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Miss polar

VIP Member
She shouldn’t be showing either of her children! Better late than never I suppose, but there are probably lots of images out there already of her kids.
Once you post something it’s there forever!
Absolutely shocking the way these influencers use their children for content.
They are too young to give their concent!
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Asking for advice on sensitive teeth and ulcers now 🤦🏻‍♀️🤣 Considering her parents are both in the medical field, they really need to intervene and get her some help. It's not healthy asking for reassurance constantly from her followers.
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She purely posts about it for the validation from her followers. She can post how much she embraces her new ‘belly’, how she loves her stretch marks etc every day till the cows come home but there’s not a chance in hell that it’s true.
She is miserable in her body, so a simple post referring to her body sets off the ‘you look great hun!’, ‘I wish I had your confidence!’ ‘You look stunning!’ comments from her sheep followers who, I’m sorry, are saying these things out of sympathy. Those comments give her a little boost, then around again we go till the next post.

She used to be cool, a bit goofy but had style, was sexy, had a killer body and just carried herself differently. Now she posts shit like this with these stupid faces (why is THIS the thumbnail in her reel?!)


I purely watch not for her style (or lack of), body positivity (which she fakes) but just out of interest of the car crash she has become, and I wish she could see it.

rant over 🤣
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Please tell me this is some trendy new brand and not just so Carys to put actual greasy burritos in with new clothes?!
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This thread is drier than Carys and Mr Tumble’s sex life. Suppose it’s going to be given how dull her content is.
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as another mum - it is hard seeing your body different to how it was pre-baby. I find it hard to believe that carys is happy in her 'bigger' body when she was tiny before and now she's about a 16+. I think it's a big change for her. I've gone from a 12 to a 14 and I find that hard to accept. But I have no willpower and enjoy food to much :D
she had already went from a 6 to a 12 before getting pregnant. so being a 14 now isn't a massive change to her. she just spins this narrative she was super fit just before pregnancies
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When I saw that there was another story uploaded after the first mirror pic I just KNEW it was going to be a bloody side on one with the whole “round bellies are normal” 🤦🏼‍♀️🙄 Have a frickin’ day off Carys it’s boring.
but the thing is that if she's actually that bloated, it's not normal at all?!
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Wasting time on holiday to take klekshun pics with a tan that patchy is just mad 😆😂 and half of them are total shit with no regard for lighting!
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I mean, her stories were repetative and boring, but now they’re bordering on - for me - mental disease style. It can not be healthy to discuss your bodily shape and outward appearance e v e r y day.
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She only has two angles - front facing and sideways. Too bad Carys doesn’t take a leaf out of her belly’s book and become a well-rounded human being.
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Genuine question… is her belly normal?! I’ve had 3 babies in the last 5 years and am hardly Megan Fox but my belly has only still looked that distended in the first few weeks post partum.

Excess skin, wobbly middle, stretch marks… yes. But such a rounded tummy that she actively seeks to accentuate… it’s just weird!
I think she does push it out in these photos to make it look even rounder, for attention. I'm not a doctor but I would say excess skin/fat is all normal especially after having 2 babies, but a bloated belly is not. I think hers isn't bloated at all, that's the word she uses because to her it sounds better than that it's just fat, even though such a bloated belly could probably indicate a health issue (once again not a doctor but would make sense)

Also she is definitely going to charge ridicilous prices, because when she asked how much people would pay in her stories her minimum was 60-70...

Hey Carys did you know there is a massive cost of living crisis?
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Gee whizz, why is she so bizarre! I've got a cyst on my ovary, it was discovered 3 years ago and only still there because I'll likely lose the ovary so wanted to have babies first. But I don't feel the need to bloody tell anyone ffs 🤦‍♀️ taking my cyst out with me, wtf is she on about 🙈 I feel weird enough anonymously talking about it here, let alone blasting it all over any public platform!
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She’s DEFINITELY going to say the cyst is the real reason she has such a huge belly now and nothing to do with her terrible diet and new lazy way of life… “it’s just the cyst guys and it’s NORMAL”
A bunch of us in here said she needs to stop telling people it’s normal to be so bloated as it can indicate health issues and look at what’s happened.
further evidence she needs to stop with her shitty ‘it’s normal’ and ‘you should eat today’ stuff when she doesn’t know what’s going on with people.
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Last year it was “wear the body con, the belly is cute” and now it’s about disguising the belly in the name of ‘comfort’.
It’s not rocket science. She wears something high waisted but not tight so it hangs over her tummy. How much mileage can she get from the same linen trouser or short styles?!
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