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Honestly sat here catching up just shaking my head in shock, what a load of bollocks this whole thing is.

She's spent money like mad this lockdown, how has it come to this? Dog whistling (not sure if that's the right use of the word?) about poverty & universal credit on Twitter after she's been bought a Smeg & gone on holiday? Is she maaaaad??
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Perhaps she read the blurbs 🤣
When I am in reading form, I can read a decent sized book in about two days. It means I often read into the wee hours and wake up before the kids. I am not a massive telly fan so I read instead( in my child free, housework free evenings)
all reading is completed fully clothed.
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Exactly! It's common sense to do this. I had to give up my job in the Police due to ill health, to cut a long story short, my Son and I now live in a tiny little Council flat but it's glorious! I feel safe as it's a secure rental, it's so homely.....I sold a lot of expensive stuff to get by. As a parent you have to forget that pride and do what's right. Kids don't know if they're in a 2000 pcm home or 200 pcm as long as they're happy. Jack needs to swallow her pride, make some serious cuts and stop begging online for more insecure income. Happy Sunday everyone. Love reading your comments.
I notice no one on her Twitter thread is telling her If she is at risk of homelessness, she needs to go down the council and see the homelessness prevention officer.

For a working class urchin and expert on poverty, she really has no idea how desirable a secure council/housing association tenancy is to so many people. She genuinely thinks she deserves a lovely house nowhere near the poor as a reward for all the hard work she has put in as a poverty campaigner.

Just waiting for the justification why she can't move into a small terrace in town. Oh, of course she has STALKERS - that's why she didn't want anyone to know where she was staying in Edinburgh.
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She’s asking for advice. Can we lay a bet on how long it will take before she turns on people offering advice?
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I know who you mean.

Didn't take kindly to a comment about removing protected species from the wild as part of her 'work', either.
She annoys me intensely, I unfollowed her on Twitter and she did a 'you seem to have accidentally unfollowed me' dm. What a tool!
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She’s so tone deaf to what current, real poverty is.

As said upthread she confidently stated she had ready funds to sort out the kitten’s surgery and then did a flit to Edinburgh spunking at least £600 over the course of 4 days.

She’s a con artist and gives zero fucks about who is giving her money, what an example to set to her Son.
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Ugh. UGH. She is unscrupulous. All you fraus have already said everything with incredible eloquence and righteous anger. This is such a cathartic space ❤

One thing I do want to point out is her ridiculous insistence that she does pretty much everything for free. WHAT exactly has been for free? She's been paid for her shit presenting gigs - just cos audiences didn't buy a frigging ticket doesn't mean we didn't pay through our TV licences/internet contacts. If she's referring to her website then it's a piss poor show - barely a handful of new recipes in the past few months and girl, ain't nobody making that ridiculous banana ketchup. Now it seems like she's reposted a 'greatest hits' - the haute cuisine peach curry as the crowning glory and then a bunch of her political polemics. This isn't working for free - this is the bare fucking minimum and she's clearly hoping to snag a few more precious patreon subs by harking back to when she used to be relevant. FUCK fuck off!
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I can't quite find the words, that's absolutely shocking! Trying to make someone lose their job for the crime of disagreeing with someone's hard to fathom the level of spite required for that.
That’s what’s currently known as Cancel Culture. It’s vile and is sadly very commonplace now. It’s what happened in the USSR and East Germany at the beginnings of certain periods and it’s very scary that is becoming a thing in 2020.
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Chatty Member
Well goodness me.

As a tenacious and dedicated social climber, I bet she'd bloody love to be in the HoL. Plus the captive audience of course.

And the reason Jamie Oliver gets asked about food is because he's made it his lifes work. Not to mention his food is (generally) accessible, reasonably easy to prepare and tastes good.
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Morning Fraus. I had another Jack dream where initially I was the only one who could see through her lies then it all unravelled....again I need to not read these threads before bed!

