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VIP Member
Hey fellow tattlers. I'm absolutely skint, but sure that buying a few dozen pieces of furniture from Cotswold & Co plus a designer frock will help me recover from my various conditions. I also quite fancy a holiday. Ta muchly. PayPal and Patreon to follow!
didn’t she just edit ‘potatoes’ (edit to add vomit emoji 🤮) to explain why she treats herself to ‘nice things’ now? And then literally HOURS later she’s claiming poverty again.
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Chatty Member
I can't stand when she goes on about how she's bad at promoting her patreon and other begging bowls. She goes all on out promoting it every couple of months along with changing her bio, swipe ups and the most manipulative messages you could imagine for a couple of weeks. Then doesn't mention it for a bit. She knows this tried and tested method is far more effective at getting the cash rolling in than banging on about it every single day. 🤑
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Tumbleweeds from the blue tickers......Tonight’s schedule - angry reassurance she is FINE because we all need her, an ‘i’m here to stay and looking hot’ pic and profile change and then a night of tweeting every fart that comes into her head.
I don’t think she got the response she wanted from flashing her tits
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I steal names

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I'd say she's unbelievable, but we all expected this.

So Jack, you don't get to buy Smeg fridge freezers, multiple Cotswolds sideboards, have fun weekend trips on the sleeper train, in a lovely apartment in an expensive area, say you can reliably afford any vet bills for a disabled animal, and had thought long and hard about this before taking it on... and then a few weeks later come out with the begging bowl. You don't get to do this without being called out on it. Some people in this country are in real dire straits, if you need a more reliable income, you have to swallow your pride and look for a job.
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I’m going out in a bit so posting new thread now as I’m BUSY. Now fuck off. Thankyou ❤
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Lily Allen would be a perfect candidate for the portrayal of Jack! Who else could pull off the eight-octave singing range?!
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I'm in slow labour with a partner stuck abroad waiting for a Troop flight that's been cancelled three days in a row (fucking IDS loving RAF 😂).

I'm so pleased that she's on one because, honestly, reading here is the only time I don't feel utterly consumed with anxiety. I really can't deal with looking at her Twitter, I think it might all seem even madder posted in segments on here because I don't seem to have any idea what is going on with her but y'all are just too funny ❤


ETA: the illegal gif posting is my favourite. I like imagining your naughty faces as you decide to go for it.
Eeeek it’s exciting! All the best for the rest of your labour ❤ We’re on hand to help you with names - Jack can be either a male or female name 😉
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Chatty Member
I just don't get how so many people fall for her crap. Pateron numbers are well up just at the start of the month when they always fall.

These people are not helping her, just enabling jack to do fuck all work and make money for existing. That's 2 recipes jack has posted on her blog since march, both easy unorginal recipes cobbled together with a basic photo. That's 2 hours work, where was the thousands of other hours🕵️‍♀️

