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I don’t understand, are you asking me if I’m carys?!

Edited - no, I’m not carys 😂 I don’t type anywhere similar to carys whatsoever. Think that’s quite obvious?

Yes, I’ve made comments on elles weight. Because she alludes to everyone and their dog that she’s a size XS/8 and she’s clearly not which is incredibly damaging to the young audience she projects to when there is nothing wrong about what size she actually is, she just has to be honest instead of continuing an ideology to her v young and easily influenced audience that she is a certain size.

I have also equally said nice things about Elle too. Mind you that was before she became pregnant out of spite but nevertheless.
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Not to be rude but what do they actually do all day? They are in an extremely rare and fortunate position where they can fit their life around their baby. I feel quite sad for Amber because it really does feel like they want to shove her in another room as much as possible. They should take a break from ‘content’ and focus on parenting their child.
Seems like a they do is spend their time Researching the next fashionable baby care buzz phrase and fad. All the stuff she's spouting is driving me mad. Just look after your kid. It's not all textbook.
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On the ‘HONEST AFTERBIRTH Q&A’ Carys is answering a question directed at her and James looks at his watch while she is speaking... It’s at 14.44 into the video if you want to see it for yourself. She asks him if he wants to take the watch off and he claims he’s ‘waiting on a timer’ - he’d have to be really dense to be unaware of how rude that looked! He knew what he was doing, can’t handle the attention away from him for 2 minutes
I think he was reading a message 😂 obv not interested in what Carys has to say, or the video!
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I had good intentions to exercise while pregnant but really cba. I'm planning to start post partum and it's partly because I want my body back and partly because I enjoyed it before but it's been exhausting being pregnant.
I didn't exercise as much as I wanted to. I'm 10 weeks post partum and haven't started again yet, but I'm waiting until I'm more comfortable. Unlike Carys, I'm going to slowly ease into it, and have been from giving birth, by doing core exercises to help that repair before going into normal exercises (just double check about diastasis recti before doing some). I'd highly recommend these, and following fittestcore on insta who shows progressions to full moves post partum. Good luck on your journey, pregnancy can be exhausting but I assume your job/life is a bit more stressful and harder than filming yourself walking around your house 😂
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Chatty Member
Completely agree, it might of just been my post natal anxiety/depression with my youngest but I was thankful for the night awakenings. Even though I was super tired, I was happy to hear those cries if that makes sense. A sleepy newborn is not typically normal, whilst I appreciate they do exist it is important to remember they are not typically normal. It makes me angry how desperate they are for Amber to sleep through, the amount your baby sleeps is NOT a reflection of how good you are as a parent. My daughter is 9 months and still wakes up for two night feeds, does that mean she is 'difficult' (to quote Jarys) NOPE, it just means she is hungry or thirsty. Next thing you know Amber will be crawling out of her cot in the night to feed herself she is so advanced.

NEWSFLASH James and Carys, every single parent in the world thinks that their baby is the most beautiful, the cutest, the most advanced and the best there ever was. Myself included, I am in awe of my two babies and to me they are absolute perfection! but to everyone else, they aren't. So please stop being so smug because honestly, it is just embarrassing to witness.
My little boy is almost one, he still wakes in the night. And I'm back at work now, my daughter slept through from 9 weeks. But it didn't last, there's teething, growth spurts, developmental leaps. I don't know why they are so obsessed, there could be people out there thinking there's something wrong with their baby because they don't sleep through or don't self settle.
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It's just her experience and she happens to share her life online. Should she not mention her birth because people who had forceps or a cesarean may be triggered? To be honest, that would be more understandable given how traumatic birth can be. It only gets mentioned when it comes to breastfeeding.
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I’ve never really got the whole swaddling thing, fair enough it suits some parents but cuddling your baby whilst she’s in her swaddle suit seems a bit odd! They’ll be swaddling her in her pram when they take her in walks at this rate!
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Hi James. It is SO obvious that you read here especially from the brand new video just up- the beginning you are so obviously trying to “prove us wrong” on the noise thing hahaha it’s so funny. You are so immature.

