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How does it work with adverts on YouTube guys? Do Carys and James decide how many ad’s are played? Or are they random?
from what i remember they can choose how many there are but not what they are advertising or how long they are? feel free to correct me if i’m wrong!!
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Can someone explain what a swaddle is and why it’s being brought up that amber is always in it??
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I very much doubt she is posting everytime she feeds, like someone else said if that’s the case Jesus it would be more than one or two pics a day
but do we still need at least one photo a day of her breastfeeding?
I agree with what you said that it could help some mums feel more comfortable feeding in public, that's a valid point, but also we don't need a post every day that's she's feeding, regardless of if it is at home or out and about.

On another note, she had those expensive elvie pumps, is she actually going to use them for day trips (presumably after the 6-8 weeks of establishing breastfeeding), and bottle feed when they aren't at home etc, or were they a waste of a (gifted?) product, as she is clearly comfortable with feeding in public
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Living doll

Chatty Member
I’m pregnant and they’re actually not recommending mittens for babies anymore. We had a talk about it in the antenatal classes. They can be dangerous for children especially when the baby is asleep.
Oh right I see, everything changes so quickly with the dos and donts of what’s best .
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i wasn't bashing her with no makeup at all....what i was saying was the reality of her instagram vs her reality are 2 different things.
from the picture with elle she looks pretty tired...but yet ambers the perfect sleeping baby. in all her pictures she post shes all done up in matching outfits with amber.
i just thinks she completely lies to her audience.
when i was a new mum i looked like shit everyday! if i had a shower i had to bring my baby in the bathroom with me. i had a baby that didnt sleep unless she was being held or on my chest which meant i was sleep deprived. if i had social media back then and saw someone like carys with her perfect life i would have felt terrible about myself. listening to her bang on about how well her baby sleeps, how happy she is with her amazing powerful body, how they get gifted everything, how her husband is at home to help 24/7, how she always looks so perfect.
shes not relatable or in touch with reality
thats why reasons why i think she deserves to be called out!
Thank you, this is what I was trying to say!
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😂 I know it’s the biggest myth going! My eldest was formula fed straight from go too and I think she had her first full night just before she was one!! It was about eleven years ago and I was only young and my Nanna kept telling me to give her rusks to fill her up too! Nothing worked, I think people forget that babies don’t only wake in the night for milk, they might just need comforting and that’s what their parents are for 🤷‍♀️
Same here, formula from the start, still waking for a drink in the early hours at 3/4yrs 😂
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Agreed I just see BF photos the same as a bottle fed photo. Same as someone eating a meal themselves really. It’s all just food! Is it necessary to post the photos in any of these scenarios? Probs not but if people are going to criticise one they should have the same energy for all of these things but typically people are only mad about the BF one. Which speaks volumes.
I don’t believe it is the same though, because we’re not looking at the feelings behind it here. It is facts that many women feel completely insecure and like a failure for not being able to breastfeed, there’s literally tons of pressure around being able to do it and therefore through influencers posting constant pictures about how they can do it and how they soak their tops through how much they leak can be extremely triggering for those women who haven’t been able to do it, and therefore, for example have developed PND or have a low sense of self because they weren’t able to breastfeed. When they take on the job role of an influencer like Carys, then they surely have to accept that with a following that big, they need to be more responsible over what they’re posting and think more than others how their posts come across to people who can’t do the same thing as them.

also many women and parents in general don’t post pictures bottle feeding because that comes with judgements of its own- e.g “breast is best” (which scientifically it is but that still doesn’t take away the hurt when a formula feeding mother hears that statement), or how can you give that baby formula, it’s dangerous for them. That sort of thing.

i think lots can be said for both scenarios. I don’t believe we should be able to tell people what they can and can’t post on their Instagrams but I do think with influencers there’s an element of frustration and annoyance that is validly held when they don’t seem to be considering their followers possible feelings in what they post because surely being an influencer they need to accept all parts of the job, which is ultimately what they post will be being observed by people who haven’t done the same thing as them and therefore can be extremely hurt by what they’re seeing on their page if it is constant pictures of breastfeeding for example like Carys does. As much as I don’t think we should be allowed to say Carys should never post pictures of breastfeeding, I also don’t think we should be allowed to question why others get annoyed by these photos and hurt, because we’re all humans with our own struggles and therefore are allowed our own opinions on what she posts. It is just a shame that society doesn't always respect both choices, e.g- you get judgement for formula feeding, and judgement for breastfeeding. After all, on the surface they are just ways to feed a baby but it does deeply affect people!
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Could be the navy or slate one but does it matter? They are two different colours, therefore they have two snuzpods...
Not sure why she would need two snuzpods and a Moses basket but if she does have two snuzpods one upstairs and one downstairs surely this is better than her leaving Amber upstairs for a nap/night time sleep? Or using that awful sleepyhead on the dining table.. Unsure what the issue is here 🤔

They really need to ease up on how much they’re swaddling Amber, I’ve never seen anyone swaddle a baby constantly
Why doesn’t she want to comfort her own baby without a tight swaddle
That swaddle she is using forces Ambers arms to be up by her head too.. unless laying down I can’t see how this is comfortable for Amber? I can’t imagine being comfortable going round having my arms next to my head. So so strange
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Chatty Member
Where do you draw the line though? There are people who can’t afford to buy a house, should they not post house renovation stuff? People who have lost a dog, should they not post Mila?
When have I said they shouldn’t post?😴😴😴 I’m saying as influencers I feel like they do have more responsibility over the average person to account for peoples feelings over what they post. E.g when posting pictures of breastfeeding be mindful that there may be women who are triggered by that.
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Unfortunately that is just life with a dog, especially one like a Labrador that sheds a lot. You can brush them everyday and hoover twice a day and those bloody hairs will still cover your entire life 😂
Plus exposure to pets is good for babies and strengthens their immune systems
Literally! I've got two of the hairy beasts, they moult year round but have two huge blowouts a year. We are currently in one and im drowning in hair. My baby is crawling so I'm hoovering like 3x a day 😭 and there's still hair bunnies.
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Hmm Im not so sure, just because recently they've been posting things about being tired and Amber being fussy and clusterfeeding for hours in the night so I have a feeling she is being a bit hard to look after recently but they just don't want to say. Yeah they definitely wouldn't because it doesn't fit in with their perfect life and baby of course 😂
babies cant change like the wind! lol!

yawn:sleep:!!! that was the most boring blog yet!! non stop rambling and not much else
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