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VIP Member
Really 🤔 what about the white sticky out bits on her arm at the top? And the line on the tiles?
They look like creases in her top. Either on the sleeve or the back which is why you can see it sticking out past the arm. It’s not photoshop c‘mon!
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Same! They’re literally so pointless and sometimes look really uncomfortable. I remember when Nicki Minaj first shared lots of pics of her son an in pretty much every photo he was wearing these massive clumpy trainers and it just looked horrible for him :-(
The ones Amber is wearing look quite rigid for a small baby!
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Not to be rude but what do they actually do all day? They are in an extremely rare and fortunate position where they can fit their life around their baby. I feel quite sad for Amber because it really does feel like they want to shove her in another room as much as possible. They should take a break from ‘content’ and focus on parenting their child.
I think they still want to live their lives the way they where pre baby either that or they miss their old life pre baby which it’s normal to miss your old life at times. I miss mine from time to time but it’s more things like being able to leave the house quickly if I need to pop to the shop or if I’m going somewhere I’ve only myself to worry about getting ready have to get up earlier now if I’ve to be somewhere cause it takes longer lol
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Same! I can only hope it’s because she had been asleep and literally only just woke up, or was about to go for a nap but they got a quick pic in first otherwise it’s just completely weird. You only need them in swaddles for sleep to stop their startle reflex the rest of the time they should be out of them so that it doesn’t restrict their movement especially now she’s almost 6 weeks old
they took the swaddle shopping and swaddled her facing a car park wall because she woke up while they were shopping and they would prefer her to be asleep🤷‍♀️
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How loud did they have the tv in her story from last night! Poor Amber won't have any eardrums left 😮
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Where did this leaps thing come about?
Someone realised that they could make money off tired parents by selling books/apps so they labelled babies normal behaviour as ‘leaps’ and created a guide for parents to follow/blame. Complete bollocks. A baby isn’t a robot.
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Chatty Member
😂 I know it’s the biggest myth going! My eldest was formula fed straight from go too and I think she had her first full night just before she was one!! It was about eleven years ago and I was only young and my Nanna kept telling me to give her rusks to fill her up too! Nothing worked, I think people forget that babies don’t only wake in the night for milk, they might just need comforting and that’s what their parents are for 🤷‍♀️
You hear it all don't you! People telling you to wean early as that will help them sleep. How long before Jarys are doing that? Your baby either sleeps or they don't. And at 4/5 weeks if your getting 3-4 hour stints that's great! Sleep then.
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Oh god the leaps haha, I followed them to the day with my first baby, but 18 months later when my second was born I never even bothered to look at the app! Then I felt a bit stupid for actually believing it all the first time round because funnily enough I managed to parent my second baby without any problems despite not knowing when she was going through a ‘leap’ 🤦‍♀️😂
I think a lot of parents do the same, because you see so much about it you think in your sleep deprived state it must be true 🙈😂
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Anyone else think Carys has been wearing her ITS range the last few days and promoting on insta because it looks like Elle Darby and her sister (?) potentially have a range coming out with ITS too😂😭😭
yes! or shes been told off as theres been loads of comments about her not even wearing her 'own products'.
dont her and james also have a collection? i saw them both wearing it loads when they were promoting it and never seen her in it since
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So depressing these kids get stuff handed to them for free. If he gets his teeth done as a “gift” it’s such a joke to those of us hardworking people that had to save up and pay over the course of a year for the same treatment! Who knows though, they probably follow a load of local businesses and that just happens to be one of them 🤷‍♀️
oh yeah, could just be coincidental, just found it funny😂 annoys me how much stuff influencers just get handed to them for free, especially when it is rather expensive things
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Chatty Member
Yes influencers should be more mindful of other people’s feelings towards breastfeeding but at the end of the day it’s not anyone’s responsibility to cater for people’s triggers, this is what’s going wrong with the world, everyone is expected to cater for everyone’s feelings and triggers, if you are triggered by seeing someone do something then unfollow them, I certainly have unfloowes a few people that made me feel shit about stuff etc

I very much doubt she is posting everytime she feeds, like someone else said if that’s the case Jesus it would be more than one or two pics a day

she was documenting her getting used to doing outdoor on the go feeds 🤷🏼‍♀️ Spin it this way, by positing this she is probably helping some new mums realise it’s perfectly normal to have to do this and to not be worried or scared to go out, some new mums are because of the whole feeding in public thing.... it swings both ways. has anyone thought of that?
with the job title of “influencer” where their literal job is to attempt to influence others then in my
Opinion they do hold responsibility to cater for people’s triggers, as they have chosen their job to be posting things to influence others thoughts and have tons of followers. So therefore they should expect to be actually thinking about what they post knowing that their audience that they are trying to “influence” may be triggered over certain topics.

Also it’s just about being a decent human being. knowing you have a large following which could include women who can’t breastfeed and women who could get hurt over the posts why would you then choose to plaster it all over social media? Yes it does swing both ways so people are allowed to think negatively of what she posts and how often. If it does help new mums that’s great but people are also allowed to be upset over what she posts and the frequency without others attempting to say it’s invalid because that’s not what she was doing
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Absolutely every influencer does everything and anything for content. It’s shit but it’s the truth. All of them are disingenuous.

I do think personally part of carys going on about post partum is true, and I also agree that she is struggling. I haven’t known of a women who hasn’t! It’s also ok to want a baby; have a baby and find it so fucking hard too.
It’s ok to feel like you won’t care about your body but then you realise you do. The 4th trimester is hard.

It’s so easy to get caught up into comparing your baby to everyone online. Influencers, your friends, anyone you follow. I was the exact same when my son was small. I wanted to appear to have my shit together, be a cool mum and I worried like fuck when he didn’t sit up when everyone else’s did.

I feel like a lot of people on this thread have small babies and the fact J&C allude to amber being this this and this means nothing against your child. Your child is special because it’s yourself, and not theirs. You aren’t a bad parent because they show off and make amber seem like a perfect baby.

Parenting is hard, and when you worry you’re not a great parent or are made to feel like a bad parent then it shows how much of a good parent you are. When you don’t care what you parent like is when you should worry!
Carys is that you?

🥴 didn’t say it was ok to bash one than the other at all

I said bashing someone for having greasy hair is different to calling someone out for misinformation or other bullshit, I am ALL for calling people out when it is due but calling out a women for having greasy hair in a bun when they’ve got a newborn seems quite low
But you was commenting on Elle’s weight?
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my comment was more to do with the fact that it seems people can't make any negative criticism about carys since she gave birth. like suddenly people on here seem to absolutely love her or get defensive if you say a bad thing.

but moving on to those stickers 😂 saw that she followed that company and a hot tub company... hopefully she doesn't get a gifted hot tub for summer 🙄😂

thats so cringe when influencers follow people just to get some freebies!!
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