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Most of our stuff is supermarket too, we even got some second hand as someone was selling loads as they overspent 😂 so we've got john lewis, next, a few Boden items for around £20 😁 Sainsburys is a favourite here too, so many nice items 😍
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Yup!! I will never let my child have personalised items for this reason its so scary people dont think about that side of it :)

I meant a :( not a smile🙈
practical James mentioned it in a vlog, so I'm surprised they have this much stuff with her name on 🥴
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I wouldn’t say it’s that shocking, most men I know (my partner included) do the washing. 😂 Neither of them work so it’s only fair they do equal housework! Men aren’t as incapable as some people make them out to be, if they can work a tv remote, then they’ll know how a washing machine works! 😂😂
Yes I suppose he’s got all the time on his hands to be doing the laundry but my point was USUALLY women/stay at home mums do it, that’s why I was shocked.

To be honest I think James does everything in the house, I could be wrong but I don’t think iv ever seen carys anything 🥴
I noticed this too 🤷🏽‍♀️
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Advanced 😂😂😂😂😂

Who even says that? And who even cares whether their child is doing ‘insert skill here’ at ‘x months’ it doesn’t matter!
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Living doll

Chatty Member
Yeah I had that line too about picking them up will spoil them, that’s what you have them for to love and spoil them, and i get the anxiety but if you’re not prepared to have a baby that wakes up then you’re not ready to have a baby full stop I’d say, personally I think they’re running things by the book or online stupid courses they’ve done instead of first time parents doing it themselves and learning by their mistakes like we all do, knowing when and what are the babies needs etc

As if James and carys would ever be caught dead in Asda 😂
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She will definitely wean early.

Its going to be even worse when baby boy Choccy-digestive Swift arrives - the competitive parenting will be off the scale!
Oh god, forgot about that. There will be so many petty and sly comments between the two of them 😂

Personal note, a family member is having a baby in June, so there will be 3 months between my baby and their's, and I'm dreading all the comparisons that will be made about milestones 😭
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The thing which gets me is Amber didn't even come on her due date. She was due on the Saturday and came on the Sunday. it may have even been that she wouldn't have arrived naturally on the Sunday if the doctors didn't decide to induce her because of her pre eclampsia whilst at the hospital as Carys didn't mention dilation so she could've only been in early stages of labour when she was taken to hospital. Then just to brag about Amber being a "due date baby" they changed their narrative and said that they had got Amber's due date wrong because it was actually the day she was born and not the Saturday like they had been posting and talking about the whole way through Carys' pregnancy. Like what a load of bull. She knows she was due on the Saturday but just to claim she didn't go overdue and had a rare due date baby they changed the date.
and she might not have even arrived on the Sunday if Carys didn't get the sweep at her midwife appointment, as sweeps can speed things along, and Carys said that she got cramping, lost mucus plug and contractions after this, so could have still been days away if she didn't get a sweep before
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Just having a nose

Chatty Member
Formula definitely doesn't make babies sleep. My son was formula fed from the start, don't think we've ever had a full night's sleep from him and he's almost one. 😂
But that's life, you just get on with it.
😂 I know it’s the biggest myth going! My eldest was formula fed straight from go too and I think she had her first full night just before she was one!! It was about eleven years ago and I was only young and my Nanna kept telling me to give her rusks to fill her up too! Nothing worked, I think people forget that babies don’t only wake in the night for milk, they might just need comforting and that’s what their parents are for 🤷‍♀️
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Literally no one said he was gay... they said he gives off gay vibes (aka camp)
people have said it before, but even to say he seems gay, or gives off gay vibes (which to me is different to saying he is camp), I still don't see what the problem with that it? So what if he is camp, or to some people appears to be gay? If you find that to be an issue or awkward as a previous poster called it, then the problem is with you and not James 👀

I just read her latest post and it says a lot to be honest! at least shes being open and honest about how she feels for once
yeah it's hard to know if she's doing it to be more relatable. I definitely think amber isn't the "perfect" little baby anymore. Did anyone else find it funny that James' mum got them a book called There's no such thing as naughty, even though in previous vlogs they were saying they were blessed to have a good baby and not a fussy baby 😂😂😂
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Been reading here??
That smug face

Makes me laugh when they say thanks for your suggestions to get clothes from H&M and ASDA but of course only go to H&M then say they also looked at Joules, JoJo and bought from White Company and John Lewis. It’s like they think they’re better than supermarket clothes. The best clothes we’ve bought for our son have been from Tesco, Sainsbury’s and ASDA.
Then didn’t even get anything from H&M except stuff for Carys. I always get H&M and Asda for mine, no point paying ridiculous prices when they’re in them for the shortest time
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How does it work with adverts on YouTube guys? Do Carys and James decide how many ad’s are played? Or are they random?
from what i remember they can choose how many there are but not what they are advertising or how long they are? feel free to correct me if i’m wrong!!
I think they can choose like you say, I know Misha Grimes has answered this question because she says she always “forgets” to take them out and then says Instagram puts loads in her videos and she has to go back and remove them.....🙄 but I think you can decide if it’s just a free for all and you tube decides or you can specify yourself if you want skippable ads of the longer ones you can’t skip etc.... I don’t know the full ins and outs but I’ve seen a few you tubers talk about it before....
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Ambers face here is hilarious. She’s thinking what we’re all thinking, just fuck off you ugly pig nosed twat an stop damaging my ears 🤣
i wasn't bashing her with no makeup at all....what i was saying was the reality of her instagram vs her reality are 2 different things.
from the picture with elle she looks pretty tired...but yet ambers the perfect sleeping baby. in all her pictures she post shes all done up in matching outfits with amber.
i just thinks she completely lies to her audience.
when i was a new mum i looked like shit everyday! if i had a shower i had to bring my baby in the bathroom with me. i had a baby that didnt sleep unless she was being held or on my chest which meant i was sleep deprived. if i had social media back then and saw someone like carys with her perfect life i would have felt terrible about myself. listening to her bang on about how well her baby sleeps, how happy she is with her amazing powerful body, how they get gifted everything, how her husband is at home to help 24/7, how she always looks so perfect.
shes not relatable or in touch with reality
thats why reasons why i think she deserves to be called out!
I thought carys and James actually acknowledged they are in a priveledged position in their YouTube video with James being at home and also discussed having some bad days with her postpartum body image

Moving on from the topic of Carys’ appearance..
Did anyone see that memory book she’s got from Charlotte Crosby’s range is £45!!! Is it just me or is that an outrageous amount for such a plain looking item
Also it’s nice to know it’s not just us who thinks James knows nothing 🤣
don’t think there is anything aesthetically pleasing about that Book. Looks like they just typed memories into a word document increased the font and stuck it on the side of a box 🥲

Unfortunately that is just life with a dog, especially one like a Labrador that sheds a lot. You can brush them everyday and hoover twice a day and those bloody hairs will still cover your entire life 😂
Plus exposure to pets is good for babies and strengthens their immune systems
i have a fluffy white cat and no matter how much I clean and brush him I still get covered in it and see it in the air 😭
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Living doll

Chatty Member
hahaha her latest story where someone dm'd her saying the candles are a classic carys decor but of course she won't leave them ON THE WEIGHTS... someone been reading here and messaged herself 😂 because I highly doubt someone actually messaged her that
You know it BOO 🤢
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