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Chatty Member
The amount of money people have spent on SophieTea Art and she’s sending these two layabouts freebies!! No thanks love, plenty of talented artist out there id rather pay to paint me a picture, i love her stuff but this has pissed me off big time.
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Oh cringeeeeee, no one cares how 'sexy' you feel
Literally we big boobed women knew about Bravissimo, Carys you were the one who refused to wear bras to support your boobs for the longest time.

All the comments here bang on 👌 this girl came To be famous always posing ass out! Her insta feed had her ass in main part every PIC. Like when they went on the Cruise and she was posing ass out I just thought will you show pics To grandkids of ur ass instead of the cruise 😁 Now the ass is replaced with belly "bump". Every pic....
I used some of those pictures in an essay I wrote about feminism and sexualising the self for men's consumption lol
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I watched the video and genuinely didn’t notice the pink confetti at the start 😂 I think it’s because I was so ready to click through....
What a dumb move from the video editor. And then as I can only imagine they proof watch it. Or not cos they’re lazy

that dress was DREADFUL
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They were boring before pregnancy but this is another level of boring content. I had to watch the gender reveal video without a reveal out of curiosity of what they could fill 20+ minutes with. Answer: nothing.

Does anyone care about gender reveals? What happened to just being happy with a healthy baby?

As a non pregnant person who watched her originally for fitness, she has lost me now for good.

They seem like they have no life at all except for each other, it’s really sad. She even got pissy about having to be in the kitchen alone to bake a cake when they live/‘work’ together.

I am honestly completely curious what they will do when they no longer can make enough from Youtube - they’ll be pushing people away/original fanbase with this over the top pregnancy content. I’m sure she is boring pregnant people as well.

Both unemployed essentially for years, it’s fascinating. Similar to Elle Darby and Con, what will they do when the popularity goes. No one will buy their overpriced tacky PJ’s.

It’s really interesting, the only interesting part about them.
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Yup and try also living somewhere so small you don't have an actual desk let alone separate workspace/office area. Been doing that since March...
Exactly, they have a massive house with huge garden. I’m in a small flat with myself and partner both trying to work on one table - no garden not even a balcony. I get it’s hard but don’t know why she feels “trapped” - you can leave your house during lockdown. She should be thankful things are opening back up here on Monday.
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Im not a huge fan of James, I have always found him creepy but I think Carys is a lovely person.

You can't help but feel happy for her, she is clearly overjoyed and will be a good Mum.
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Formal living room to play board games....

With a baby! 😂😂😂😂😂😂

Massively in for a shock!!
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Does she do anything alone? Her to do list everything is with him.
I love my fiance and I live with him but we have separate lives aswell. I know it's harder at the moment to be apart as you can't really meet friends.
But he likes to code so I will leave him alone doing that. Whilst I go sit by myself and read a book or go for a walk by myself.
You have to enjoy time alone as well, it's so important.
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Im so happy you guys Are seeing it all. Ive been saying For ages that the body positivity is all fake! After she stopped fitness she wanted something To stay relative! Shes so insecure and obsesses about her looks constantly. Like in the one hair cut video she was hyperventilating cause she cut tiny bit of her hair and you could really See her True colours. She is far way From happy and body positive.

I dont watch any of theyre vids. Im sick of the preggas and the overspending on dumb shiz.
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Brooke Davis

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She took the road im so much More happier now than whilst doing fitness blablabla. She hardly leaves the house if she does she takes the dog out. Im really into looking after myself and active lifestyle I would never ever buy guide From her 😁 theres nothing active about her lifestyle and she just used her ass/fitness To gain fame. Its not a lifestyle its a scam. Maybe she should concentrate on the part she wrote with these mental health professional - this girl has massive issues!!!!! Its all an act.
I always think it’s a complete scam especially the mental health section as if she has such bad anxiety, why does she never properly address it? Her parents are GPs surely they could refer her to a really good therapist/CBT to talk through things and work on dealing with it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
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Ahh I’m actually really happy for her. More her than james. She was so desperate for a baby thinking it will make their relationship stronger. Good luck to them (I say while my 4 year old is on the naughty step screaming at me)...
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She's always in the garden though. Probably can't stand to be in the house with them hearing James screaming "WHAT SHOULD WE SPEND 600K ON NOW CAHWIS?!"
Mila’s fine, she’s completely loved and why wouldn’t she want to spend her time in a lovely big garden! I find James and carys as insufferable as everyone else, but sometimes it seems people are clutching at straws trying to find things to criticise.
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Brooke Davis

VIP Member
I have no idea why they did a maternity haul now (apart from it’s the only content they can think up) when she has no bump!! Is it any wonder most of what he bought looked 💩 when it’s made for people further along in their pregnancies...hardly think that video would’ve been useful to,well..anyone!

and I’m sorry, but this god damn “bump” holding is driving me insane!!!!!!! If it was the odd pic every now and again, but it’s every few seconds in the video, what is that about?!? 🤯.
I feel sorry for anyone who follows her and had problems conceiving or problems further down the line, and people who maybe haven’t had such a prominent bump. It’s just throwing it in people’s faces about being pregnant and as if, if you don’t have a bump then not as well pregnant. I just find it out of taste and especially the whole TTC - sorry Hun, 5 months is nothing! I personally haven’t tried but I can imagine to any of her followers who have been trying for longer, it’s a bit of a kick in their teeth 🙁🙁
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I always think it’s a complete scam especially the mental health section as if she has such bad anxiety, why does she never properly address it? Her parents are GPs surely they could refer her to a really good therapist/CBT to talk through things and work on dealing with it. 🤦🏻‍♀️
I feel like quite a few influencers use and abuse the mental health card to gain sympathy 🥴
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Surely she is preggo
Going on and on about feeling tired in the latest vlog, unexplained ‘illness’ and then talking about having vivid dreams when she doesn’t normally have dreams and apparently she’s always hungry these days!
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I think she's making up how much she works out to make her seem like a good pregnant person not the lazy, junk food eating slob she's been showing up till now.
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Anyone notice here how it’s all “we we we” nothing about her personal achievements... I’m sure that fitness guide was hers, not James’?? I honestly feel quite sorry for her and how her life isn’t hers, it’s theirs. No independence of her own, I really hope she finds that one day in motherhood!
I thought that was what piggyJames only said... 🤔 wee wee wee all the way home 🐽🐽🐽🐽🐽
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I’m starting to think now that he might actually be the controlling one following what people say on here. Someone said it a few posts back, but it wouldn’t surprise me if he’s the clingy one and she’s just followed along and ended up being clingy too! I’m starting to think he’s insecure and controlling and it’s rubbed back onto her - she’s gorgeous and has a bubbly personality so it would’ve surprise me if he’s insecure as he’s obviously punching in many ways!
I feel quite sorry for her as I don’t think she realises but if she’s happy and blinded what can you do🤷🏼‍♀️

And it’s because of her that they even have a successful channel together. They may kid themselves it’s about them both and James is mr practical business man who keeps check of all the finances etc. but Carys is what brought people to watch the channel. It’s actually quite sad and upsetting that she is so clueless about their financial situation and what money they bring in considering she is the “breadwinner” as you say her channel, her Instagram, her fitness guide. Any following James has surely came from him being Carys boyfriend not also being “in the social fitness industry”
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Sorry is cawisss pregnant? I didn't know 🤪

She’s really milking every aspect of this pregnancy like cravings,bumps, like they’re milking the content they have a 9 month deadline it’s like everything she sees she suddenly feels.
She will be wishing that baby out in a few months when she is as big as free willy and her back gives out from pushing it out!
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