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Tabitha D

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If Louisa is still visiting, and she probably is, it doesn't necessarily mean they are getting back together. I stayed close to a guy I dated for a very short time. His life was a mess and I couldn't cope with him as a partner, but I still loved him and wanted to help him as much as I could. We became like very close siblings, where one is a mess and the other is exasperated but they won't turn their backs on each other. We were best friends and saw each other every day until he died a couple of years ago.
I did wonder whether Louisa might be trying to give Jack some well-meaning professional advice, before she completely destroys what’s left of her career.
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Certainly she has very few Patreon subscribers when you consider how many followers she has. And I imagine the subscribers will drop off once they get fed up of waiting for her to send out the “slop of the week” postcards.
I don’t think the books generate much income (none have matched the sales of the first one), and big-ticket gigs like DKL are a thing of the past - she has only herself to blame for that.
What remains I guess is the website, which will still generate income from ads and affiliate links. That should keep her going for a while until she finds another wealthy mug partner or until she inherits her share of the property empire.
Fixed that for you.
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I’m *really* tired and brain foggy so my reading comprehension might not be up to much. But I think KGM’s tweet possibly didn’t caveat things the way eg Nigella’s did & so came across as charity being an acceptable replacement for policy. I think Jack’s reaction wasn’t wrong it was just incomplete because she’s reactionary and not good at putting much light & shade into a single tweet hence her endless tweet threads and scathing essays. She should also have shown both sides of the coin and didn’t so isn’t any better than KGM on that score really. Twitter isn’t a great place for political discourse sometimes because of the character limit.

However she can’t spend half of today tidying up saying it’s all too much for her then decide actually she will join in a bit oh no back to tidying now. I see why she targeted the politician she did as she’s specifically meant to protect children, but it’s all so half hearted & shouting into the (2 day old) void; what I’m trying to say badly is Jack’s always trying to say things badly too!
She doesn't seem suitable for this sort of job. She can throw up cheap recipie ideas but she doesn't seem to be able to keep up with the constant work required for proper activism.

She really should just get herself a week job in a local shop or something something relatively stress free and all she has to do is man the till and stock a few shelves.
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On a different note, actually, do we know for sure that she refunded the winter fuel lady? We know she asked her to DM her but that doesn't necessarily mean she actually offered to pay it back? She potentially could have just said "thankyou, now fuck off x" 😕
We’ll just have to take her at her word on this one ...
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An interesting article about Diversity in Media awards that Jack was involved in setting up (lasted two years so not bad going).

“Stories” used twice in the same sentence. The second sentence lets us all know the most important details though!


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There would actually be a lot of mileage in her doing this. Remember when that girl who used to be in Eastenders was photographed working as security in a discount store? Jack could do one week at Asda and then give interviews about her work on the front line of food-getting and how tough and humiliating it was being recognised, but she’ll stoically carry on.

Jack, you can have this as free PR advice but I am a professional and I do also have a day rate for this kind of thing *rattles newly-set up Patreon*
(puts on voice of my childhood)

Mate, somebody's gotta recognise her first.
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A new one? Thanksyou very Matt much.
Now fuck off xoxo

no fuck off cos it was to a blue tick! it was brooke magnanti, formerly known as belle de jour, yet another person I like! grr. 🥴

oh and has attracted more attention from poor saps who are putting mayonnaise in their scrambled eggs now. 🥴
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oh look at me doing chaos - yes! Over here! Aren't I just the most adorable little have ever seen! No don't look over there, that's just a pile of old tweets I I'm about to clear up.
Her manic little pixie persona is grating 😐
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I've been thinking over the last couple of days about how unfit for purpose Jack's recipes are. Not just for all the obvious reasons - they're also really badly written, and I feel that any recipes targeted at food bank users should be written in very clear, simple English.

To be clear, I certainly don't believe that all poor people are illiterate; however, someone who struggles with literacy will have a hell of a time dealing with chickpeas bathing in their own ephemera.
I noticed in a recipe screenshot here recently that one of her intro anecdotes (oh god help me, it was about the disgusting vegan egg sandwich) was along the lines, "Mrs J and I-me-me used to share half a sandwich..."

I laughed my head off because: which Mrs J? Both have now left. As they say on twitter, "That aged well." In a BOOK. Think Nigella would give some tips?
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I think socialism can (and should) be practical as well as philosophical. And I think that charity can be completely self-serving. But yeah I know what you mean about just ~practicing~ it rather than going on about it! Public 'philanthropy' is famously a good way of laundering not only cash but also reputations.
Oh it should definitely be practical as well - i just meant the thing of sitting on your arse going "well there won't BE any poverty after the revolution" whilst doing nothing is the refuge of the morally lazy. I don't mean to suggest human goodness should replace state responsibility either. Just that it shouldn't be implied that ALL giving would ideally stop! Because it's a social good as well as a responsibility.
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That tweet to Krishnan Guru Murphy is Jack all over! Arse licking to her celeb 'mates'.

Krish mate!
Nige Mum!

Get some real friends Jack, one's who are there for you when you're down, one's who give you a lift to the supermarket.. Or does Krish mate do that for you too?! 😉
“Nige” 😂
Too short
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