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Do you think they’re struggling more than they care to admit and want everything to look perfect and happy! Yes having a new baby is the most amazing thing in the world but let’s not all forget, it’s bloody hard work!! Something I don’t think they actually thought about
New babies are often easy/sleepy for the first few days/week as well and then wake up! The baby bubble starts to wear of and the tiredness kicks in, all very normal and I’m glad she’s sleeping in the day if she needs too. It’s a huge life changing experience and even when you wante it and live it it’s still exhausting.

boobs are their to feed babies ( I didn’t I formula fed) but I say get em out if your babies hungry.
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ok so i dont watch elle but watched this video!
why do i get the impression that because Elle is doing a gym that might be might Carys is doing one?
i could be wrong, but they seem very similar.
I saw that while skipping through too and thought the exact same 😂 although Elle's home gym looks so much better 👀
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That’s what I was saying! Lol I was just saying in the beginning about checking if baby is cold or hot etc and that may of been what she meant by saying she knows her baby etc

But yeah went on to say general rule is one more layer than you etc and agreed they haven’t been doing that lately

No need to get all short we are all on the same page here 😊
Sorry I wasn't having a go, I was ranting about them. Sometimes it comes across wrong when read. 😊
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She keeps giving the sly comments to tattle lol
I don’t think there’s anything wrong with the baby being asleep at 5/6pm she is still only 5/6weeks. She won’t settle later yes but then newborns have no concept of time of day and it hardly seems fair to keep her awake on purpose this young
To be fair to Carys, the recommended awake time for a newborn up to 6 weeks is actually only an hour before they get overtired- my little boy was the same, he needed a nap after being awake for an hour / an hour and a half right up until 3 months old. And it's nonsense that keeping them awake mean they will sleep more later, at that young age sleep breeds sleep! I agree she is overly fixated on how much Amber needs to sleep, after 4 weeks they do tend to wake up more to the world, but really, she would probably settle better for a nap on one of them whilst she's so tiny. I have been quite strict about good sleep for my son, but my he only napped on me or in the pram until he was 4 months, he slept best on me and I loved the cuddles. Around that age he started showing he was tired and wanted to go to bed around 8pm, so that's when we started to 'put him down' for the night. Even so, I kept him in with us till 6 months due to SIDS and actually, I think we were bothering him because he's slept through 90% of the time ever since he went into his own room (now 18 months). The thing is though, 5/6 weeks is still so tiny, there's so much time to shape gentle routines as they grow and change, I just slept when I could around him at that age.
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how many sleeping places have they got for amber now? her snuzpod, and moses basket. then they had the white sleepyhead for supervised naps etc. but on yesterday's vlog they had the rebrand of sleepyhead which is the dockatot. surely the moses basket is enough for daytime naps?
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Amber is the spitting image of James... lovely little thing but 😳 last thing she needs is to be his image that’s all we will ever hear about, poor carys
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Anyone else fed up of hearing the word TRIGGERED 😤 🤦‍♀️

This isn’t aimed at anyone btw I’m just saying in general, it just seems that no one can say right for doing wrong in life these days for it affecting someone or another in some kind of way but unfortunately I feel that’s just life, always has been and always will be ✌
Nope, I quite like it. I feel like it describes a reaction to certain online content that previously couldn’t be articulated as concisely
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Chatty Member
I remember when my son was newborn and every fucker was banging on about leaps. I refused to download the app, and whilst I’m sure development can mean they want more feeding/cuddles/whatever how they eff does an app know when? Everyone is different!
Where did this leaps thing come about?
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Advanced 😂😂😂😂😂

Who even says that? And who even cares whether their child is doing ‘insert skill here’ at ‘x months’ it doesn’t matter!
honestly I can just picture them trying to make amber do everything quicker. probably trying to get her to start rolling over or sitting up now so she does it "early"😂. your child will do it when they are ready
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It's really surprising that for someone who loves fitness, that she didn't already have dumbbells and yoga mats etc at home anyway. She had to buy those for the home gym, but even when I had a gym membership, I still had an exercise bike, adjustable dumbell set, kettlebells and yoga mats at home for days where I couldn't be bothered to go to the gym or didn't have the time to travel there and back and wanted a good workout at home too.
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VIP Member
It's really surprising that for someone who loves fitness, that she didn't already have dumbbells and yoga mats etc at home anyway. She had to buy those for the home gym, but even when I had a gym membership, I still had an exercise bike, adjustable dumbell set, kettlebells and yoga mats at home for days where I couldn't be bothered to go to the gym or didn't have the time to travel there and back and wanted a good workout at home too.
I don’t even enjoy working out or exercise.....and I had an exercise bike, still have a set of weights, kettlebells and resistance bands in the hope it will motivate me to do something! Lol!
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I know it shouldn’t bug me, but it does, the fact she thinks James’ size 9 sliders fit her now? The first story on her page still up from yesterday I think or earlier today and she is wearing them and you can see how bloody huge they are! I mean they re sliders! Of course she will be able to wear them but they def aren’t the right size by a long shot! It irritates me and I don’t know why! Lol!
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Fair enough if there are weight gain issues but i would have to be delusional to wake my baby up to feed him 😂
I was always told never wake a sleeping baby 😬😬😬 but I know some are advised to if they’re not gaining. They haven’t suggested Amber isn’t gaining as she should so why wake - unless their sleep course has told them to? 🙄
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I personally think routines for babies is way too stressful, especially with your first. You don’t need a routine even more so that they are both at home all day, they would find it so much easier just being baby led. I go with the flow and don’t find it stressful like omg im 5 minutes past the nap session!! 😂
Absolutely, they should follow baby’s lead, get to know her first
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Actually, she wouldn't have had that body if she didn't worked out like she used to - genetics play a big role but it was also really hard work.
Sorry yes of course it was also down to the type of workouts she did and the work she put in, she would never look that way without working out. However, she is still absolutely blessed as I believe she actually used to restrict calories quite a lot so to build that much muscle whilst doing that was extremely fortunate. I've been lifting heavy weights consistently for 6 years and let me tell you my ass looks nothing like that but i look at my mum and my sister's bodies and genetics are definitely not on my side 🤷‍♀️
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