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He'll be ragin when he sees that 🤣🤣
I've made his bald patch as my picture!! 🤣🤣

New tv show concept. Bullied and exploited stepchild escapes a filthy biohazard new build on a soulless Colchester estate in a bid for freedom and dignity.

He valiantly faces various obstacles like the terror of the Ice Bath of Doom, the foul odours of Fake Gucci Loafers Wardrobe and the perils of crossing The Shit Stained Carpet to reach the toxic waste-infested Blue Dralon Velvet Sofa Island.

Marvel as the young lad bravely eats his mother’s burnt offerings in the HelloFreshTucker Challenge and witness his stoicism at listening to his stepfather singing his lockdown song for the NHS “Quarantine” for six hours a day. See him deftly sidestep broken mdf furniture and unopened packages in his bid for freedom.

“My Name’s Freddie Get Me Out Of Here”

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Remember when she said she didn’t take Freddie to Dubai because they had “loads” of plans for half term? What have they actually done? Went to London once and a bike ride?

Sure he’d rather have gone to Devon in the summer, poor little lad
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That tweet is hilarious! How many people has he messaged I wonder? 😂

He needs to go to therapy for social media addiction and work out how to get a life. Sad little man.
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I'm so confused, so he's messaging random blocked people to see of they know about tattle? Surely that will just direct them here?
And wtf is going on with Leo he's looking more girly by the day. Kate lawlers girl is of similar age and she's as bright as a button. I know you're not meant to compare kids but he needs checking
Exactly. These dumbarse Instagrammers are thick as fuck. They naively read their own threads, can't cope with it, then start accusing people and all those that have no idea about tattle suddenly do. It's how I came to tattle.

Also instead of spending all that money on themselves for Halloween to go to a boring AF house party why didn't they get Fred a decent costume and or have his face made up? Why? Cos they're a pair of selfish immature cunts.
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View attachment 1689016Excuse me, but why the fuck is he wittering on about how expensive childcare is? Jake, YOU AND YOUR WIFE DON’T WORK! You do not need to put your child in childcare because he isn’t even 2 and (I’ll say this again) NEITHER OF YOU WORK. Try being a single working parent who has to pay for school clubs etc just so you can go out and do a proper day’s work. You pay for childcare so you can go and take selfies in the gym or film yourselves making a Hello Fresh Lasagne. I’ll say this again: NEITHER OF YOU WORK. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR CHILDCARE. Hope this helps.
Oh fuck off your wife and mum do your child care anyway whilst you eye fuck yourself in the gym.

show us a 24 hour diary of looking after your son

View attachment 1689016Excuse me, but why the fuck is he wittering on about how expensive childcare is? Jake, YOU AND YOUR WIFE DON’T WORK! You do not need to put your child in childcare because he isn’t even 2 and (I’ll say this again) NEITHER OF YOU WORK. Try being a single working parent who has to pay for school clubs etc just so you can go out and do a proper day’s work. You pay for childcare so you can go and take selfies in the gym or film yourselves making a Hello Fresh Lasagne. I’ll say this again: NEITHER OF YOU WORK. YOU DO NOT NEED TO PAY FOR CHILDCARE. Hope this helps.
Poor Sophie needs a PA she’s so rushed off her feet looking after her three children. One that works away most the time. The other that’s in nursery most the time and the other that is with his dad most the time. The poor fucking snowflake. It’s hard work taking pictures of outfit of the day
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🐔 What a cock he is talking to his son like that no wonder he is backwards like him. No idea about parenting get off the fucking phone.. idiot .. 2 years old can't talk, moody looking all the time, and allowing the cat to kiss him on the mouth just shows you his mentality....backwards...prize cunt old ugly billy no marks fucker you are getting it this morning ...text me you cunt I am waiting...❄🥴..
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Norfolking Good

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I think Covid had a huge impact on insta as a lot of the influencers couldn’t go in holiday every 5 mins and also many of them were openly flouting the lockdown so a lot realised how vacuous and pointless following them was. They add little to society and just take.
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Chatty Member
I had to LOL when I saw this, below someones post...

It's an older jake on the phone booking a cremation for his "career"
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Unbelievable!! 😡 Maxicosy what are you doing gifting this utterly lazy tramp a new car seat when most people have the common sense to remove them and clean them. But no, because she's incapable of doing that, she begs for a new car seat for that little spoilt gremlin and succeeds. What's she going to do now? Beg for a brand new house because it's a dirty shithole?

