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If she has health anxiety, she has the resources to get a top to toe, bloods, screenings, everything you could ask for, tomorrow. Instead she’s morning to IG for sympathy and others peoples irrelevant experiences.

I was on an NHS waiting list with red flag symptoms that if I were three years older would put my straight on the cancer pathway but instead waited months and months being bounced around due to NHS errors. I’m fine it turns out, no sympathy required, but I did end up paying for part of my investigations because the anxiety was too much and time too critical if it were bad news. To her it’d be a couple of Stanley cups, some skin care and hair gummies but to the average person it’s a huge consideration. Never did I take to IG about it.
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Belly! Belly! Belly! Belly! Fs man! That's all I hear in her videos 😂
Get it right….
It’s ROUND belly, Round belly, ROUND belly! 😂

I actually find it sad how her entire personality is fixated on her ROUND belly. I’m all for being body confident; we’re all different shapes and sizes but it’s clear that underneath all this faux confidence is someone who went from being incredibly fit to someone who struggled with her pregnancy weight and is now lost and desperately insecure. It’s almost as if she thinks “well if I draw attention to it myself and say I’m happy then other people can’t rip me to shit about it”. It’s a defence mechanism in my opinion. The weird thing is if she actually owned it and was honest with her feelings about her new body, I think people would relate to her more and inspire new mums into post baby fitness. She clearly has the knowledge about fitness from before having kids and she could put this into great practice by helping new mums get fit after pregnancy.
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IMO she should put the time she takes in creating all this ‘belly’ content and just get back in the gym. There’s nothing wrong with being a Mum and not prioritising how your body looks. We all know there’s too much pressure etc on women with that generally. But equally there’s nothing wrong with feeling unhappy in your body and doing something about it. She will probably never look how she did pre kids again and that’s okay, but she also doesn’t have to look how she does now if it’s uncomfortable for her or she’s unhappy in her body, which she clearly is. She doesn’t work and she’s home all the time with her kids - they will be absolutely fine if she takes an hour a day for herself to go workout.
I know I’ll get slated for this because of the whole body positivity thing but like you say, the time she spends on her daily “bloated tummy friendly” posts would be better getting herself active again, for her sake and her children, and active healthy lifestyle is so important - I’m not saying she needs to starve herself or get back to a size 6, but she could definitely do with losing some weight and being more physically active even if it’s just getting 10k of steps in! Someone said further up: if your stomach is that bloated every single day then either you have a medical issue, or it isn’t bloat, it’s fat.
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Chatty Member
Let's be real. Go to her GP parents with a belly like that, they will tell you to LOSE WEIGHT and be very harsh about it, even if you are just there to discuss migraine or something unrelated.
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Chatty Member
I don't understand how they think this jeans brand is going to actually take off and be successful. She surely hasn't got a constant, rapid influx of new followers to keep the purchases consistent. Like even if every follower she has bought a pair of jeans, they're only likely to buy that one pair surely..? Jeans aren't something you need to buy on the regular. So it will just be short lived while everyone makes their one off purchases. Then again, Carys herself feels the need to buy new clothes on an almost daily basis so maybe I'm wrong 🤪🥴

If I ever was either rich or dense enough to spend £60+ on a single pair of jeans, I sure as hell won't be buying them from some scatterbrain who prances around on Instagram, I'd buy them from a well established brand that is actually high quality
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Sorry but her latest post 2 photos that relate to the caption and then all the others are her usual rubbish. Someone take this woman’s phone off her!

