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So Matt bloody Hancock is going on I’m a celeb and fakey can’t even get a follow back from them 😂😂😂
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Woody woody woody woo 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣

Unintentionally hilarious performance (but I don't think he was going for funny? More serious thesp? Who actually knows?). In any case the begging is real. Definitely up a million notches.

But just watching that grateful story... Tell us you're glued to Tattle without telling us, Jake! He's still as wooden as poor gormless Woody was. Maybe go on the beg for some acting classes.
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So beggy cow got gifted another car seat god how disgusting 😡Her rambling on about it smelling of sick worked then😡Why companies gift these two arsewipes is beyond annoying
Absolutely disgusts me how these companies do this. We all called it. It was so obvious what she was doing and why she was doing it for 🤬 I still think if they actually end up going to the Maldives, this will also be ‘gifted’. I will never use any companies that gift z listers anything and will never use any brands that these two cunts get paid to advertise.
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Hi guys, I'm new to this thread but I thought I'd join in and have my say,..... so I live near jakes mum, I don't know the family personally, however sometime last year jake was posting stuff about the covid vaccine on his stories, knowing full well that people were asking about it, so I messaged him to ask why he was trying to avoid the question of whether he had the vaccine or not, he admitted to me that he did indeed have it, he rudely replied with 'you wouldn't ask a stranger about their medical history', so why do you need to know mine, still got the messages, followed him on insta ever since, until recently when he decided to block me for no apparent reason🤷🏻‍♀️😂 apologies for the long message😂
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He seems really pleased to be looking after Spud while Dopie has gone out. Funny how he’s quick to announce it to the world but keeps his outings quiet.
Must be nice to have two child free nights, she’s in the running for mum of the year there.
Also if he’s not gonna take Spud for an assessment at least speak to a speech therapist. My daughter was similar and we had real trouble understanding her at times. Turns out she does have a speech delay
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“ we all get up and work “

no Jake you don’t actually fucking work … pissing about for twenty minutes on a stage every two months is not working you bellend . Can’t you see why people can’t stand you ? Literally you do fuck all you sit at home every day and then have the cheek to fake anxiety and tell us all how we should go the GYM to make us feel better well gues fucking what dickhead some of us suffer with anxiety and have to work 12 hour shifts 5 days a week and don’t have time to go the GYM !!! Read the fucking room Jake your a lazy work shy cunt don’t ever fucking compare yourself to hard working people when you don’t even have a JOB

sorry Guys but he seriously winds me the fuck up when he talks aboit how “ we all get up and work “ he lounges in his pit all morning till 12 why the rest of us are up and out the house working !! Then he goes the gym and spends the rest of the day eye tucking himself at home !! hes not the same
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It’s give me such satisfaction that he comes on here so often, makes passive aggressive digs about us but hasn’t got the balls to call us out because he’s so bothered he’ll send other people here 😂😂😂 He’s definitely felt tipped the top of his head in. Looks totally different compared to the other day when his bald patch was very evident 🤭
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My friend knows her and says you would think she married jake the way she goes on about him she really goes on like he'd a celebrity 🤣🤣

If you look he went from 100k to 10k in 2 years when its updated it will be 0 🤣
My friends up north know of her, I do feel for her making such a huge decision at 18 to commit to Oliver, a sweet loving decision.

But she's technically still a widow so will be a quickendon until she moves on

Nanny QVC wasn't even with jakes dad when he died... and has been with matt (her current husband) for 15+ years, marrying him secretly was it 3 years ago? TAKE HIS FUCKING NAME OR REVERT BACK TO YOUR MAIDEN NAME YOU ABSOLUTE FAME HANGER ON!!
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Nothing and I mean nothing is off limits with this arse wipe.Filming someone else’s child he just fucks me right off.Can they not do anything without filming 🙄Is just not normal and I seriously think he’s needs a serious intervention with his relentless 24-7 time he spends posting on Instagram🙄How many times does he post in a day 20? And as if you helping anyone with their mental health it’s another fuck off from me prick 😡
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OMG, I cannot breathe!!! I have spat my coffee all over my phone and tears are rolling down my face. We were only saying yesterday that he has never shown Flappy any affection whatsoever on camera and NOW THIS. This is absolute comedy gold!!!!! 🤣🤣🤣

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Yuk, those videos this morning. Bleary eyed, unshowered and shirtless he's got his arm round Fred rubbing his stinking armpit on the back of Fred's clean school shirt (we know he stinks because Flapz has previously complained that he wears her dressing gown and makes it stink of BO) . Fred literally wriggles away at the earliest opportunity. Then Sophie clearly doesn't want to hug him. They can't stand him, and who could blame them? Think how angry, irritated, repulsed and appalled we are just watching him on social media. Can you IMAGINE living with him?! Scared to fart or scratch your fanny in case you're being covertly filmed. Waking up and opening one eye to see your husband chatting into his phone, filming from your bed at 6am. I have no idea why she tolerates this abuse of privacy - they could still be influencers without showing this much private content.
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Ooooh, somebody's tetchy!!!

"Get off my back!!!" 🤣

Dear Santa - please can I have a new toupee because I got a huge bald patch on the top of my head and the old one doesn’t cover it at all
Well that 'hair transplant' for which he declared #gratitude for in his stories this morning isn't working!!!! 🤣

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Chatty Member
20,000 likes and 135 comments.
The comments are more important than the likes. Having a million followers and only that number of comments is career ending.
The likes are due to the over load of hashtags.. and majority of these will be from people who have liked but don’t even won’t follow him (that’s why he uses the hashtags) That doesn’t stand for anything, they are worthless.
His engagement levels don’t stack up which screams his unpopularity
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Philimena cunk

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I'd love him to message me. Come on knob head if you think you're hard enough.
Me too..I've coughed up scarier things than this cunt ...

That kids helmet does not fit in the slightest
He's got a helmet for a dad too ....

Anyone know why he always has his top off 😂🤢
Because he thinks he's Colchesters answer to Chris Hemsworth....

Talking out of her lower dentures, too😖😖😖... jaw jaw jaw..........blah blah😖😖😖 View attachment 1688708
With those glasses, if she put one of those fuzzy coats on that's all the rage, she'd look like the wee bear off Bo selecta....
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Chatty Member
Now she's getting Gifted shit....FFS.

Also, anyone else hoping that Matts "business trip" to India was him having a romantic few days in Paris with his side piece? 😅

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