That's another company crossed off the list. I would rather them gift to somebody in dire need. I bet the 'old car seat' got thrown away. Cunts. 😡

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It's a fucking disgrace, isn't it? If a company can afford to gift things then they should go to people who need them, not grifters who are work-dodgers.

They are the sort that will- I'd lay money on it- run up debts on cards and finance of £80- 100, 000 then walk away from it, by using charities helplines and the C.A.B to enact some sort of debt relief or go bankrupt, then do it all over again 5 or 7 years late.

I can't stand people like that.
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Is he not off to his one night only friends gig soon as he’s so boring it’s same shit different day.Teaching Leo to call the cat a now now no wonder he’s delayed😡She shares a photo he shares the photo my god how desperate are these two.Is it a bike ride gym photo or even hello fresh I’m so excited to see🙄More cooking lessons from zelda the chip maker this whole family need to be out in the 🗑
Not only is he teaching his kid to call a cat a Meow Meow but he’s also teaching him to stick his face right into the cat’s. Stupid idiot. The cat will wonder what the fuck is going on one day and will lash out and scratch Leo in the face and it’ll be his stupid dad’s fault.
Somebody said further up the thread that their child can sing twinkle twinkle little star and honestly, although children develop at different rates, that is around where he should be. He’s almost 2 and can’t even name animals. At Leo’s age, my little one could count to 20 and knew her alphabet. Jake needs to get off his arse and start teaching him properly (instead of chucking him with anybody for “me” time). He’s still at the stage where Jake points to animals in a book and Leo makes the noise they make. My daughter was doing that kind of thing at 12 months!

He’s just uploaded a story where he holds up a lion figure and says “What’s this?”and Leo says “A Rar Rar” to which Jake replies something like “Yeah Rar Rar”. No Jake. It’s not a rar rar. It’s a LION. In 18 months time, they’ll start teaching Leo phonics at his nursery to get him ready for school and he can’t even say “Lion” and he’s almost 2! Stop using him for content, sit with him and teach him properly!
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His blocked list must be massive. Sad bastard. The audacity of thr man. To actually message someone and be like "it's OK I'm not mad at you I'm just dissapointed" 😂😂 fuck off knob head.
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Chatty Member
Just looked on the shows Instagram.. it has 2k followers 😂😂🥴🥴 just shows how popular that shower of shit is.
He is a sick sick guy.. u know he will play on the deaths of family members as he does with anything else.
That new build house is about as hunted as a gingerbread house.
Words fucking fail me
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Chatty Member
He is a fucking joke. Podcoast on Thursday put needs to travel tomorrow.. no u don’t. It’s Manchester not africa. You get a train or a car to collect you like normal people even if that means getting up at 5/6am. You have a small family at home.. he uses any excuse to fuck off. Sophie is a twat for tolerating it.
i certainly wouldn’t. Podcasts don’t earn you money.. he is being used as the producers earn the money not him. He is probably not even getting paid for it.
No one takes his ‘grief’ seriously. His behaviour is not of somone who is genuinely struggling. He cashes in on it at any opportunity.. this is why he doesn’t get big jobs. He is a sick twisted individual. Like I said on an early comment.. he loved it when Freddy was getting trolled and used it for his advantage. Cunt
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Sorry I’m so annoyed I forgot to also say it’s the fact she comes across as she thinks she’s something special because she’s been given something for free 😡 Her braggy voice is worse than scraping nails down a blackboard. As for his phone game ad. Has he not on numerous occasions said he won’t advertise something he himself wouldn’t use? Well he’s never going to play that. His phone is only ever used for social media and reading tattle 😉
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Not commented on here for a bit cos tbh he's boring the shit out of me, same old predictable bollocks. But you Fakeys have kept me entertained.
The only thing haunting him is. The ghost of his dead career
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Such a luxury having 2 car seats. Read the fucking room flappy were in a cost of living crisis. Most people can’t even afford the petrol anymore let alone 2 car seats. Unfortunately I’m not rich so like most other parents out there have 1 high back booster seat for my son that goes between my car, daddy’s car and grandparents. Not everyone is gifted shit because they can’t be bothered to clean it
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