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Chatty Member
I swear some of her followers would buy her faecal matter if she ever decided to monetise it. Can I put you down for a No.2 and some arse gravy, Cris?

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I wonder why she left out the part about him groping her in the car when she tweeted about Russell Brand earlier.
She said it clearly enough here on Thread #31 and also in this article from the Guardian which has the quote I found a new sponsor; one with less interest in squeezing my thigh and referring to our meetings as “dates”.
I don't mean to diminish anyone's experience of gropey men or anything, but Brand seems like a very touchy-feely type and I can imagine if he thought someone was going through a hard time he'd, you know, thoughtlessly squeeze them for reassurance. Obviously this can make people uncomfortable and it shouldn't happen. But I'm sorry, the insinuation that he was doing it in order to sexually harass her doesn't ring true to me, and I think she knows she's embellishing as to his motives, and it's why she leaves it out of some versions.

Brand's also getting a right kicking on twitter today, extremely typical of Jack to jump on that bandwagon and try to make it all about her.
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Chatty Member
Pink wafers as a cheesecake base, that crazy head again. It's just wild using another type of biscuit-type thing as a cheesecake base :rolleyes: . If she had any basic food knowledge she would understand that wafers are such a different texture to biscuits and won't work or react well to a wet topping.

She's one of those people that likes to make out she eats oh so much while remaining slim. Tedious.
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The Companies House thing is the only stick she can beat us with. Even though every time it comes up we say it's irrelevant.

Most other things are a lie this is just a mistake. Nice attempt at flipping the narrative though JM.
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Sigh. What's the point of that tweet though? Either say something or don't. Why drop sinister hints? How many times is she gonna allude to shit like this and whip her followers into a frenzy everytime it comes up in the media. It's almost like she.... has to be involved in everything.
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That tweet about the taxi driver not believing that the taxi was hers because of the name, what a load of shit. They may have just laughed and said they thought they were picking up a man, but even that is doubtful. She always exaggerates so the story is more extreme than anyone elses experience.

I couldn't count the number of people I know with sexually ambiguous names, or even with names associated with the opposite sex. I even know a woman called Jack, and she has been known as that since we were in school, in the late 50's. Her birth name is Jane, but she hated it as she was a tomboy.

Jack is now one of the most feminine women I know, but is still known as Jack by everyone. Not once has it been an issue as most people think her name is short for Jackie or Jacqueline.

I have a straight male friend called Marion. Now that does sometimes cause a few singers, but he is used to it. But his name never causes as much of a problem as our Jackie seems to regularly encounter.

I wonder why she seems to have all these issues, but nobody else does?
She’s like a 15 year old who thinks that they are the sole focus of absolutely everyone and they’re fascinatingly quirky and no one could possibly understand their depths?

The name thing is so fucking boring I truly die every time she puts us through it 😭 It’s also so... dated and tone deaf considering the huge amount of work / visibility BAME issues are receiving right now it’d be of significantly more value to talk about privilege and discrimination with names rather than aren’t I a cool girl with a boys name~ for the tenth fucking year running 🙄
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My parents would never have said their garden was not theirs. Whilst they were paying rent for it, it was theirs. She seems to be implying that by renting you are somewhat lesser of a person.

Almost 40% of households rent in the UK, 20% from a private landlord, the other 20% are social housing. It is hardly uncommon for a single parent to be renting.

Though I doubt many single parents will be renting half million pound properties (outside of London that is)
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Nothing much to say other than I couldn’t sleep last night and fell down a Jackie rabbit hole.

I may be wrong but I don’t think this beauty has been shared on the threads (apologies if it has).

Reminds me of what I considered frightfully erotic and frankly awful poetry I wrote my ex-girlfriend when I was 17. Clue is in the age.

Also, unfortunate analogy. My love is like garlic. Microwaveable?

View attachment 213571
This is just a really shit shit SHIT version of the Carol Ann Duffy poem that Jack will inevitably done as part of her GSCE English because she's the school year below me and it was in the anthology then:

She's a talentless plagiarist and pastiche artist, as has been said a million times on this thread.
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Chatty Member
I presume the term is usually used as a slur which is why she’s reacted so rudely to it
In "woke-land" detransitioning is the great unspoken. There's evidence now that most trans are adolescent/teenage girls - who think they're trans when they are not - it's a phase. The overwhelming majority are girls - but you only see male-to-female on the news and in the media. But this doesn't fit the trans activists' agenda, so you have to minimise it or dismiss it. There was a documentary last year by an Irish woman - it was Channel 4 - and it was truly shocking.
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Oh trust fucking Jack to have a sponsor as a) famous and b) irritating as Russell bloody Brand. It does explain a lot, though, including her ridiculous Cockerney urchin act.

That pudding is a) categorically not a cake and won't hit the spot; b) reminiscent of a pan of vom; and c) guaranteed to be dense as fuck.

Her incessant tweeting about food the past two days is Jack at her most disingenuous. Just say you need more Patreon subscribers and go. We've seen your tweets about not eating for months and simultaneous bowls of depression slop.

She's a sinister one, really.
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Tabitha D

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Its the Orwell comparisons to 'potatoes'. (Some of which came from blue tickets that I had previously thought were a bit more clued up).

They've really given her delusions of adequacy.

Speaking of 'potatoes', has the cast for the musical of 'potatoes' been announced, yet?
Could I suggest Gregg Wallace? He looks a bit like a potato, maybe he could be the narrator?
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All of the ‘What’s your favourite cakes, guys?’ and ‘What’s your favourite savoury snacks?’ is so blah.
1) She, literally, hates food. She also chooses fairly ‘fancy’ options for her snack choices (radishes dipped in oodles of butter).
2) This deep-sea trawler fish for people’s responses is just another version of ‘Send me pics of doggos!’ Engagement, likes, attention.
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