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Jesus wept, that chin and jaw. Sorry Brucey to compare (RIP) but I had to. Has she had more filler? It looks ridiculous!!! 🤣

thought they don’t forward face niknak 🤥
It's because he's a spoilt brat and kicks off. Plus its 'only for short journeys'. Accidents can happen on short journeys too! Idiots.
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Arrgggghhhh!!!! It's the way she says "we have finally, finnaaallllllyyyy got a car seat for Jakes car"

So what, until you were Gifted one you weren't going to bother?? Were you going to keep cycling?? Bet they were Gifted those fucking Carrera bikes too.

BEGGY CUNTS. Stop blowing money on Coke and buy things most people buy themselves!!!!

I might email maxi cosi and express my diagust they've Gifted a pair or Coke heads a £300 car seat because they'd rather sniff alll night then actually pay for essentials for their own kid.

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Awww diddums, somebody upset you did they because you've got a bald patch? 🤣🤣 Somebody has obviously been busy with the 'thickening' and 'hair' spray today. Has he just tagged somebody's name on the first story?

Anyway, somebody having a different point of view than yours is not a troll. Pointing out facts and the truth is not being a troll. Bore off you fucking wetwipe pussyhole!!

That hair transplant ain't working bro!!!! There's nothing worse than a vain twat trying to hold onto his hair through sheer vanity!!!! Now that is fucking SAD! 🤣

PS: That's more than just a crown. It's a bald patch on your crown. You're going bald bro!!! 👍
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would love for the train to grind to a halt and he get fired across the carriage
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‘Getting off my phone for a little bit’

FUCK OFF!!!!!!!

But still hav a jolly up on Twitter.

Love how he quoted that tweet so it looks like he is sticking up for the show. He couldn’t help himself could he with that. It probs pained him to even wait that long to reply. How many fucking times jake, ITV don’t want you, ant & Dec will no doubt think you are a cunt too.
You are obsessed with trying to be noticed.
give it up man
I know it’s a figure of speech but you’ve gotta laugh at the ‘bet you’re fun at a party’ given his track record with parties. His stag- everyone looked ready to chin him and bailed, the wedding reception- guests couldn’t get in the taxi to the airport fast enough. Friday’s Halloween party- dead as his career.
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So when Flappy posts Spud he talks (albeit still slightly behind) but when his alleged Dad posts he's mute and shut down

Tell me your the shit patent without telling me you're the shit parent
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It’s not slagging him off. It’s having an opinion. Just like he had an opinion of Gemma On love island. The only difference is he voiced his opinions to way more followers than most people have

Just like his mother had an opinion on soap actors being bad at acting and companies that she didn’t like.

Why are their opinions fine?
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Are we supposed to be impressed by that video of him reading the animal book with Leo? The kid barely said anything he just made random noises. Your son is delayed Jake - maybe take him to see someone instead of trying (and failing) to prove Tattle wrong. My daughter is younger than Leo and she can sing Twinkle Twinkle Little Star - poor Leo can’t even say dog. People keep mentioning Kate Lawler’s daughter, can’t stand Kate but Noa is so bright and animated, she actually acts like a little toddler as oppose to Leo who still comes across as a 9 month old baby. I know we take the piss and he is an ugly gormless little brat (sorry not sorry) but I do feel bad for him. Not his fault at all.
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The way he blabs their entire lives on the gram is utterly puke inducing. "you said you wanted a divorce cos I never cook so I bought a load of ready meals then you cried about that so I thought I better cook" ...... It only makes him look like a total wanker, he thinks its making her look bad. I Dont know why she doesn't just tell him to fuck off. I'd actually take that saucepan and shove it up his arse.
I've always been a firm believer that people treat you the way you allow them to. He treats her like shit cos she allows it. More fool her.
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I told you!!!!!! This thread is one of the most popular ones out there!!!!!!
he only has himself to blame. One of my pals actually got sent a screenshot of this thread within a WhatsApp group and I hadn’t even mentioned that I was on it!!!! Just goes to show…

i can’t wait for tomorrows justification as to why he hasn’t posted on his story… cuz let’s have it right. His phone is still clued to his hand