Quoting myself because HAHAHA hes now talking about how hot and cold the baby is and how they know oh this is brilliant watching. Bravo guys you’ve done an excellent job of making me laugh- please try and make it less obvious you read here
I refuse to watch, what noise thing is he talking about? Oh and hi James! 👋🏼
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Why aren’t they putting amber in a snowsuit???? I’m getting so stressed looking at the pictures of them out and about it’s so cold and that poor baby is just not covered up enough
To be fair I don’t know where they were but in cardiff today it was quite warm, 15 degrees ish. Maybe nearer the coast where it was windy it may have been colder though.
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and the fact of what's the problem if he does have sexual preferences for men too? I can understand coming on here to have a bitch and moan about other things that they do but to be like "James is gay" is just 🙄
Exactly! People can be bisexual and James may well be - who cares!
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The vlog mostly just bored me - they’re only a few weeks in, babies don’t do a lot and none of them are ‘bad’ - she does seem like quite a chill baby but we literally see a glimpse into their day so I’m sure there’s moments where she screams endlessly or whilst she gets changed.

I think there’s a stigma to posting online about kids and I say this broadly - I mean honestly, I don’t wanna see my friends post when their kids have tantrums so when I see their best bits, I appreciate that that smiling pic is legit the tiniest part of the day. I wouldn’t wanna post my son on the ‘gram like that!

James needs to chill TF out a bit but I do think props to them for getting out and about. I thought they’d be the kind to stay in all day 24/7 so I am surprised at that
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Chatty Member
WoWoowoww this thread got crazy.
I hate when Carys says James and mila have gone on ‘a dog walk’, just say James has took mila on a walk. Anyone else 🤣
Why can’t she just say James has taken the dog for a walk like normal people 😩🤣

Probably get hate for saying that. Everyone has their pitchforks out on this thread lmfao
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Well firstly, in a couples q&a with connor & elle and carys & James, elle said they would want children soon and James and carys said they'd wait and travel the world for a bit first child free and do it in several years. They probably suddenly realised the money a baby would bring with content so decided that was for them when their current content was dying. From what I've gathered Elle has wanted children for a while but her mum died so probably wasn't the right time for her to try and get pregnant while that happened. Either way both of their babies are for content, and no matter who got pregnant first the other would have been seen as copying 🥴

having looked at more pics of Elle on her insta, I agree she isn't a size 8, but didn't it take Carys a long time to finally admit she wasn't a size 8 too😂, she then said she was a 10, when it was clear she was a 12, and now she always bangs on about how she wears bigger sizes than that but could 100% fit in the 12 still (even though it is quite normal to be a size bigger after having a baby)
Okay. I’ll take your word for it 🤷🏻‍♀️ I’m not hugely bothered who wanted to get pregnant first it makes no difference to my life

I would agree to the context that yea, they do have children as a way to turn the direction of their channel because everything all of them do is about being a cash cow - but if I had to compare the two, I would say that Carys and James (to me from what I’ve seen - I don’t watch everything) had more of a genuine want to have kids than Elle and Connor. Connor is about as interested in his unborn son than he is about politics 😂

I don’t know anything about Carys and her size disclaimer so I have nothing to add 🤷🏻‍♀️ I fully think both of them in that case are dishonest and irresponsible if thats the case, there’s no reason to lie about anyone’s size because a number has no reflection on you as a person and the more people like this (across the entire influencer shitshow) is what creates insecure young women. I never disputed that.
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Chatty Member
I understand having a newborn is hard work etc etc but Carys always looks so uncomfortable, almost detached. I believe this whole expecting baby to sleep when out is more damaging than doing good for them. And looks on edge incase baby needs feeding, comforting etc but surely that’s expected and they don’t remain silent nor still forever.
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