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These have been edited slightly since she came on Tattle, but here's what you get (or don't get because she's not very good at sending stuff out):

View attachment 198906

View attachment 198907
Ah this Patreon intro makes me feel really uncomfortable tbh. The first para in particular. Should an employed adult with a substantial public platform really be asking for help in “keeping my larder stocked”? And how does the Patreon help in “keeping other people’s larders stocked”? Does she use the money to go out and buy food for people who can’t afford it? If so, would it not be cleaner and better simply to redirect those donations direct to Crisis orTrussel Trust?
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At the risk of... triangulating myself.... Ian Rankin used to pop in to a bookshop I worked in, several years ago. We often had authors coming in to promote their books....the majority were lovely, but some were horrendous pompous twats. Needless to say, Ian was adorable and chatty. The authors didn't get paid to attend, but some seemed absolutely horrified to be talking to a mere 25 people sipping warm wine on rickety chairs. Some even turned up roaring drunk. I just can't imagine Jackie doing anything for nothing.....
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"oh I really really am" ( having a shit time). Oh fuck off. I remember the legendary Ally Ross comparing a contestant on Love Island who got the boot (" Just devastated. I don't know how I'll get through it. The worst time of my life"), to the words of an elderly man who had been at Dunkirk during ww2 :( "well, it was a bit of a rum do").
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Chatty Member
Ah no to be fair to her she can’t rely on YouTube earnings as she was going to donate a big chunk of that to BLM causes.

Which she’s probably, definitely already done.
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Chatty Member
There are NO words.

I’ll clear something up about the job retention scheme/government grants though. Not wanting to stick up for her but its highly unlikely she would have been eligible for a grant as you have to pay business rates and if she did apply for the second round of special grants then she’d have to prove her business had been directly adversely affected by coronavirus.
Furlough: directors can only furlough themselves IF they are doing no work for the company (except for the legal requirements) and only if they’re being paid through PAYE and not dividends. She has worked throughout this period so would be ineligible to claim for herself through furlough. If she’s self employed then again she needs to declare that she’s been unable to work.

It’s very clear that Jack has raked it in through lockdown, even if the twits on Twitter can’t see that.
If she genuinely was burnt out, I’d have sympathy but burnt out people don’t swan off to Edinburgh at the drop off a hat. Neither do people on the breadline. Also, if she pays herself the living wage (based on 40hrs a week) then her house is valued in excess of £650k. That does not a shitty bungalow make. (Also monthly rent on a house is normally more than a mortgage payment so she’s paying a fair amount to live there)

All her “I can’t afford to move somewhere cheaper, it costs a lot to move” chat is confusing when that sentence comes from someone who has moved over 23 times 🙄
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Have not grunka’d the last pages of the last thread so apologies for any repetition fraus, but something I’ve noticed and a reason I find her so annoying on Twitter is her tone- it’s v technicallyRon/caitlin Moran 2009 jolly jolly pretend twitter is a pub bs and I hate it
ETA I hate it beyond the lies that have been pulled up and uncovered thread after thread
Yes! This. But also have you noticed there are two different twitter personas. For the blue tickets it’s jolly jolly Caitlin Moran, let’s all have lunch at the Groucho media buddies. For the Jackolytes it’s more highly vulnerable, melodramatic,prickly Angelina Jolie in Girl Interrupted type thing.
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As she posted a picture of her son last night, I’m assuming he is currently with her, which makes her all night twittering and self described ‘sitting all day in the sun with nothing but factor 50’ and reading a whole book in a day all the more sad. For him. Obviously we don’t know how much of that is true but her life just seems so self centred.

If I spent the whole night awake on Twitter I certainly wouldn’t be able to give my best self to my child, I’d be snappy and irritable and tired all day!
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I believe she is just fine. She plays on the "I'm mad, me" thing. Her asking for advice on the latest suspected breakdown/illness is exactly as a previous poster said, collecting info to use to her credit. She's a lazy POS who never wanted to work. She used her son as an excuse to leave her job in the fire service. You're telling me that with Daddy being one of the bigwigs there she couldn't swing a schedule to fit around her childcare? Bollox. Surely big bad JM would've taken them for unfair dismissal if they had tried to discriminate against a single mother and forced her to resign? She wanted money and a house to be handed to her on a velvet cushion. Now she's acting like she's gonna be back on the benefits soon and how traumatic it could be for her? It's truly laughable. What's your alternative then, Jack? Oh yeah! Steal money from people, including vulnerable and ill people that you've collected on your Twitter following? Also, with her many many allegedly diagnosed illnesses wouldn't she qualify for some kind of disability living allowance these days? Or is that means tested? Because then she certainly wouldn't qualify.
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Chatty Member
Okay so Hellman’s paid at least 10k and I assume the BBC paid similar if not more? So that’s 20k for a couple of months work? Plus a book launch/sales and she could have done a few writing commissions too - it’s not like she hasn’t had the time. So in a few months she’s easily earned almost the average UK salary? (I think it’s 26k and it’s just an average so I think median would be more interesting to know - she’s probably a lot higher paid than that?)