I would relish the day jake messaged me accusing me of slagging him off. I don’t follow him on any socials nor have I ever interacted with him. so keep looking Jakey boy..
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I think it's because Kate and Boj have actual jobs and don't rely on the gram as their main source of income. I don't know why because I think children should grow up in a Liberal, relaxed environment, but something in the pit of my tummy gives me the ick when he has Leo climbing all the over his naked chest while he eye fucks the camera.
It’s so wierd and it’s wierd that he actually thinks people want to watch this shit .
pits Sunday morning me my husband and baby have woke up and had breakfast my husband bathed our baby and we are now off out for a walk and then carvery .at no point ha Amy husband been on his phone . It’s not normal how much Jake uses that phone and how much he films his child in moments that simply don’t need filming . Leo doesn’t even look at his dad he looks at the phone and that’s so sad to see 🤷🏻‍♀️

Completely agree. This is a silly way of teaching a toddler. He should either be asking “what animal is this?” (ie a lion) or asking “what sound does a lion make?”
Let’s face it he’s a shit dad and it shows and she’s a shit mother for allowing it
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I think Covid had a huge impact on insta as a lot of the influencers couldn’t go in holiday every 5 mins and also many of them were openly flouting the lockdown so a lot realised how vacuous and pointless following them was. They add little to society and just take.
Also with the cost of living crisis as well, the last thing people want to see is ‘influencers’ getting paid for trying to flog stuff they obviously don’t even use and bragging about getting items gifted. Olivia Bowen is dreadful for this. Her whole social media is basically ad after ad after ad and she’s so disingenuous about it. Fakey & Flappy would cut their limbs off to get given the same amount of insta ‘work’ that OB does 🤢
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Hi Fakeys😀 not been on this week as This cunt was giving me the absolute rage🤬🤬🤬
Nothing has changed though, still filming as soon as he opens his fucking eyes🙄 still eyefucking the camera at every opportunity 🤮🤮🤮 he looks rough as a Badger's arse without them filters too😆😆
Pride of Britain awards, total shit show. I read an article from someone this week saying that all these Z listers shouldnt be there and they should give tickets to more deserving people, too fucking true that is! I mean Jessica Wright ex Towie was there, when was she last on TV???

Halloween party🤣🤣🤣 what a lame excuse of a party it was, barely anyone there and Fakey getting his make up done early and totally missing the theme Day of the Dead, what a cock he is😂😂
Not bothered about scaring kids in Asda, but won't scare Warwick🙄🙄🙄
He's had no work and he still spends barely anytime with him. I agree with Sophie not going anywhere last night, just trying to show he can look after NikNak on his own...erm it doesn't count if she's in the house you twat🤣

He ain't crying cos you're leaving Jakey, he is just a whiny little shit😆 straight back running to mummy he was🤣
What the fuck is a Ra ra and a meow meow🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️🤦‍♀️ no wonder he barely speaks they don't speak properly to him at all, don't play with him either, both too busy on their phones, what a pair of cunts they are🤬🤬🤬

If he's been reading here and messaging people, what an arsehole🤬 how about getting your kid checked out, it would be a fairly simple trip to the doctors, I cannot believe he is 2 nearly🤯 and I don't agree with kids that young having screen time or phones at all. My daughter is 13 now and she wouldn't sit still to watch TV, she was always on the go doing something was about 4ish before she watched TV. Kids have them shoved at them in restaurants to keep them quiet, we always took a bag of things to do, crayons, paper and some small toys and books. All that screen time is no good for brain development he really should get researching, use your phone for a worthwhile purpose Fakey🛎🔚
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You just know he’ll be bouncing around the house thinking he’s done something with that message
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Not nanny qvc showing us how to air fry bloody chips, we’re not all as stupid as your son 😂😂
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Just ran here when he’s put the story up saying spot the grey!

Get off here you sad sad man!

Good spot about the fake account to troll himself. Fucking hilarious.
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Just looking on Twitter and there’s a post about him sending a DM to them accusing them of slagging him off. Don’t want to show in case I’m not allowed but wonder if more than one person been getting messages like this as I know it was mentioned the other day
He's getting a very touchy little pussyhole of late isn't he? 🤣
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We all knew it was happening as he made it pretty obvious but it’s streaming on Discovery Plus early next year.
Hearing voices in his Essex countryside home apparently 😂 Countryside home? He lives in a new build on the outskirts of Colchester 🤦🏻‍♀️
For someone that documents EVERYTHING he’s never once mentioned this spooky presence in his fucking NEW BUILD. Fair play to whoever got him a slot on that they must have absolutely blagged their way on it
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