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Anyboby in Cardiff who can swing by and rattle some sense into Carys? 18 weeks, WTF? Just say Amber is 4 1/2 months today, like most adults would. I swear if Carys had a brain she’d be dangerous🥵
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I just watched Danny dyers new vlog where she manages to get up get her baby ready get him to her mums go off and do her in the style shoot professionally, go get her baby back and do his whole bedtime routine. All on her own. And she did it all with a smile and without moaning. Can you even IMAGINE princess carys having to do all that herself in one day, we would never hear the end of it. I think she thinks it makes her look like a really good mum that she can’t do anything or go anywhere without amber attached to her when in fact it’s a bit pathetic and not good for either of them in the long run.
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If carys really is only a size 14 for her tits, why didn’t she make a range with in the style specifically for women with large breasts who usually have to size up and then find the clothing big in other areas?
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Sooo, she’ll go on a date night with James presumably without Amber but she can’t leave Amber with James for a haircut. 🙄 hmmm
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I’m still dumbfounded why she still sits in the back with Amber. Live dangerously Carys. Sit in the front seat. I dare you😂😂
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Never once in my 32 years on this earth have I felt the need to get my partner to take a picture of my bare arse with my swimming bottoms pulled up into my crack… I just don’t get it. Maybe I’m old 😂
I’m definitely an old fart (33) but I just cannot comprehend putting on a bikini and thinking “nah you know what would make this look better? If I gave myself a massive wedgie and pulled this up as high as it can go”
I just don’t understand 🤷🏼‍♀️
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Has she thought that maybe amber doesnt need as many naps as she used to when she was a newborn? I mean if it’s THAT hard to get them to nap maybe listen to your baby carys

She’s one of those people that thinks there’s 4 weeks exactly in every month. Pet hate of mine seriously
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elle just dropped a video and it is so much more realistic than james and cary's.
she actually admits to it being hard
Cue James and Carys parenthood struggles video any day now - “How we actually found becoming first-time parents”. Where they spend the whole video contradicting and back tracking on everything they ever said about it being easy and always perfect.
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Hi everyone,
Just woke up in my mum bed on a mum Friday.
Going to have my mum breakfast after I brush my mum teeth and wash my mum face with my mum face wash.
Then I will brush my mum Bob and clean my mum floors.
After that I will check the mum weather and do a mum clothes wash.
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Brooke Davis

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I thought Elles videos where so much better than carys. She seemed more maternal too!

also I liked how elle included the traumatic bits and was honest about being a bit sad and stressed!
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I’m convinced she does this cross-eyed face as a dig towards Elle. Elle has a medical condition that makes her eye float. Elle can’t help it! I don’t think it’s funny or cute for Carys to do this face. It’s mean spirited. And, god forbid any of her followers suffer from being cross-eyed as they make see this as Carys making fun of them. Carys needs to grow up!
Even as young children my siblings and I were brought up being told not to do cross-eyed “funny” faces because it could upset someone who was genuinely cross-eyed. It’s essentially taking the p*ss out of someone who is cross-eyed or disabled and that’s not nice. Whenever I see grown adults like Carys making cross-eyed faces “trying” to be funny I always think “were you never told as a child not to do those faces out of consideration for other people”. 🙃🤦🏼‍♀️

She is trying to be funny, she failed massively because 1. people just cringe and 2. The faces she pulls aren’t funny. Totally agree with you. Carys just comes across as immature and not having a lot of awareness for other people.
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I love that Elle is already out and about with Saint and he’s not even a month old yet. And independently, on her OWN, without Connor.

Carys should take some advice!
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She clearly is bothered about the ranking on the peloton thing, why keep mentioning it otherwise!! I feel like she goes on about this body positivity and not caring what she does or how she looks etc far too much for it to be true!! I saw an article on the daily mail about Louise Thompson and as much as she irritates me, at least she was honest that she feels really strange now and has struggled after being so fit beforehand and now it’s all gone out the window with being pregnant! She even said she thought she would be one of those working out til birth etc and she said it’s been hard to accept that hasn’t happened and she misses what she was like before! That doesn’t mean she doesn’t like how she is now obviously but I think it’s so much nicer to hear that people do miss their pre pregnancy bodies instead of just making out they didn’t care or weren’t happy beforehand anyway!!
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