Sorry for repeating so much, back to reading the start of this thread 😅
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Sorry to requote myself but i left it too late to edit!!
The similarity of the narrative too...
SB 'snarfed' that vile bowl of slop she gave him before her Edinburgh jaunt. Remember how he 'begged' for more and she'd made enough in the slow cooker for 3 days? They 'gorged' on the stew and shared dinner.
Gorged snarfed scarfed greedy goblin inhaled ...over on Instagram she's saying she's eaten hundreds of soleros. She wants to eat cheese with a spoon. She says she ate mayonnaise from the jar. She ate a packet + of biscuits in one evening in edinburgh. Really? Something is just off about all of this beyond being plain naff. I don't like how she writes about food. All rings false. A bit tinny sounding. Especially combined with all the thinspo bikini shots.
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Jack's lies have always been astounding but somehow this latest stunt seems even worse. I think it is the sheer gall she has, she can't even wait a decent period for people to forget about her expensive Edinburgh trip before she is on the beg again. Mind you that will be what the mass delete going back three months will be about. All that evidence of expensive furniture, clothes, trips, pets, appliances, rental property and so much more is gone. Such a pity there are receipts eh Jack? She is guilty of fraud now, I always thought the kickstarter was fraud too, am amazed she got away with that. I don't think she is declaring everything to the taxman either. She really needs a harsh life lesson to jolt her into reality. There would be a delicious irony if her family really did disown her and she had to rent a small flat and work a zero hours contract in a real job. Then she would know what burnout feels like, then she would understand why people who have no energy or time want to cook from scratch at the end of a shift let alone rinse beans. She needs to live her fiction for real, only then might she learn some humility and be cured of pathological lying and begging. She might even develop empathy for those in our society without privilege, you know those BLM women writing her book or the genuinely poor people who are stuck in poor housing with a low income and very little chance of progression. Even healthcare and education are a privilege in the UK and Jack has had the full benefit of both. She has no clue but plenty of audacity.
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This infuriates me sorry but you do not get PTSD from being short on cash for a year and using a food bank. It’s a total insult to people you have experienced genuine trauma in their life and really do have the condition. No longer functional???!! She went on jolly to Scotland ??! Told us shes been working 19 hours days for weeks now it’s she’s been sleeping and laying in bed for 20 hours a day for weeks . How people lap up this constant bs is beyond me😡🤬
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And in that note, here’s a post a did a while back with some screenshots from Mumsnet of someone explaining how they think Jack’s income works. It’s quite eye-opening. (Hope the link works.)
God, you know, I wish there was some sort of retweet function here, where we could make things public without coming off like trolls in her mentions. PEOPLE NEED TO KNOW THIS!!
Also, lol, has she taken out the 'recipe testing' bit of her Patreon? The bit that we were all like "WTF, usually you PAY people to do this, not the other way round" about? Hi Jack 👋. You're a terrible person. Take responsibility for yourself instead of preying on some of the most vulnerable in society, of which you were never one. Wake up to yourself, you despicable piece of shit. Bye now 👋
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But Jack claimed when she got the kitten and people were warning she'd not get care on insurance that she'd checked out everything and she could handle it financially!
Someone, anyone, has got to ask her how she went from doing comfortably enough to be fine with taking on the kitten to more outgoings that incomings and being incredibly stressed about it a few weeks later (after a jolly on the sleeper). Surely this cannot be going unnoticed by many of her followers, particularly the cat obsessed ones of which there were quite a lot. Come on followers, ASK HERRRRRR
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Fraus....I am grunka-ing and lunka-ing but as I go through I just want to say I am heartbroken by all your stories here but also awash with admiration for you all, how kind you are to each other, how supportive you are and how you have all pulled through and carried on.....I found myself very triggered in the last couple of days...everytime I think back to my situation it brings a sensation of bile rising up to my mouth and one particular narrative of St Jackie made me want to hurl my phone at the wall instead of nodding along blindly thinking she too had suffered something similar...anyway I digress...but like others I came here to see what terrible people you were after her woeful bemoaning that you were out to destroy her with terrible lies and spite....I read through ready to challenge any one of you but what I found was a warm community of people who had a great laugh... offered much sensible scepticism, actually opened my eyes (and made me say Holy Fuck ...a lot) and above all cared about not only everyone here but people they'd never met being sucked in and ripped off and in some cases even about Jack herself.....tonight's latest feat really does take some believing....god knows what the next ten pages hold....

As an aside Lily Allen would play Jack....I think she was originally in line for the TV screenplay that got dropped

Her book will be shameful drivel about a down and out chef....left by a string of rich fiances, struggling to make it on her own until she becomes a detective and saves the world singlehandedly

She may yet release an album/move to France and channel her inner Celine

Hold out hope for the fans....more appear here everyday....this latest meltdown will be her undoing if she doesn't reign it in/get an intervention.

And finally if she's not courting a new love interest/showing L what she is missing I reckon she might actually be going for a mag cover/photo shoot with the pics!!

Right enough sentimental rubbish...I might start sounding like Jack! Off to grunka again!
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