I find the emotional/financial manipulation galling. Initially you think ‘this person is really unwell/having serious mental health issues’ and feel uncomfortable seeing it play out so publicly but then I’m just left feeling like it’s all one big act to illicit money out of people and none of it (as in all the burn out tweets etc) has any shred of truth to it. Am I being heartless?! Or is it a case of the boy who called wolf?

I get why there’s been no expose of her lies/manipulation by the mainstream press as really I guess she’s a bit of a nobody/a has been so little traction for them. The thing I struggle with is, I don’t get how her ‘fans’ don’t see through this all? I get that to the casual observer they just see snippets, don’t see the mass deletions so may be a bit more taken in by it all. But from the screenshots shared here and a quick look at her twitter (just observing) some certainly appear fairly fanatical even sycophantic towards her yet overlook the obvious - in one breath she’s read what 40 books over the last 2 weeks but at the same time has been sleeping 20+hrs (or whatever it was) and staring into space with no ability to do anything - how do they not see the blatant contradictions. Let alone the trip to her motherland Edinburgh amongst other things? It’s like she wants to cosplay at having a break down and using her devoted fans to enable her by telling her how she should be feeling and then topping up the piggy bank. It just so flippant and makes a mockery of people who genuinely do go through breakdowns etc. It’s just left me feeling really icky that a grown woman gets away with this behaviour.

Sorry Fraus I know a lot of this has been said before but I’m just so gobsmacked at this latest stunt.
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<insert gif of Ron Weasley* saying "bloody hell" >

The sense of entitlement! I do understand that she doesn't want to move again, but surely she has to admit that she cannot maintain this lifestyle. I do not like to mention her son unnecessarily but she's opened the door by saying she doesn't want to uproot him again. I am sure a 10 year old would rather move somewhere more affordable so his parent could be mentally healthier. Kids are so resilient, and if you frame something in a positive way they are usually pretty accepting to change (obviously this is not all kids, but even so a parent's mental health is more important than a brief upset)

*I love Ron Weasley

@LennyBriscoe your post yesterday (?) was really moving. Sending ❤
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Crime in progress, gullible people being fleeced all over the internet

@LennyBriscoe and @Harrybosch (actually where is Bosch, haven’t heard any soft jazz noodlings for ages?), can’t you just proceed in a southerly direction to the shitty bungalow in Thorpe Bay and apprehend the perp? Take down the particulars in your tiny notebooks, put her in front of a Grand Jury?

Apologies, my entire knowledge of any legal system is any of the Law & Order franchises, plus a few Judge Judy gifs, so I may not have grasped the minutiae required for a solid arrest here. But at the risk of sounding like Miss Marple, I’m quite convinced this is taking money under false pretences.

I’m currently in the process of putting things in place for my elderly parents who’ve suffered a couple of very believable phishing and vishing attacks, so am feeling pretty angry at what’s been playing out this evening 😡😡😡😡😡

The Fraud Act (2006) makes interesting* reading in this context

* I mean, interesting is subjective obvs, at this point on a Saturday night with a couple of glasses of wine and half a bag of Wispa Bites inside me— “Share Bag” my arse...
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I get the feeling Jack doesn't really like poor people. Like, maybe they're a bit... Common?
Yep, that's why she's never gone for social housing and stuck to expensive private lets in nice areas. She's a middle class woman who briefly fell on hard times at the right time and got the opportunity to monetise it.
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If Jack Monroe has read 40 books in 2 months, I’ll eat my straw hat.

Hello @Bookweevil, do you have access to Twitter? There seems to be a kind message from an interplanetary body for your attention 🪐

How does she have the time?
Maybe she counts each thread as a book?
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Not Now Bernard

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Oh dear God, she's going to write a crime novel isn't she?
Going by previous promises it will be a BLM themed crime novel for children...
Let me guess - the main protagonist will be a plucky food expert with a rags to riches origin story. 🧐
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