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She's acting as though she spent an idyllic childhood in Cyprus before she was dramatically exiled to Southend. Double mention of lemons fresh from the tree too, interesting for someone so invested in not actually ever cooking with them.
It’s fucking with my head that I gave that up = non white british identities are increasingly monetisable post BLM so let’s jump on that bandwagon and get some new work in lads!

How is she not mortified to post that Louisa left suddenly? That suggests she was too scared or traumatised to have a full on conversation about what was going on, which reflects really fucking badly on Jack. Maybe keep that hush hush hun.
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I agree that it is a little harsh for Jack to read should she choose to seek this thread out
I made the suggestion for the thread - and I totally see why some of you think it's harsh. I have some sympathy for Jack, because she's unhappy within, but she lies. And if you lie to people, it's hurtful and you are showing them no respect. The way she talks to people online - the aggression - is really bad. So, yes, it's harsh - and I'm sure some of you are warmer towards her than me - but she's a grown woman who has chosen to live online. She can't control everything.
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Here it is, her justification for Patreon straight from Jackie’s mouth on her infamous appearance on thread #31 She admits she’s not poor anymore, no Shit Sherlock, but states as she’s not ‘financially secure‘ erm most fecking people aren’t FFS😡 and we ALL know there’s no magic pot as we all go out and earn a living, knowing that we’ll never be financially secure, because unless you win the bloody lottery (or I suppose have a Patreon account😉) people don’t ever really feel financially secure. Her middle class values shining out here!View attachment 191878
This is SO ridiculous? No one has financial security unless you’re lucky enough to be born into a family with a plethora of wealth that can confer that to you, like Jackie....... Like she takes absolutely no responsibility for herself? Save up an emergency fund that covers 6 months of outgoings & close your fucking Patreon. Like every other comfortable middle class person in this country does?! I’d suggest an emergency fund takes priority over nice home bits tbh 🥴

The thing that drives me mad is how entitled she is?! When we were buying this house our only expense was... the house. Even now my biggest expense is... the house (until end of next week when phase 2 is done wohooo). We have nice stuff but that all came after we were in and secured our bases, eg after we’d bought all the white goods / boiler’s been serviced / security system installed. Does she expect all of these things to just fall in her lap?!

Whoever said she expected the keys to a house at 21 is so, so right.
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Yes. It reminds me of the noise people make when they're constipated and trying to empty themselves out - there's a lovely mental image for you all.
Late, but I am hand rearing a poorly piglet (not disabled or in a sling) and I thought we were losing him after a good recovery and he was just concentrating on a big poo. That noise describes it perfectly!
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Why is she still blaming literally anything on being (undiagnosed) autistic or ADHD?


“I spilled a drink because I’m autistic”
“I made horse spunk because I’ve got ADHD”
“I have 90 billion emails because of ADHD”
“I’m fangirling Taylor Swift because my ex will hopefully read this and come running back when I say the lyrics are just like us because I’m autistic”

It’s absolutely vile to people who genuinely suffer from these things.
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I'm so sorry you went through this moobelle, and i am glad things are better for you now. My mum is a narc too, so I relate v strongly.
I think jack's mum's posts give me an uncomfortable feeling for that reason. I see them as passive agressive and unpleasant, because that is what i expect from my own mum, whereas others may see them and feel bad for her, as their experience is that mums are loving.
thanks @spirals and a cyber hug thrown your way x
Agree with this 100% i always see snarkiness and sarcasm in almost every kind of written message. Text/email/posts. It's because everything ever said/done by my NM was meant to be cruel so it's taken the past 20 years to unlearn. Most daughters of NM are hardwired like this (and it is overwhelmingly Mothers to daughters, although other Narc parent/child relationships occur) It is why i don't understand practical jokes or a lot of banter. It doesn't compute that these things are meant to be good natured or funny. I spent over half of my life only hearing bad things about myself.
I'm lucky in that friends and colleagues are aware and are quite kind. I have no contact with pretty much my entire birth family, which is common in survivors of Narc abuse. Also common is the skill of picking up on Narc traits in people. Its a survival skill due to my ptsd.

One of the reasons i LOVE this forum is not just because everyone is so lovely and supportive, its because you all see things like i do. I don't mean you are all Narc survivors or have ptsd!!!! I mean that you can all see through the bullshit of people like JM. I've spent years saying 'but she is a complete twat though' and no one else agreeing. I found Tattle through the SH meltdown and eventually ended up here. THIS IS MY HAPPY PLACE!! They are all like me!!! I cannot stress enough how wonderful it is for someone with my way of thinking to be accepted in a group.