Anyway, there’s also some personal responsibility that needs to be accounted for too. My boyfriend and I own our own home and he earns more than double than I do. We both pay half the mortgage and it’s an amount that if he died or left or whatever I would still just about pay the whole mortgage. I don’t know about Southend but from other posters’ knowledge she didn’t need to choose to live in such a fancy area, she didn’t need to live in a three bed house if her earning are so precarious.
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It’s not impossible, it’s hard but plenty of genuine single parents have to do it.
Those single parents, mostly mums but also some amazing single dads too, are doing it on their own completely.
If I look at my office there are a couple of girls who have kids and they are on their own and doing brilliantly at their careers as well as being awesome as parents.
A couple don't have the solid family background like Jack
Because we are all on the same payscale i can guesstimate how much they earn and it aint anywhere near what Jack earns
For various reasons the fathers aren't in the picture and they don't get the financial and childcare help that Jack does by having the dad around
A couple of them have second jobs (one barmaids on a weekend and swaps childcare with another girl in the pub) another freelances in bookkeeping and ploughs away at spreadsheets when her kids are in bed.
They are all doing amazingly well and slogging away to make their (and their kids) lifes better.
So you can fuck off Jack, you really can

(told you she'd got to me tonight!!!)

The shrieking and wailing up the stairs at 4am did it for us with our lodger. Every time somebody didn't worship her/beg her to date them after she'd gone on about how awful her life was (and it was a damn sight worse in her past, even though we repeatedly heard completely different versions in public). Well, that and the trip to Edinburgh Fringe for a week (performer, allegedly) where she came back and thought she didn't have to pay rent because she wasn't here and was 'too skint' to pay for the rest of the month, either.

She does the SM begging. Lots of 'a man verbally abused me on the train because I don't conform', 'I've been made homeless AGAIN, why does this always happen to meeeee?' (erm, because you smell, you don't pay the fucking rent, you buy multiple electronic devices and clothes and travel abroad, you've run out of places to have tattooed because you like them when you can't afford them, you threaten violence in lieu of 'humour', talk about both men and women in revolting objectified ways, you deliberately had the worst of your tattoos because you didn't want to get a normal, boring job ever, you target vulnerable people, especially men, and come out with the most homophobic shit imaginable for somebody who now makes a living out of being queer/NB and you fetishise violence?).
um was Jack Monroe your lodger?
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What astonishes me is the amount of people who are answering with serious relies to these questions not realising at all that she has not one iota of interest in what they have to say as she is only interested in herself and getting the attention she craves
Loads of them are the same type as she is. All falling over themselves to tell their own ailment tales hoping for some vaildation from their idol
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I’ve never managed to read all these threads from the beginning so just started reading #1 (I have housework to do so need something to procrastinate with) and I notice that there are 2 months between page 1 and page 6 as opposed to about 2 hours these days....
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Silver Linings

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TWO patreon plugs and a ready made excuse that they’ll get sweet fa for funding the next jolly jaunt she goes on. Scum.
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Seriously, she should be careful here. Scrounging money from people less well off than you are is not a good look, especially when you’re living in a pretty fancy house, have had some lucrative gigs recently (DKL and Hellmann’s), and have documented on Twitter several large recent items of expenditure (the Smeg, all those sideboards, the trip to Edinburgh - £300+ on a single sleeper ticket FFS!).
And Jack should think about this - I know her blind spot is that no one has ever had it worse than her. So she may not see (or maybe she doesn’t care) that some of the Patreon subscribers may genuinely be worse off than her.
It doesn’t help that she’s not updated her Patreon for ages so it still talks about contributing so that Jack can buy groceries.
If the press or the wider public were to pick this up, it could be a real shitstorm for her, particularly when a lot of people are facing genuine job and financial insecurity due to the pandemic.
Luckily for Jack, the press don’t really know who she is. But they do like stories about minor celebs and Instagram types ripping people off.
Slightly OT but the bbc did a piece this morning about influencers, ripping people off on Instagram, wonder if there is a way to shine a light onto Patreon ?
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