Im sorry if this offeds someone but sorry no. That belly is not cute. Enjoy life and just live but stop posting pics like that and saying its cute. Im 25 pregnant and my belly is not that round. I have no need going around shouting my belly cute. She is mad and has severe body issues.
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This reads like such a beg for a freebie 🙄 just say yes you plan to get one or no you don't 🙄🤷‍♀️ no need for the sob story of how it would ✨change my life✨ I'm sure she could afford it if she skipped a haul or two 🙄
she talks so much without saying anything ALL.THE.TIME.
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I've seen some people stop showing their kids when it comes to starting nursery/school so that they can't be identified when away from the parents which makes some sense.
I think they've just realised the family blogging thing doesn't make the cash that Carys on her own doing fashion does so what's the point in compromising their security. Plus she plays up to a lot of the pervy stuff and is gaining more international fans so the wholesome girl form Wales act, doing cross stitch and being scared to go to Tesco seems to have been minimised.
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Someone has asked for a "summer outfit for rounder tummies" and she proceeds to put a blazer over a top then a jumper on the back of the blazer 🤢 doesn't exactly scream summer 😅
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Don't forget though she had already started gaining weight before she even got pregnant. I think she blames a lot of her weight gain/stretch marks on pregnancy when in reality some of both of those were likely already there and exacerbated by being pregnant. You don't have to gain several stone being pregnant, a normal weight gain for a pregnancy is about 1.5 stone, and she obviously didn't bother trying to lose any of the weight between babies either (which I think is quite common for women planning to have another fairly soon).
There is obviously a lot of pressure on new Mums to 'bounce back' and 'get their bodies back' and no new Mum should be concerned with any of that if they don't want to be. But, if you are someone who is body conscious etc I wouldn't be deterred by someone lazy like Carys, for every lazy Carys type there's 10 women in the public eye who did lose the weight etc after their babies and people endlessly complain about them doing so
Look at Megan grubb, carys old fitness BFF, she doesn't even look like she's had a baby
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Chatty Member
They look over designed to me which cheapens the look. Not a fan of the strap to pull the waist in or the shape of the seams. I don’t think they look on trend at all either. They look like a pair of jeans you’d find on a market stall in 2005, but not in the cool Y2K way. Actually, they don’t even look like they fit in with the aesthetic she goes for online!
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Because its more palatable to the audience shes trying to exploit than saying "I got lazy and stopped putting effort in"
But that’s the thing. It’s ok to gain weight, it doesn’t mean she’s lazy (to go from a size 6-12), it means she’s normal. She could say her priorities changed. She asked herself why she was spending so much time doing something she didn’t actually care that much about because she’s happy bigger so freed up time to pursue other interests. She did like her body that way but it wasn’t a priority. That’s probably how a lot of people feel.
Saying ‘oh I was restricting, I wasn’t happy, my metal health was bad etc’ she’s making excuses where none are needed imo. You don’t need excuses if you’re confident in a decision.
I don’t know if that makes sense but that’s how I see it.

Not to gate keep or say you can’t wear a band Tee for the aesthetic, but is Lana Del Ray or Nirvana her vibe?
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Chatty Member
I know a lot of people struggle with jeans, but actually I think they're one product whose market really has been perfected already. There's a pair out there for everyone at an affordable cost these days, especially with selling second hand. She's not bringing anything new or needed out, so it really is a money grab from her followers and not a brand which will last at all. How do people not see through her.
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Cervical cysts are quite common - women are generally unaware of them unless they're seen during a smear.......they're usually a few millimeters across ........the cervix is not that big. No doubt, Carys' cyst will be 15 inches across and weigh 8 pound.....
She’s DEFINITELY going to say the cyst is the real reason she has such a huge belly now and nothing to do with her terrible diet and new lazy way of life… “it’s just the cyst guys and it’s NORMAL”
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based on my experience (i worked for a big creative agency for 3 years), she’ll get paid for the collaboration as a flat fee and the ITS campaign budget will be completely separate. it will be tiered based on the influencer (t-shirt sized e.g. S campaign for some of their lesser known influencers to XL campaigns for their top collaborators). even if they all take their own pictures, the shooting locations will be budgeted based on the campaign size as ITS would have paid for the holiday.

see the example below of perrie sian who is now one of their top collaborators vs carys’ pictures (both posted on the ITS insta). i’ll add the caveat that they are clearly targeting different customer profiles here. perrie is for the aspirational, high-life, dubai vibe shopper, and carys is for the relatable, normal-sized, tenerife vibe shopper. that’s the campaign strategy!
How is Cary’s not embarrassed at this, the face she’s pulling 😳
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