anything wrong this time.... Yet.

Brooke Davis

VIP Member
Diren’s getting pretty angry and aggressive over a Hermes delivery. Just got flashbacks to that horrible video he sent that nurse! True colours...
Has he never had a parcel delivered? Their all shocking!! Hermes have thrown a lot of fragile boxes over our back door 🙃🙃🙃


Active member
They think they are so special, more fool whoever paid them to go there! I’m guessing by the bed set up it’s Paul’s gig and Direns tagging along?
They just seemed off their faces in the story I watched earlier.

As for James, that’s so true, he is always blowing out or restricting and he can’t even see what a cliche he is.
Is the 3rd bloke with them, who keeps covering his face, not Luke Betts? If so maybe they're both tagging along with him.


When james started to show makenna on his IG, diren started to show snippets of felicity (not full pics of course)
But it was obvious they were together

Wonder if he’ll now revert back to the way he usually is, and not even show a single hint of felicity
Have James and your woman broke up then?


Well-known member
Why did felicity rehome her bunny? I don't follow her anymore but saw she gave her away 😔
Her mum sold the family home so I don’t think she could keep looking after it anymore and I don’t think Felicity’s apartment allows pets. She seems to have rehomed it with someone nearby so I think she may still be able to visit on occasion or get updates


VIP Member
I have noticed that Katie Crewe has lost a massive amount of followers per month since she had her baby.
Surprised at this-is she being a baby bore/flogging lots of baby stuff? She seems like a nice girl-her content doesn’t interest me though so don’t really follow.