Thank you Fraus xx

I'm sorry for being so serious again! Will go and have a cuppa and come back later to normality x
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Just in case anyone doubts the sophistication of the Grange Hill flick.
I had a mate who had hair like that when I was in my teens. He would get on the bus to town with rollers in and I would brush it out and put tons of Elnett hairspray on it. He was known as Farrah, after Farrah Fawcett. Between him and Kenny in his Chinese dress, it's a wonder we didn't get more abuse, but people just thought we were trendy and a bit strange. Gender bending was all the rage! As I said gender non conforming is not a new thing at all.
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That Patreon thing. Boy. She is fucking scum, mate. Not financially secure? Are you taking the piss? Most people arent, you fucking clown.

She is a middle class, spoilt, self entitled little runt who is insanely blind to her privilege.

That has fucked me off so much. How can anyone be so fucking insensitive yet act like a saviour!? YOU ARE NOT A WHITE KNIGHT FOR THE POOR. Fuck off. Cunt.
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She's acting as though she spent an idyllic childhood in Cyprus before she was dramatically exiled to Southend. Double mention of lemons fresh from the tree too, interesting for someone so invested in not actually ever cooking with them.
Oh ffs it's Edinburgh all over again. Jack you're English, get over it.
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Been a bit of a shitty week, husband is out at his first night in the pub since February so I decided to clear out some of the recordings we have on Sky Q. Came across the infamous This Morning, raw pasta, invisible chicken malarkey. Just watched Eamonn’s face. Made me hoot up a lung. I’d have given anything to be a fly on the wall during the ad break 😂
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I'm not sure if this was posted earlier, but just in case:

View attachment 191256
She added that last bit in! Hiya, Jack! Or should I say Chaz (speculation)?

Mavens? This is a new word although I'm not sure if she knows what it means...

Wikipedia says: "A maven (also mavin) is a trusted expert in a particular field, who seeks to pass timely and relevant knowledge on to others in the respective field."

Does that mean we're trusted experts in the field of Slopology? I suppose she knows that deep down, we know her true colours a lot better than her Jackolite fans.

Moreover, if it's not a subtweet, why did you choose a quote about a partner leaving? #SheLeft
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Instagram Stories just now:

View attachment 191578
once again....SHITTY BUNGALOW?!! let us discuss.....

Bungalow....means no upstairs. So no upstairs landing? I know you can have an extension/conversion to a bungalow to put a couple of bedrooms in, but surely to God you would stop referring to your house as a bungalow? BECAUSE IT NOW HAS AN UPSTAIRS YOU INSUFFERABLE CUNT

also...Room on the landing for a chair and a library? A fucking library?!!!! I live in a non-bungalow everyday 3 bed semi and there isn't room on the landing for the dirty clothes my children discard on a daily basis let alone a bookshelf and some hipster bastard chair.

Argh. She is boiling my piss big time tonight. Probably because of my earlier posts triggering a lot of angst and tears (i zoomed my therapist and feel better )

Also, I have had some wine....
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She's acting as though she spent an idyllic childhood in Cyprus before she was dramatically exiled to Southend. Double mention of lemons fresh from the tree too, interesting for someone so invested in not actually ever cooking with them.
“the goatherds”? Does she think she’s a character in captain corellis mandolin? Sweetie, Cyprus is a modern, bustling knowledge economy. They’re not all wearing traditional dress, roaming the mountains and playing the bouzouki.

On the breakup with Louisa. Does anyone think it’s coincidence that THAT MAN got his lockdown cooking programme, the one Jack woz robbed of, on C4, where Louisa is head commissioner? JO was unquestionably the right choice as he’s a national treasure and a reassuring presence in uncertain times. But maybe Jack blames L for not getting her the gig?

All airy fairy speculation m’lud. Jack obviously respects experience and highly values the principle of fair play.
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Why does her language around food set off red flags for me? I don't have much experience of EDs in the sense of denying oneself food, more the opposite - have worked with a few people that ate to excess, sneaking foods, eating inappropriate foods etc. But the greedy/scoffing/snaffling/wolfing down/food coma type of terminology sometimes feels to me like someone protesting too much? Or am I reading too much into that? 🤔
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Here it is, her justification for Patreon straight from Jackie’s mouth on her infamous appearance on thread #31 She admits she’s not poor anymore, no Shit Sherlock, but states as she’s not ‘financially secure‘ erm most fecking people aren’t FFS😡 and we ALL know there’s no magic pot as we all go out and earn a living, knowing that we’ll never be financially secure, because unless you win the bloody lottery (or I suppose have a Patreon account😉) people don’t ever really feel financially secure. Her middle class values shining out here!View attachment 191878
The last couple of sentences are just complete *eyeroll* for me. "My experiences of poverty" - well, Jack, some people were actually brought up in poverty, ya know, years and years of it from which they will never escape, it's not really comparable to your wee stint on the phone to housing benefits which lasted maybe 18 months and which you'll use as an excuse for the rest of your life as to why you think it's fair to hoard your own money (much of which you get on the back of those very people) in case of a rainy day.
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So defensive always! And if course she made the original commenter feel guilty and like they need to apologise 🙄🙄

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